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No shit neighbor, the one that came out after the manga finished and didn't have to come to an abrupt out of nowhere ending is obviously better

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There's an assumption there the manga actually had a good ending:marseyno:.

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At least it made sense and didn't just make some random bullshit up

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It's a fictional story. It's all made up:marseysipping:.

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Yeah, but good stories usually tie up story lines, and create satisfying endings for the characters, or at least the plot.

They don't abruptly end on some shit that was literally pulled out of some guys butt.

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Serious answer. Stop being so concerned about the plot when the plot is generic and bare bones. It terms of being "nonsense" 2003s story isn't particularly more nonsensical than Brotherhood. At this point, I have to assume it's a meme that someone started in favour of FMAB that just kept going till now.

And if you actually look at stuff beyond plot like themes, animation, aesthetic, score, etc...FMAB comes up way inferior.

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Cope cute twink, no one like the shitty abridged version with the goofy fake ending, there is a reason brotherhood is more popular lol

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Yes, the original is GOT levels of bullshit that makes 0 sense

https://files.catbox.moe/ginbgb.jpg 学习雷锋好榜样忠于革命忠于党爱憎分明不忘本立场坚定斗志强立场坚定斗志强学习雷锋好榜样毛主席的教导记心上全心全意为人民共产主义品德多高尚共产主义品德多高尚

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It wasn't any more confusing than the Brotherhood for me:marseyshrug:.

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I heard from somewhere that every time a newshit popular anime comes around fmab-cels review bomb it so it stays at the top of some made up internet ranking or something.

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Yes, and that's a good thing. The show that finally dethroned it was Interspecies Reviewers, which wasn't an ecchi show, it was just hentai. Modern weeaboos are a s*x cult a la furries.

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>Synopsis: In a world where many different humanoid species exist and prostitution is legal, there exist various brothels for each kind of species with "succu-girls" (サキュ嬢, Sakyu-jō), who have succubus blood running through them. As each species has different opinions on how each succu-girl works for them, various brothel visitors have become reviewers, rating their experiences with various succu-girls and posting them in the local tavern.


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I'm not actually surprised at the progression. My opinion on anime over the years(largely why I stopped watching).

  1. Anime is wish fulfillment but mostly focuses story and themes(no matter how shallow or dumb they're) while fan service is secondary.

  2. Then story and themes slowly started losing relevance to pure wish fulfillment and fan service.

  3. Now anime and anime fans are slowly dropping any pretense about wanting a story or theme and admit all of that exist to create fan service moments. Functionally no different than pornography.

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IIRC funimation (or was it crunchyroll?) pulled it from its streaming platform mid season

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Yes, on MAL(my anime list). Apparently, FMAB has been the top rated show on there for a long time because of review bombing.

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Yes, but also 99% of the stuff that gets high on that list is actual FOTM trash people vote 10/10 because it has a hot girl and it deserves to be review bombed

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Yeah they're all goyslop enjoyers. Star of shamballah literally MOGS brotherhood so hard it's embarrassing

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shambAllah (ﷻ)

Praise be.

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Do you have a learning disability?

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Nah you're.

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The 03 version is better than brotherhood imo

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The only thing it does better is everything canon before Hughes dies (and the funeral). But that's halfway through 2003 and like 1/6 the length of brotherhood. And maybe sloth being their mom as a twist. Brotherhood sloth is kind of a goofy afterthought but I liked the fight against him.

But seriously name one iconic moment from 2003 that wasn't in the manga.

There's so many from brotherhood, Ed swearing to Al's body he'll be back, wrath vs everybody, Al vs pride and kimblee, Briggs guys murdering the govt official and burying him in concrete, mustang vs lust, mustang vs envy, etc

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Both suck anyway

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Why not both?

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Yes, and?

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Frick you. Dog walkings great. Excellent way to make side cash and get exercise, and being able to immediately make any dog fall in love with you is a skill I use on a monthly basis.

Clearly you've never held true power. When the dogs at the dog park won't leave your side, no matter how many times their owners call them. When the girl you have a crush on's dog breaks free and makes a break for it, and in seconds its sitting at your feet refusing to budge.

"He normally doesn't like men" she says with a giggle. "I've never seen him so friendly. How'd you learn how to do that"

"I'm a professional dog walker" you say

"Ew.", she replies. "Yeah anyway I've gotta go, come on Cooper".

But Cooper won't budge. Cooper won't even look at her. Cooper only looks at you. Cooper is your dog now.

"Come on Cooper we have to go".

"He only loved you because you fed him" you say.

"What have you done to my dog".

"He's not your dog anymore. Maybe he never was".

"Fix him or I'm calling the cops.”

"Since when was getting him fixed a priority white girl"


"N.... never mind that's just a reference to a song"

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