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I'm 34 and i've never been into anime. Dabbled in DBZ as a child and collected the pokemon cards but always disliked it. Been hearing about NGE and how good it is for the past five years or so from random non anime nerd people I follow. So i decided to watch it with my GF who at least pretends to like anime. This was my idea so I wasn't like going into it expecting to hate it or anything.

The show fricking sucks. I'm on episode 14 over the past few weeks and I told her I'm done. She was still kinda interested but put up zero fight. It's incredibly boring and I don't even care to like look up how it ends or anything. Why is this so acclaimed? Is it really the best anime has to offer? Am I stupid and missing something?

Thanks for answering

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Used to be a big anime guy and Evangelion sucks. I don't even mean that in a contrarian way. It fricking sucks

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Ok good to know it’s not just me

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The entire anime industry is built off of a shitty side story in an inferior adaptation of a mediocre manga

Gaymers aren’t much better

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This is why I read manga :marseyfloch:

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I like manga but it's not much better, the storylines are all pretty similar

The only thing that's really gotten me excited recently was the Gundam 40th anniversary project where they got 6 different writers to create their own Gundam universes

Unfortunately just two of them are serialized so far and the first one they're doing is the most boring Gundam universe ever lol

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I agree :marseyyes: insofar as powerscale stuff but there's plenty of good stuff with actual reflections of the culture and society :marseyunabomber2:

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Shit I'm just pissed because I was looking forward to it being good

Still going to watch it though

What are some of your favorites then?

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Bakuon rettou (auto biographical manga)

The fable

Ichi the killer

Yomawari sensei :marseybowing: (real life night :marseytirigrkeaty: school :marseygrad: teacher/rehab school :marseygrad: memoirs illustrated)





Parasite in love




Tetsuwan girl

These are my favorite :mersya: non shonen/martial arts mangas

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It just might be

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When you watch it in middle school it’s 2 deep 4 you, but at this point I’d stick around to the end, if just to watch the movie, End of Evangelion, which has crazy visuals and great animation, even if the plot and symbolism was basically made up as the show was being aired by a Japanese coomer

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So am I just not connecting cause i'm an adult then? That makes sense i guess. They're short episodes so i'll prob finish. I just looked up how many I was expecting way further to go.

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No I just think I had lower standards as a kid cause hot girls and giant robots fighting aliens was awesome

I think collectively the internet grades anime on a curve cause there’s so many weebs

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Because p-dophiles like the 14 year old girl

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the annoying one or the mute

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That's the debate which has been raging for a generation

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they're both annoying af. the boy is too. I hate them.

the only person i like is bpd beer drinking lady. But only when she's a completely diff character at home

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Most people saw it when they were teencels so empathized with the boy, lusted after the girls, this is just the price of watching teencel content when you're an adult, find all the stuff meant to be relatable repulsive.

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I honestly didn't realize this was made for children though lmao. I guess i'm used to american cartoons (not that i've ever really been into those eihter) so with the risky subject matter (s*x drinking cursing) and a bunch of ADULTS reccomending it i really didn't make the connection lol

i feel dumb now though.

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there is also drunk slob mommy gf :marseymi#satohat:

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She's the only character i like when she's at home. The penguin pet is not funny and has too much screentime thouh.

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show sucks

I don't it's overrated per se it's just definitely over-exposed at this point. There's no way to map the memes and hype that you'll see online to the shows and movies that actually exist.

I'm not even a huge Eva fan I just think it's kind of fun to enjoy a cornerstone of early internet culture that still persists to this day.

best anime has to offer

The ending is legitimately trippy if you're not expecting it and I do think the Rebuilds are a fun watch in their own right. The best? Eh, at some point you may just have an aesthetic/cultural dislike of the genre of it's entirety but it's pretty hard to give an opinion without knowing what you like.

After HS my anime watching took a nose dive and I don't think you can really get into conventional, seasonal, anime at your age,

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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I'm not really an anime fan either but I think Cowboy Bebop is one of the few I like. Starts kinda slow tho and it's still an anime w/ anime tropes so I'd understand if you didn't want to watch it. Also I watched the English dub because I can't be bothered to read shit and the English voice acting isn't bad.

I've never seen NGE.

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Cowboy Bebop has some anime tropes, but I really liked it because the characters communicate with each other in a much more grounded way than in most animated shows. The music is also stellar

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maybe i need to look up what you mean by anime tropes cause maybe I'm just mad at the medium lmao

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There's nothing to get, it's just a Chinese guy really poorly explaining the plot and themes of Paradise Lost to you through one long, incoherent ramble, and he's doing it through a cartoon. People enjoy capeshit and this is just the 2deep4u version of that.

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I think this is why it's so famous. The fedora tier esotericism.

Also it's coomer bait.

Also, it's just a meme, really.

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Is it not Japanese? Lmao

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Counterpoint: I liked it

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I wish I was dumb enough to like it :(

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Nah but seriously, it's alright, not the most amazing thing. I like it because of the designs and some of the character angst speaks to you as a 14 year old.

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Should've watched FLCL instead :marseywholesome:

Also you're supposed to obsessively identify with the useless gay main character. That's why people like it. :marseyitsover:

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He fricking sucks so bad

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It's not actually good lmao. You actually believed the weebs? :marseyxd:

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It wasn’t weebs who kept talking about it. That’s why I gave it a chance.

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