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Just according to keikaku

(translator's note: keikaku means plan)

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one of the best animes up until L died

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Who can forget the fricking classic

Random criminals die of heart attack and unrelated deaths, b-word? It must be a fricking shmuck with a fricking godly death-book. I know this as a fricking 15yo neurodivergent detective with no occult experience or reason to believe or know any of these.

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You're telling me if a bunch of otherwise healthy criminals in a specific region started inexplicably dying of heart attacks immediately after their names and faces were published on the news, there wouldn't be a single soul on the planet that would think "Huh, that seems weird"? It didn't take a genius detective to notice something weird was going on. Light wanted everyone to know that these deaths weren't random.

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I think the first things that would be done would be checking every single person that could have contact with the killed and not wiretapping the room of a random 16 year old to check if he doesn't have a voodoo magic wand that can poof people out of existence

You really think they'd start suspecting random people ? Even if they couldn't find anything suspicious in the criminals closest vicinity and would suspect it of some black magic fairy tale powers the first in line of suspicion would be governments and foreign interference not a random loosely related kid son of a mid ranking policeman

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The first thing to do would be to give blood tests and cardiograms to every high case convict, and have them on cardiogram machines for a few days after they appear on the news. They'll detect immediately that there's no actual cause of the heart attack and -something- is going on. Next would be scanning for radio waves or any other form of radiation to see if it was a Havana Syndrome case of some new technology. After that then yes, supernatural explanations are what you'd go for, someone has the power to kill people after seeing them on the news.

What L did was what investigators would do next, play around with the news reports to see what information this guy needs and what time he's getting it, and use that to narrow down his location. If someone was lulled into a state of complacency over a few months, especially as an arrogant teenager, you could find him. Heck any r-slur with a deathnote notebook is probably just going to google search to find victims, he could be found literally by his internet history.

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  • Fresh_Start : Magic death notebook owner is not admissable in a court of law

Also just thinking about it, there was a missed opportunity in the later seasons for them to look into the guy Kira wrote to be hit by a truck right at the start. Kira was right there at the corner store just a few meters away. If they noticed later on after all the heart attacks that road incident seeming too contrived and sudden, being literal days before the first kira TV murder, looked into it, and found financial records of L's prime suspect purchasing something at that convenience store at that exact moment, he'd be fricked.

Things like that could've made the show more interesting. Where Kira was part of the investigation team and finding the dumb shit he did a the start coming back to bite him. The team filing court orders to see all financial transactions that happened on that street at that exact hour and pulling all available security footage, Kira going "oh frick oh frick" and rushing to blackmail some IT guy running the bank servers to crash everything and delete the records. There's so much ways the show could have close calls but it barely does at all.

Better that than L idk, playing tennis and overthinking "he knows i know he knows I know".

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Ultimately Kira got lazy by just choosing heart attack deaths, he could have gotten away with it if he switched around the causes of death.

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He wanted the psychological effect that it was like god smiting people so society behaved itself, but also on some level because he wanted to feel like he was wielding power. Just mostly give everyone a highly aggressive form of cancer and delay their death by a few months, and investigators will be too busy looking into idk, residual asbestos in prisons as the cause. Wouldn't make for a fun story though :marseyshrug:

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He didn't want people to think it was random or natural so they'd behave out of fear

He should've used the Death Note to summon a giant gorilla to crush people :donkeykongchestbeat: that would've been way more effective

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Would make a fricking tiny bit of sense if L knew about occult, even studied occult as a fricking jobby, and had a fricking bit of suspicion such a fricking thing exists.

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They got the clotshot :marseysad: death note was actually an allegory for covid and light is fauci

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I'm sure people would nootice but they'd probably assume it was a poisoning or a CIA heart-attack gun before magic haha

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That's my point exactly

They don't even study occult or paranormal

Imagine if the fricking cops conclude 3 random car crashes are fricking caused by a fricking bog witch and would start wiretapping her house.

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Whats your name again?

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Not to fed post, but I think the bigger question is why doesn't he just kill the bad country leaders? Start from the top you know?

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you don'T want to give people ideas

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Eh, they didnt seriously consider that until Kira assassinated Lind L Taylor on live TV. If Light had been smart enough, or morally consistent enough to not assassinate the investigators, they never would have caught him. But the story wouldn't be interesting without Light's flaws.

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Haven't watched it in years, but wasn't the point that he thought he was untouchable and godlike to the point of losing his shit when someone challenged him? He could hide it if he had to but he clearly had an ego. His death sniveling on the ground and crying was fun though. :marseydeathpose:

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Yep. He originally claimed he wanted a better world then quickly devolved into wanting to be a god. L insulted him and Light took the bait. But man, that investigation would have been impossible if Light had even an ounce of self control in that episode.

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Nah, if enough random people start dying for whatever reason we will notice it. Under natural conditions the amount of deaths in a time period follow certain statistical distributions and if we get a spike we can tell something has recently changed. It's bound to create a lot of interest in why the change happened.

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:marseyshrug: he's super smart OK

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Would have been better if they just finished at the peak when he died tbh

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a lot of animes suffer from this, where they hit the story's climax and then carry on rudderless for way too long.

i dont even remember much after L's death because it's so mid

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After L died they should have just had him go mad with power and finally get shanked by his Grim Reaper since he's no longer entertained by their spergout

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It's just a few episodes, really more of an extended epilogue. The structure is awkward, but I think it was necessary if they wanted to have L lose to Light, while also having Light lose in the end. He's smarter than everyone else, but he's not a god. He beats his nemesis, but he can't keep it going forever. Eventually he slips up.

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yeah, I hate to admit I agree. The garbage new characters set up the ending which was incredibly good

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It absolutely should have ended with L letting Light kill him to prove he was Kira

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death note was the first anime I've watched and I still remember when they added Near, total bullshit

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i hate Near so much its unreal

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Maybe this is why Byuu killed himself. He thought they were talking about him and not the character from Death Note.

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Sometimes they don't like the fricking original plot, or want to do something else, or want to redeem the fricking protagonist, and ruin it entirely


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i think it's just bad, inexperienced writers

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>no this shounenshit is different because

:soyjakwow#: :soysnootypefast#: :marseysoypoint#:

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It is. :marseyindignant:

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Then it fell off. It's peak weeb shit though, so you're a cute twink.

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Really? It was so :marseymid:, I gave up after episode 3.

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Honestly, it's too much teenage angst. Like neighbor just get laid. Stop being a cute twink tweaking out in your room, but no, that was the main character. And tortured by nothing serious. He was an absolute whiny cute twink, and a demon god could've shown him the way to get laid, but he was such a whiny cute twink that he never asked.

!anime, Death Note is a shit anime. Extremely overrated. At best a 5/10.

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:marseyagree:. It felt very uncool.

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!soyteens !coomers !commenters !anime

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Something is pathologically wrong with you :marseyxd:

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If you post on a website known as, there is something pathologically wrong with you anyways !metashit !dramatards

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>mfw I discover you're an unabashed BBC poster


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BBC is just one of many cowtools, blame whitey for making it the most effective. :marseyshrug:

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soymedia is legitimately suited for a thesis on symbols and symbology

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I'd love to see some social science phd try to take an earnest crack at it for the lulz


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if you have a vagina you could probably get it funded and start a grift career from that

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!commenters the song on this BBC Cobson video is Gangster Trippin by Fatboy Slim. A wigger classic


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Have soytoddlers generated any kino /soy/esque music already? Like one repeating cobson got dat bbc with a hiphop style or however works

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!soyteens any recent A24 slow-burn tanzanites? :cobsonpipe:

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The lawnmower man dvd is a nice touch

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post the full version next time

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"Meh I'll kill everyone obviously and then give the super mega weapon to a stupid neurodivergent lawyer"

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The most baffling thing about that show is how efficient the police is lmao

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Makes sense. L was fricking gonna run them out of a fricking job since he was fricking killing all the fricking criminals.

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Hey Light spell your last name backwards.


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Japan used to be an empire.


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  • Fresh_Start : Same thing that happens when daleks win a war

tbh I wonder what could have been of xem had xey conquered asia, would it have turned into a better shithole than what SEA is nowadays? I don't think you can expand much within the archipielago that is that nation, specially considering that even within the archipielago xey have minorities within it like the ryukyuan people and the ainus that are in the thousands now

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I know he couldn't kill people he couldn't see or know their name but he could like cause heart attacks to people driving or holding guns so some collateral damage could be done incidentally. He could've wrote, like

>That neighbor. Killed by extremely contagious neighbors I don't like killin' disease. Yeah you know the one, the one that kills neighbors I don't like and is spread to every person but again it only kills neighbors I don't like. AND NO IRONIC victims like my parents after a disagreement or something or myself when I'm feeling down. He's killed by the extremely contagious neighbors I don't like killin' disease

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I think one of the rules was that the method of death couldn't cause someone not written down to die

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But the extremely contagious neighbors I don't like killin' disease killing other neighbors I don't like is completely coincidental! They don't die at the same time!!! You're ruining my keikaku!!! :#chudtantrum:

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  • Fresh_Start : The Shinigami king would beat his butt for bending the rules

Don't have to kill people if you can turn them into deaf blind paraplegics (no rules against that iirc). It's if anything a fate worse than death.

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Good show!

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Supposed to be so smart but immediately kills the fricking first guy who shows up on live tv to challenge him.

They wouldn't have ever been able to catch him if he just didn't make that mistake.

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Up until the Lind L. Taylor incident and using his dad's police connections to kill undisclosed criminals, his mistakes were mostly understandable. After that? Killing the FBI agent was more desperate flailing than any measured plan, and if L wasn't neurodivergent Light would've been caught right then and there.

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It's heavily implied that L almost immediately clocked Light as the culprit; he just needed to prove it.

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Yeah he knew but his pride wouldn't let him consider it a victory unless he had it proven to the point they could arrest him

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Yeah, that's what I meant by neurodivergent: far more invested in the cat and mouse game, as well as his own idea of justice, than in stopping Kira.

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is pp asian? :marseynotes:

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I have pure Aryan blood running through my veins

:#marseyzwei: :#marseykaiser:

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I actually was meaning to upload this

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Light is the best example of how really smart people can still be fricking r-slurred

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Mfw I don't know shit about death note anime but frick keikaku, here's zweiramakaku

Translator's note - this zwei got the banhammer in the Battle of Leyte Gulf

@ObamaBinLaden say this as a feminist ally

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Boat, b-word? But (Keikaku means plan) :#marseyconfused:

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Good post

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I think Death Note was the last anime I seriously watched as a series and then just moved on.

It was interesting but holy shit the base was obnoxious af

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That's the whole point. The dude is a teenage megalomaniac narcissist who thought himself a god. Without that its boring, because he just succeeds without issue. Ironically, good shows like Money Heist are plagued by the cast being r-slurred. The intrigue in how the police get outsmarted and whats the next plan/distraction is infinitely better than "lol my r-slurred butt fricked up again"

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*keikaku means plan

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*the plan is cake

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walter white before it was cool

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