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Salaam alaikum brothers and sisters, I've been together with my wife (Mahiru Shiina from MILGRAM) for about a year, my beloved is a shia alawite while I'm a sunni muslim, it's never been a problem in our relationship up until now, but ever since the Assad regime in Syria has fallen, there have been cracks showing up between us. - /r/waifuism :marseyisis: :marseytaliban: :chudmuslim: :!chadjihadi: :heartbeat: :marseyhijab: :marseycatgirl:




Salaam alaikum brothers and sisters, I don't usually post on subreddits like these but I've been having a situation that requires me to ask for some proper advice.

I've been together with my wife (Mahiru Shiina from MILGRAM) for about a year, ever since her second trial music video has been released. I've been 100% loyal and have been eating no one else's rats since then, but we've had some differences these past few weeks for the first time in our relationship.

My beloved is a shia alawite while I'm a sunni muslim, it's never been a problem in our relationship up until now, but ever since the Assad regime in Syria has fallen, there have been cracks showing up between us. I was over the moon and celebrating all day since I heard Damascus has been liberated by rebels, however my SO doesn't seem to share my enthusiasm.

Mahiru expressed concern about how Shia's would be treated under the new government, which I admit, might be a valid concern, but I tried to tell her that no matter what happens, it can only go up from here. Mahiru disagreed strongly with me and reminded me of what happened to Iraq after the US invasion, and she mentioned her friend, Yuno, who belongs to the Assyrian orthodox church, who has been worried sick ever since the news came out.

Our argument became pretty heated and the word "Kaffir" slipped out of my mouth. I am not proud of it, but I can't take it back now. Mahiru was visibly upset by my careless comment and has refused to speak with me ever since. It's been a whole week since that argument and even though I apologized profusely, she still won't talk to me. I've been crying myself to sleep every night now that I have to wake up without my sweet Mahiru plush sitting right beside me.

My Imam has tolled me there are plenty of fish in the sea, and I should go out looking for a "real" relationship, but I don't want a "real" woman, I want Mahiru.

Does anyone have experience with this? Any advice is appreciated.

https://i.pinimg.com/736x/a1/49/b3/a149b38c08b68713f7f57c02a01326ad.jpg :#heartbeat: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/90/84/9a/90849ad533c5fb6ef7ceddd574831998.jpg !ummah !islam !anime !weebs !schizos

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quality thoughtful posts like this get ignored while "today is my waifus birthday" upmarsey bait gets to the front page SMH I hate Redditors

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>quality thoughtful posts like this get ignored while "today is my waifus birthday" upmarsey bait gets to the front page SMH I hate Redditors

:!#hesrightyouknow: /r/Waifuism has been a lolcow goldmine for a decade, it is a rare example of a still-active niche 2010s lolcow sub, I can even remember /r/JustNeckbeardThings raiding the sub circa 2015, which resulted in the reddit gigajannies telling the redditcels to stop harassing the WaifuARYANS :soysnootypefastgenocide: :gigachadglow: :marseyxd: !ranchers


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We should make a polygamy waifu post and hint strongly that you r*pe and beat them

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>We should make a polygamy waifu post and hint strongly that you r*pe and beat them


https://i.rdrama.net/images/17257619980176778.webp !mormons !trolls

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!misandrists this is why we must kill all men

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You act like there's just one reason.

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MILGRAM (ミルグラム Miruguramu) is an interactive music project created by DECO*27 and Yamanaka Takuya. The first teaser was released on April 17, 2020 and the first official trailer was released on April 27, 2020 on Youtube.

The project is divided into three trials. The teaser for The Second Trial was released on June 22, 2022. Currently, the release date for The Third Trial teaser is unknown.


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