Bocci the bait
Baki the anime is the story of World geopolitics

Think about it.

Yujiro Hanma is clearly the US.

Baki Hanma is China.

Momammad Ali is Japan

and Mohammad Ali Jr. is the European Union.

In the end Baki ( China ) fails too defeat the US but is powerful enough too change the worldview of Yujiro ( US ) thus gaining the respect of Yujiro.

In this manner Yujiro will always remain the strongest fighter ( World economy and global power ) in the world, but Baki is the indisputable number 2 for all time.

Pickle is obviously Africa, if it could just civilize itself they could easily destroy Yujiro ( The US ), but Africa is living too far in the past ( technologically and culturally regressed ) and is incapable of defeating Yujiro ( the US ) in current form.

Baki the anime is the greatest treatise on global geopolitics of the 21st century.

Doppo and Dorian are obviously Russia and Ukraine. Dorian ( Russia ) is only willing too fight those weaker than himself, fights that he is sure he will win. Doppo ( Ukraine ) was Dorian ( Russia ) underestimating its enemy and now in the end it will be beaten so hard it will become the little child of nation states.

This post rests on native land like the :marseytrain2: capital of the world, Singapore.

Weekly Anime Post 146

After performing my patriotic duty and pokemon went to the polls (I hope you did too !germs, this is literally the most important election ever and our last chance to save democracy and its all depending on YOU), it is now time to deal with actually important things: the weekly anime post.

This week I didnt watch that much, some more Bakemonogatari, but I interrupted that with Chainsaw Man.

Bakemonogatari is still fine, gonna keep watching, and Chainsaw Man was alright too, even though it felt like it ended before much really happened. But since a movie is coming out (and hopefully a second season too), Im not to bothered by that. Plus Makima is based, if it wasnt for the elections I would have put some dommy mommy pic of her as the header picture. Another thing the EU ruined amiright fellow boomers?!?

Anyway, thats pretty much it for this week, gonna keep watching Bakemonogatari and thought about watching 'Corpse Princess', not sure yet tho.


@Aevann pin pls

I'm cook3d, chat

I.might actually thrown up


Misato best girl, btw !weebs



this is cirno
Reported by:
  • dooky : Heavily :marseytrain: coded but then again all anime is
Lain is balling
Average JP translation site recommended list

!anime you have to read one which do you pick :p#epegun:

I go with its not cheating. I want to know the reason behind that name :marseyagree:


So, that last CSM chapter huh...

@Losercel @loli_esports

Shinji be simpin, dem gurlz be pimpin

Mufuggah cute twinks

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  • BWC : BIGGEST TRVTHNVKE OF THE DECADE :marseyoppenheimer: :soyjakcobson:

What was the most popular porn search term of 2022? According to Pornhub's latest report, it was hentai. This was also the most popular term last year, and it seems to be on the rise. So what is hentai, and why do so many people seem to be drawn to it?

Hentai has been defined as “a subgenre of the Japanese genres of manga and anime, containing overtly sexualized characters and sexually explicit images,” according to Pornhub. In other words, it's a form of cartoon porn.

Despite its seeming popularity, it's not something that has yet received much research attention, but I do have some data that can shed some light on the appeal of this porn genre.

How Many People Fantasize About Cartoon or Anime Characters?

In the survey of 4,175 Americans' sexual fantasies that I conducted for my book Tell Me What You Want, one of the things I asked people about was whether they had ever fantasized about cartoon or anime characters. What I found was that 27 percent of participants said this was something they had ever fantasized about before, with 4 percent saying it was something they fantasize about often.

So while a sizable number of people appear to have had hentai-related fantasies, it's a relatively small number who fantasize about it frequently. This is interesting to consider in light of hentai being such a popular search term. Fantasies that aren't extraordinarily common can show up disproportionately in porn searches because they aren't as readily available and people have to intentionally go looking for them.

By contrast, if you look at something like threesomes (a fantasy almost everyone has had at some point), it's not as high up on the search list, despite the fact that there's way more threesome porn out there. It's just a lot easier to find and is more prominently displayed on porn sites, reducing the need to search for it. I say this just as a word of caution to not read too much into the top search terms because they might not tell us as much about the prevalence of a given sexual interest as we might assume.

Who Has the Most Hentai Fantasies?

One thing I see in my data is that there are pretty sizable gender and sexual orientation differences in hentai-related fantasies:

  • 12 percent of heterosexual women have had this fantasy before, with 1 percent saying they fantasize about it often.

  • 27 percent of heterosexual men have had this fantasy before, with 3 percent saying they fantasize about it often.

  • 26 percent of lesbian and bisexual women have had this fantasy before, with 4.5 percent saying they fantasize about it often.

  • 39 percent of gay and bisexual men have had this fantasy before, with 8 percent saying they fantasize about it often.

  • 40 percent of trans and nonbinary persons have had this fantasy before, with 8 percent saying they fantasize about it often.

What you can see here is that men and gender-diverse persons are far more likely to fantasize about hentai than women. Likewise, persons who identify as anything other than heterosexual are more likely to fantasize about this than heterosexual folks.

One possible explanation for these gender and sexuality differences is that it may be due to broader differences in the fantasy themes people are drawn to. For example, heterosexual women on average have the fewest fantasies involving taboo themes and the most fantasies about passion and romance. They are also the most likely to say that they usually appear in their own fantasies (and often as the object of desire). As a result, fantasies that have a stronger grounding in reality (featuring themselves and real-life partners) may be more appealing to heterosexual women than other groups.

Why Hentai Fantasies are Appealing to So Many People

I also found that hentai-themed fantasies were linked to a large number of psychological traits and characteristics, which tells us something about their popular appeal:

  • People with active imaginations, in general, had more hentai fantasies, which makes sense—these folks had more fantasies about almost everything! So, for some people, these fantasies may simply be the product of a wandering mind.

  • Hentai fantasies were also linked to being less extroverted (meaning less outgoing and sociable) and less conscientious (meaning less detail-oriented). This makes intuitive sense. If you have a lesser need for human interaction in real life, this may carry over into your fantasies. Likewise, if you're not as focused on the details, this opens the door to a wider range of fantasy content (by contrast, people high in conscientiousness tend to have very detailed fantasies that closely mirror the real world).

  • Hentai fantasies were also linked to being more anxiously attached (having more fear of abandonment), having a more avoidant attachment style (being uncomfortable with intimacy), and being more neurotic (very easily stressed out). For anxiously attached and neurotic individuals, fantasizing about a fictional character might provide some comfort by taking some stress and anxiety out of the equation, whereas for those who are avoidantly attached, fantasizing about a fictional partner might offer the emotional distance they're looking for.

  • Hentai fantasies were also linked to having more BDSM fantasies in general, which suggests that these fantasies may sometimes be a vehicle for expressing BDSM interests.

  • These fantasies were also linked to more fantasies about taboo activities in general, as well as having more fantasies about nonconsensual activities (such as the nonconsensual forms of voyeurism and exhibitionism). So, for some, hentai may offer a means of engaging with sexual interests that are impossible, dangerous, or illegal in the real world.

  • Lastly, and perhaps not surprisingly, those who had hentai fantasies tended to have more fantasies about fantastical scenarios in general, such as s*x in outer space and s*x with aliens or robots.

As with any type of sexual fantasy, different people may be drawn to hentai for very different reasons. Sometimes it's just the result of having a very active imagination, whereas other times it might be about meeting a deeper psychological need or a creative way of expressing a taboo sexual interest. :#marseycoomer2:

OFFKAI (VTUBER CONVENTION) GAY ORGY DRAMA :marseyletsfuckinggo2: HAPPY PRIDE :marseyhomofascist:

Context: Offkai, as according to their website:

We are the first VTuber focused convention and aim to bring creators big and small from all aspects of the VTubing world to one place.

We are a group of friends, fans, and convention runners from many different fandoms working together to hold this event. This convention is volunteer-run and a true passion project.

Our goal is to celebrate and educate about the digital and virtual arts subculture, technology, history, and performance art. We want to create collaborative spaces that inform and educate on cowtools, techniques, and skills related to the creation of virtual arts and entertainment.

So there are two parts to the Offkai Drama

1. Some Chud Vtubers got blacklisted and or fricked with

2. Chud vtuber fans threw a gay orgy while dressed as their favorite vtuber

I'm not gonna lie my exposure to vtubers is limited so please give context if you have it, I just saw the Gay Orgy shit and thought it'd be funny.

Apparently a vtuber called Kirsche was canceled for some pronoun jokes? And BLACKLISTED by the con...

To be fair, she's a NAZI

Here is her secret meet and greet on a random trash can. Many gathered to supported their BLACKEDLISTED OSHI (if you donate the most you get to carry around the phone she uses to talk to other nerds)

In other dumb drama

There is a :marseyschizowall: conspiracy that a guy who hates "Pippa" (Kiwifarms favorite vtuber, played the wizard game) intentionally sabotaged her panel.

Someone summarized:

>Be :marseytrain:janny

>Hate the Neo-Nazi Pippa Pipkins because she played Hogwarts and kills 20 billion vermintide per second just by existing

>Tweet about hating Pippa Pipkins the Racist Neo-Nazi and other Nazi Grifters

>Retweet posts about hating Pippa Pipkins the Racist Neo-Nazi

>Volunteer for Offkai

>Get moderator status in Offkai's Twitch Chat

>Things 'mysteriously' go wrong during a Pippa event, which he has some power over. A "communications failure", it was called.

>In chat as things frick up, blame Phase-Connect for said frickup.

>This was wrong, and Offkai had to publicly backpedal

>Unironically expect to not get called out for this extremely r-slurred behavior

>Next move will probably be to call everyone right-wing conspiracy theorist Nazi Chuds.

Do you believe in coinidences, chyat? I don't. They get off on this.


Also, literally me

Anyways, in summary

If you want more info and can actually parse this shit, this forum should have some info.

It's all latin to me.

Apparently on Wenesday Kirsch plans to drop recipts


here's the channel playlists with all the fully uploaded series's

They also have a lot of behind the scenes and extras for various anime as well.

I liked them so much :marseyembrace: for free licensed anime

Reported by:
  • forgor : The answer is always no
Is this a good anime ?
Mangabros, we might have a third pancreatitis comic.

Seriously, the first 4 books are great. They're just depressing after that.

NERV Pride Month
Weekly Anime Post 145

!anime says trans rights!

Now that the gay shit is out of the way, this week I watched 'Mieruko-chan', which at first felt a bit meh, but honestly after I finished it I was a bit bummed that there wasnt a second season. A decent chill anime.

After that I started 'Kimi no Koto ga Dai Dai Dai Dai Daisuki na 100-nin no Kanojo', seems like generic harem slop with cringey male lead larping as a parody of exactly such a show. I think Ill drop it.

Then I started 'Bakemonogatari', I watched one or two episodes years back and couldnt get into it at all, but gave it another try now since I didnt know what else to watch and it randomly crossed my mind. Its fine so far, but weird, as expected. I think Ill keep with it for now.

Thats it for this week, dont forget to watch your daily dose of yaoi hentai in support of pride month.

@Aevann pin pls

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