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Bard spotting on Bluesky 26 July 2024 :marseyrandom:

Here we spot wild Bardfinn Bluesky activities.

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Sage 🏳️⚧️ (@trans.bsky.social):

wound up deferring this a week based on requests from folx for additional time to back up the transphobe list.

i will be deleting my 2 remaining deprecated modlists this weekend.

i'm personally now subscribed to @asukafield.xyz's transphobia labeler. she's been doing a hella solid job so far.

Sage 🏳️⚧️ (@trans.bsky.social):

PSA: i'm planning on deleting my two remaining deprecated modlists next week on Friday, July 19th.

if you still utilize either of these lists for whatever reason, consider making a back up of them or switching over to an alternative modlist.


Katie Tightkitty (@juicysteak117.gay):

i am very much a fan so far. it's early to say but i am cautiously optimistic and i like how she is handling it. i just.... really want something to work. like please 🙏

chelsea bridge 🏳️⚧️ (@secretaboutbox.bsky.social):

personally i think i'm done with any labeler that does something that requires record keeping outside of the data it can see in the PDSes

Katie Tightkitty (@juicysteak117.gay):

yeah i'm with you there. i get it with heika's zoophile list/labeler since that's a very particular case, but generally i think it's more of an issue than not. i don't know if asuka is storing anything though? not really clear to me but i did just ask her a question about it

Nyanbinary: Jamie Sharp (@jamiesharp.bsky.social):

Heika's is a hate campaign though

Katie Tightkitty (@juicysteak117.gay):

i would maybe suggest not supporting zoophiles then if i were you

Nyanbinary: Jamie Sharp (@jamiesharp.bsky.social):

People are added on their list for commissioning feral art of their characters, it's not even well run

Katie Tightkitty (@juicysteak117.gay):

i don't think that is true

Nyanbinary: Jamie Sharp (@jamiesharp.bsky.social):

I've watched people I know get harassed to the point of going fully offline, it's quite true unfortunately

Katie Tightkitty (@juicysteak117.gay):

well you haven't really denied the supporting thing so again i suggest not supporting zoophiles lol

Nyanbinary: Jamie Sharp (@jamiesharp.bsky.social):

I don't support or endorse hurting animals or zoophilia, I figured that much went without saying

Nyanbinary: Jamie Sharp (@jamiesharp.bsky.social):

The thing I argue around is how people choose to respond to it - labeling each other and being hateful is destructive and counterproductive, and only leads to in-group fightings

If people show a tendency towards a harmful behavior, the right course of action is to encourage therapy

Nyanbinary: Jamie Sharp (@jamiesharp.bsky.social):

At my core - while I have a near-infinite amount of love I can provide to the world, I have a very finite amount of hatred I can hold or share at any given time

I try to direct the small amount of hatred I feel towards being a better person, instead of towards others

Nyanbinary: Jamie Sharp (@jamiesharp.bsky.social):

If others wish to call me an apologist because of my lack of hatred, then I hesitate to say they understand the meaning of the word

Katie Tightkitty (@juicysteak117.gay):

i'mma keep it real with you chief this is exactly what i would say if i was an apologist for something. i'm not hating i'm just calling it like it is. they got your butt in 4k with zoophilia as a "yes" on your f-list and proof of you blocking someone asking why you support an open zoophile. in 4k!!!!

Nyanbinary: Jamie Sharp (@jamiesharp.bsky.social):

F-list is a roleplay site, and had a period of exploring sexuality through roleplay

I'm not offended by your lack of understanding, just disappointed

Katie Tightkitty (@juicysteak117.gay):

i know plenty about how f-list works. simply put: you're gonna be hard pressed calling heika's zoophile mutelist a "hate campaign" when you have been accurately labeled as a supporter. like i said, they've got your butt in 4k lol

Nyanbinary: Jamie Sharp (@jamiesharp.bsky.social):

Real talk - what is the purpose of in-group labeling versus out-group labeling?

Out-group labeling is useful for preventing foreign attackers, in-group labeling is used to control people, using fear and hatred

You of all people should understand this

Nyanbinary: Jamie Sharp (@jamiesharp.bsky.social):

So far as "being labeled," I fail to see how arguing for not being hateful and instead advocating for rehabilitation, or using roleplay to explore my physical identity, makes me an apologist

Katie Tightkitty (@juicysteak117.gay):

"the people in the dog-lovers community want to be aware about people who frick dogs and people who think fricking dogs is an extension of loving dogs"

you think that info is"used to control people by fear and hatred"? and then you wonder why that makes you an apologist? am i getting that right.

Nyanbinary: Jamie Sharp (@jamiesharp.bsky.social):

When used to harass people who get art of their own characters and don't actually hurt animals, then yes, it's used to control people

Nyanbinary: Jamie Sharp (@jamiesharp.bsky.social):

My final thoughts are - I believe in treating others as I'd like to be treated, and if I had a problem that lead to others being hurt, I'd hope I'd be guided to rehabilitation, instead of being cast out

Katie Tightkitty (@juicysteak117.gay):

but the majority of these people actively refuse rehabilitation.

Nyanbinary: Jamie Sharp (@jamiesharp.bsky.social):

Then, set boundaries you know that keep you safe

It doesn't have to include hatred

Dandy G (@dangyd.bsky.social):

what if i have set my boundaries that i trust to keep myself safe from these people, and then these people actively cross them and enter my spaces despite the many mechanisms and boundaries i've designed to keep them away?

Katie Tightkitty (@juicysteak117.gay):

well golly gee that sounds bad! maybe we should have a block list for people like that

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

Could call it something like "Freedom of Association Includes Freedom FROM Association"

Katie Tightkitty (@juicysteak117.gay):


Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

Werewolves, okay, hot even

Dogs? 🙅🏻‍♀️

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Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

Trump must fail to squash the ambitions of Chris "Intelligent Design Is Valid Science Teach The Controversy Smash Evolution Impose Evangelical Christianity On All Students At Taxpayer Expense" Rufo

Seth Cotlar (@sethcotlar.bsky.social):

It is likely that Rufo will play a significant role in a future Trump administration. He was the primary person who got Russell Vought in 2020 to go after "wokeness" in the military. He employs a proud McCarthyite. bsky.app/profile/seth...

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luke (@coolhand.bsky.social):

"Deadpool & Wolverine is a business merger disguised as a movie"

That is 🔥


Deadpool's obnoxious gay panic humour is a tiresome schoolyard taunt

Kay, in theory 🇺🇦🇵🇸 (@kaytheory.bsky.social):

Who is even asking for these movies at this point? Am I out of touch?

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

Starts with R and ends with edditors

luke (@coolhand.bsky.social):

Ahahhahahahahs fjejjfbcjrjdn

I'm a Reddit mod refugee, not a twitter one, and I nearly peed

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

He even lampshaded it with a Bob Ross parody as a promo for one of the films where one of his paints was like, Red-dit or some such

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Tamreen (@scriptor.bsky.social):

first couches and dolphins, now he's saying he's feline-curious

Coach Finstock (@coachfinstock.bsky.social):

Yo this guy is dumb as heck

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

Ginn's Law!

Tamreen (@scriptor.bsky.social):

don't think I've heard that one lol

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

It's the "My "Not Involved in Human Trafficking T-Shirt" is Raising a Lot of Questions Already Answered By My T-Shirt" Law of memeing

Tamreen (@scriptor.bsky.social):

oh yeah he absolutely keeps stumbling into that

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Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

Once upon a time I was recovering from an attempt on my life by a violent transphobe (second in 2 years at the time) & was told by a cis woman that I wasn't being harassed and needed to stop making a big deal out of it

well anyway, Bryan Cranston should guest host Jeopardy!

fuchs (@foxwife.bsky.social):

transmisogyny discourse is so exhausting because it is inevitably a lot of transmisogyny-exempt people telling you that it's either not unique and is just regular misogyny, or saying it's not that bad and we're just making all of this up. it sucks

crouton (@toasty.cx):

what the whole frick

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

I know, right, it's unconscionable that he isn't showing off his wit and improv skills for us

crouton (@toasty.cx):

yeah that would be sick as heck ngl

the other part... not sick as heck, not sick as heck at all

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Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

And that, kids, is how one Twitter troll saved Western civilisation from a fascist power grab, by asking the question "What if JD Vance just … /took/ a /seat/"

Matt Wieringo (@mattwieringo.bsky.social):

A host on NPR this morning described JD Vance as "the vice presidential candidate who has couched his campaign in his Appalachian identity..." and I almost had to pull the car over.

Cersei Transnister 🏳️⚧️🏴☠️🦋 (@khatunjessicabeki.org):

Goddess the room is spinning

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Dell Cameron (@dell.bsky.social):


Aaron Rupar (@atrupar.bsky.social):

Ted Cruz: "Kamala can't have my guns. She can't have my gasoline engine. And she sure as heck can't have my steaks and cheeseburgers."

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

No one wants your darn leftovers, Ted

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Kathryn Salamander 🦎 (@transsalamander.bsky.social):

As the amazing Ian Danskin lays out in his Alt Right Playbook series, one cornerstone of rightwing politics is "Never play defense"

The fact that we somehow got the fash to switch to playing defense is incredible and a big source of my hope for November now.


The Alt-Right Playbook: Never Play Defense

Kathryn Salamander 🦎 (@transsalamander.bsky.social):

When you've courted a core audience that exclusively sees playing defense as proof you're weak while your opponent on offense is strong, that's a big gamble that relies on you never ending up on your back foot.

They fricked around, they're finally finding out

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

Foisted upon their own Haterade

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Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

Republicans telling on themselves by claiming that pot & early voting are "extremism"

Micah (@rincewind.run):

by all means please continue to remind Americans that Kamala supports decriminalizing pot, a position 70% of them share

did literally nobody start doing oppo until sunday

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