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Daily Bard Digest 2024-10-12

Live feed of the best moderator on the internet, straight into your veins.

Here's todays official post from the BARDCHIVE:

11/25/16 22:14:20 with a score of -7: https://old.reddit.com/r/news/comments/5exceb/us_army_orders_eviction_of_dakota_protesters_camp/dafx43f/?context=8

Because the LEOs are racists, and their economies are dependent on the oil industry.

The last time LEOs in America used water cannons — and attack dogs — on peaceful protestors was in the early 1960's, and that fuelled the adoption of the 1964 Civil Rights Acts.

The LEOs hate the Federal government for keeping them from running their own powerful fiefdoms hand-in-hand with corporate interests.

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At 10/12/24 01:02:53 in ModSupport with a score of 2 points:

I used to track them all in a spreadsheet.

The ticket close messages are reliable if you file thru reddit.com/report. If you use the inline report escalation, you may or may not get a ticket close message.

You're also not doing free labour for Reddit, Inc.

You've volunteered to help your community, which happens to be hosted on Reddit. Your community is hosted for free on Reddit - no network transit charges, no per-gigabyte peer network exit fees, no charges for storage, compute, value add services.

The people who invented the "moderators work for Reddit for free" paradigm want you to blame Reddit, instead of the people who invented the paradigm - and are likely also some of the people who you're escalating.

Anti-Evil is an eventually correct model of acceptable use policy enforcement. The T&S department of every major social media is. The T&S of other social media are worse (and slower) at being correct than Reddit AEO is (with some corner case exceptions).

When I kept my spreadsheet, I noted that first line AEO dropped the ball 25-33% of the time, and that escalated mistakes had a better than 99% appropriate resolution rate. That was data I collected over ~18 months. The transparency reports Reddit puts out show that trend has improved a little.

They don't respond to every escalation; sometimes there's extenuating circumstances beyond their control, too.

So if it makes you feel better - file your escalations via reddit.com/report, and track them on a spreadsheet or in a database (mine eventually wound up as part of a database). Compare your resolution rates with the transparency reports figures.

But ask yourself first, "what will it serve, and if I discover something, who will want to know".

It's a boring task that I only did so I could hold the admins to their promises. It's been 4 1/2 years that they've held up their end as far as I'm concerned - Sitewide Rule 1 against Hate.

I'm satisfied they're not acting in bad faith. You might decide different.

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