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Most mentally ill Pàjeet online part deux


Kinda obsessed with this one pájeet. He is so deliriously insane. Ngl spending 1 minute in jeet kanging Twitter has made me think sexy Indian dudes deserve the worst hatred available on the internet


The average North Indian woman looks like that? :spit:

Brb packing my bags rn


You heard that chinks? :marseychingchongpearlclutch: Dindo Aryans have more inventions and shit compared to you and are better looking than you!


Indo Aryans should never miscegenate. Even if a qt big titty azn is begging you to fill her up.


Chuds is this true? Nerdy studycel jeets who study 24 hours a day are getting it on with white qts? :marseynerd2:


Chinks catch more flak


Alright everybody we've established indo Aryans wimminz are the most bootiful in the world so it's time you passport bros stopped lusting after azn women and start chasing after North Indian wimminz.

Seriously if you just as little as have blue or green eyes sexy Indian dudes will worship you. They will treat you like a god check this out



This is the guy they're calling a beauty and holy


You're literally a fakecel if you're a colored eye-cel. Incredibly blackpilling.

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>4.5 hours of sleep

>45 minutes of "nap time"

No wonder he has to spend most of his day on class work, with this little rest his brain must be fricking mush.

Why are Indians like this? I understand other races have grinds, but this level of detrimental STOOOOOODYING seems unique to them.

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Imagine doing all this and still being fricking r-slurred. I'm in Canada so all of our international students are indian. We just got our second midterm grades and the class average was 46%. I got a 96% despite never going to that class because the prof is also indian and her voice is grating. I'm not even bragging, the class is just fricking easy and anyone should be able to do well with zero effort.

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Do you have the problem where all the material's also written in broken english so you have to basically get your course material from anywhere but your Uni?

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Yeah I've had a couple classes like that, lol. Just taught myself from the textbook, which is usually better anyway since most profs are lazy and just ctrl+v all their slides directly from the textbook

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Same here, except sometimes they go full indian and just ctrl+v geeks4geeks or some other shitty site

It's honestly astonishing how much better the 'official' documentation is in most cases.

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Most incoming Canadians are poonjabis

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I-it's not MY type of indian, it's the other type!! :soycry:

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Nah I'm saying they're the most indo-aryan maxxed indians. Literally more related to slavs than they are to the rest of us

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more related to slavs




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They are both the under the R1A haplogroup. Unfortunately the one down below mixed with hunter gatherers and now we don't have pure Aryan qts here :marseyitsover:

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Fear not my friend, I will BLEACH your village, such that your descendants will prosper with pure hyperborean CHVD ARYAN vril DNA. Your children and grandchildren will be drinking raw milk and activating their blood memories in no time.

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tbh the russo-ukraine war is causing something like that. 100s of thousands of ziggers and khohol men dead and the gender disparity has kickstarted the Russian mail order bride program. Although I've heard most of this going to chinks.

Between the borders of Sino-Russia the most powerful Eurasian race is being conjured up as we speak

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I'm in Canada

My condolences.

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It's Indian parents. Think of the most stereotypical azn parenting and make it even more r-slurred and you will understand

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