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It is the kind of seinen manga that makes you question the existence of an entire civilization. If we ever find ourselves passing judgement upon whether Japanese culture is worth preserving, this manga would be a good argument in favor of a Japanese cultural genocide.
Somehow the Japanese manga successfully captures distressing fantastical realism in a way that makes Kafka's attempts at depressing magical realism appear to be amateur hour.
The manga itself is disturbing, but the realization of a culture within whose psyche exists things like these leaves the final disturbing aftertaste. Like finding yourself in a town where everybody is always smiling and over time you find out the special spot where all the hidden frickedupness has been accumulating, because obviously it has, nobody is supposed to be happy 24/7 and everybody has become a permanent actor hiding horrors.
Japan is a save face society perfected and this manga acts like a display of whatever poisons have accumulated in its hidden crevices.
This manga is disturbing in a way hat western comics can never be because western comics would never allow women to be hurt, meanwhile this manga uses the abuse of women and the themes of r*pe as a banal evil.
It is more than 100 chapters of ever increasing depravity that somehow still remains within the ream of human evil. It is the story of the abuser and the abused, coming together in a dance of depravity and suffering where good goes to die. It is a story about the insane and the vulnerable embracing violence in all its forms.
In the end it is a story of r*pe, trauma, fetishism, degradation, vengeance, violence and insanity on a scale that is both small enough to fit within a single large building, but also deep enough to leave you feeling sick afterwards.
It is art in terms of its uniqueness and sickening in all other terms and perspectives. It's a great manga to help you realize the limits of your inhumanity and makes your own depravity feel like child's play.
It is not depression fuel, it is disturbed fuel. Like syncing up with and picking up on somebody else's psychosis.
I would not recommend this manga and any culture that can produce something like this has something deeply wrong in some corners of its psyche.
Final manga score: 9/10
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!comicshitters very facetious and trolly analysis of sonic comics
Ken Penders Sonic Lore: Right Wing epic about the importance of monarchy, tradition, religion, and racial identity against the forces for modernism and technology
Ian Flynn Sonic Lore: woke deconstruction of the penders lore portraying the arcon royal family as group of bigoted, losers lead by a senile king Acorn and a gay r-slur. The echidnas as a group of racist psychos. Sonic losing the love of his life and dating abusive women while his queen becomes a lesbian.
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- 911roofer : h/comicsandmanga
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— 鮫肌鳥目 (@samehadatorime) November 7, 2024
そんな風潮で生まれたポリコレという概念を日本の漫画やアニメにも押し付けるんだから嫌になるよ。 https://t.co/YScA7qtDi6 pic.twitter.com/1NpCVnFSjz
— 鮫肌鳥目 (@samehadatorime) November 7, 2024
そんな風潮で生まれたポリコレという概念を日本の漫画やアニメにも押し付けるんだから嫌になるよ。 https://t.co/YScA7qtDi6 pic.twitter.com/1NpCVnFSjz
— トミーさん さん (@tommy_san) November 8, 2024
The chud is called out for bad faith arguing with Image comics
キャプテンアメリカやファンタスティックフォー、バットマンなんかも「悪のナチス、日本軍をやっつけろ!」だったのはもちろん、ディズニーも「ヒトラー、ヒロヒト、ムッソリーニに強制労働させられる可哀そうなディズニーキャラ」なんてのもありましたよ。 pic.twitter.com/WjMPgYSsY0
— 寛村シイ夫 (@6KLkQkFTkUmdS9t) November 9, 2024
Here is a seething jap rightoid on how Disney depicted them
The use of wokeism is called out for what it is
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— Stonetoss Comics (@stone_toss) November 19, 2024
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