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Weekly Mass Discussion Thread #20

!catholics !christians let's rock.


First Reading

The word of the LORD came to Jonah, saying:

"Set out for the great city of Nineveh,

and announce to it the message that I will tell you."

So Jonah made ready and went to Nineveh,

according to the LORD'S bidding.

Now Nineveh was an enormously large city;

it took three days to go through it.

Jonah began his journey through the city,

and had gone but a single day's walk announcing,

"Forty days more and Nineveh shall be destroyed, "

when the people of Nineveh believed God;

they proclaimed a fast

and all of them, great and small, put on sackcloth.

When God saw by their actions how they turned from their evil way,

he repented of the evil that he had threatened to do to them;

he did not carry it out.

-Jonah 3:1-5, 10


Responsorial Psalm

R. (4a) Teach me your ways, O Lord.

Your ways, O LORD, make known to me;

teach me your paths,

Guide me in your truth and teach me,

for you are God my savior.

R. Teach me your ways, O Lord.

Remember that your compassion, O LORD,

and your love are from of old.

In your kindness remember me,

because of your goodness, O LORD.

R. Teach me your ways, O Lord.

Good and upright is the LORD;

thus he shows sinners the way.

He guides the humble to justice

and teaches the humble his way.

R. Teach me your ways, O Lord.

-Psalms 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9


Second Reading

I tell you, brothers and sisters, the time is running out.

From now on, let those having wives act as not having them,

those weeping as not weeping,

those rejoicing as not rejoicing,

those buying as not owning,

those using the world as not using it fully.

For the world in its present form is passing away.

-1 Corinthians 7:29-31



After John had been arrested,

Jesus came to Galilee proclaiming the gospel of God:

"This is the time of fulfillment.

The kingdom of God is at hand.

Repent, and believe in the gospel."

As he passed by the Sea of Galilee,

he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting their nets into the sea;

they were fishermen.

Jesus said to them,

"Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men."

Then they abandoned their nets and followed him.

He walked along a little farther

and saw James, the son of Zebedee, and his brother John.

They too were in a boat mending their nets.

Then he called them.

So they left their father Zebedee in the boat

along with the hired men and followed him.

-Mark 1:14-20


Jonah is a great casual Bible read. It's only four pages long in my Bible. Jonah doesn't want to preach to the people of Nineveh, because he wants them to die. He flees to what is now modern-day Spain, which I find crazy. I didn't realize just how connected the Iron Age Mediterranean was. Then the whale thing happens, and he repents. And then Nineveh repents. And then Jonah sits outside and pouts about it because he didn't want them to. Jonah is an interesting character, probably the least saintly prophet.

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And now, Father Hank's Homily:

I enjoy that the running theme of this week's reading isn't just repentance, but action. It's important to feel true contrition of course, and it goes without saying that the LORD sees the truth of our feelings in our souls, but it's easy to forget that our Faith is not just a Faith of thought. It is meant to be an active faith, we are called by our LORD to act as well as think.

In the first reading Ninevah isn't saved because they just realized they had sinned and repented, it's because the repented actively in a way that was undeniable. They showed the LORD not only in thought but in deed that they understood their transgressions. They took steps to publicly show their faith, and by returning to God in their hearts as well as hands He knew the trueness of their repentance, and so they were saved.

In the second reading we are given a list, almost a to-do list, of what to do. We are called to act once again. And not in the actions that we find routine, we are reminded that we have to break with what is our normal. Are we being called not to weep? Are we being called to deny the bonds of our marriages? Are we being forbidden from rejoicing? No, that is an absurdity. This is meant as wakeup call. We are being asked to stop in our normal ways and to break from our normal patterns. We are being asked to look at our Faith with new eyes, so that we can better understand our place in Our Father's creation.

The third reading is of course one of the most iconic parts of the Gospel. "I will make you fishers of men" is a truly beautiful phrase, it's one that has stuck with me since my childhood. It would be such a strange thing to hear. "A fisher of men? What does that even mean?" But the men who would be Jesus's Apostles did not question Jesus. They did not say "hey what do you mean by that we're just trying to catch dinner here." They abandoned their nets immediately. They stopped their work and followed The Lord. And what is often missed here is that they didn't just leave their boats and nets, the very thing that gave them a profession and a place in society (for what is a fisherman who can't fish) they also left their families. They left their earthly father to serve their Heavenly Father. That is an incredible sacrifice. That is an Action with a capital A. That is active faith. They were moved by Jesus's divinity, and took action with no thought of the worldly consequences, that is how strong their Faith was.

And that is what we are reminded of today, and that is what I call all of you to be mindful of in the coming week. Strive to be active in your Faith. Don't just be contrite for your sins in your heart, show the Lord with your actions. Don't just be righteous in your thought, be righteous in your deeds. Don't just love the Lord, show the Lord your devotion as you move through the world. And as Corinthians reminds us, we must strive to act in new ways, as the world we know is passing away. It's not enough to light a candle and say a prayer, though prayer is always welcome to the Lord. We must go farther, we must find new ways to act and spread the Lord's Good News. We cannot be content with how things have been, we must move ever forward in the Lord's Service. I challenge each of you to think of a new way you can serve Christ in the coming week. And as we are reminded in the Gospel we must be decisive in our actions, without fear of worldly opinions. We must strive to follow Christ fearlessly as the Apostles did, we must not be afraid of giving up the positions that we hold as our worldly standing.

And so I call each of you to flood social media and obscure internet communities with Catholic memes. Maybe use a lot of the "Yes-Chad" meme because he's really decisive and also he has a beard like Jesus did. Don't be afraid to piss off people and alienate yourself from your family. Send your cousins some passive-aggressive bible quotes, make some uncomfortably religious statements in a meeting at work, tell random teenagers they're going to Heck. Be decisive and unafraid in your memeing! You are warriors of Christ on a new battlefield, the internet, and you can't worry about earthly repercussions. Be fearless as the Apostles were, and your place at the Lord's table will be assured.

And now I call you to stand, as we make a profession of our faith...

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!catholics bear witness to my homily

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check them dubs


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Heavenly blessed check ‘em!

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