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Manbaby atheist sneeds about Biblical exegesis, claims all Christians must believe all verses literally, cites American Pew research polls to prove all Christians interpret the Bible his way. Paragraphs and paragraphs of arguments with other atheists and soys trying to convince him he's r-slurred.




Yes, Redditors are usually wrong, but this is exceptional doubling down even when firmly reprimanded by fellow soys.

Jesus isn't saying it any of those times.

Oh lord

It's his book. The whole thing is his words. Whether they're “direct quotes” or not is irrelevant.

It's extremely disingenuous to take a bunch of quotes from Jesus, put them in the same book as quotes from a bunch of other guys, and then say all of it was Jesus. The Bible is a bunch of different books written at different times. You can't attribute all of it to Jesus retroactively. You're silly. You have no point.

The Bible is the inerrant word of God, no?

No. It's not. It's different books put together that directly contradict each other. And we're talking about the person Jesus. Now you're trying to defend being wrong about that by equating the Bible with God and Jesus with God so Jesus wrote the Bible? Stop.

Are you confused about your religion? Jesus = God so yeah, it's his book. I never said he wrote it. I said it's his word. Which you just said it's not. If the Bible isn't the inerrant word of God, then there's no reason to pay it any mind whatsoever. Thanks!

Lol. MY religion? I'm not Christian. Am I talking to a literal 10-year-old?

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Look at the other posts its about politics, star wars and Marvel not a stereotype at all

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