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:marseysatanworship2: :marseysatanworship2: :marseysatanworship2: Ireland Sees Huge 250% Increase in Abortions. 1 in 6 Babies are Now Killed in Abortion :marseysatanworship2: :marseysatanworship2: :marseysatanworship2:


The dumb mick distant cousins of mine too dumb to have gotten off the island have apostatized and turned to Moloch. It is absolutely shocking to see what has happened in just a few decades. :marseyconcerned: Please pray for them. There is no greater evil in the world today than the ritual sacrifice of children for pagan promises of wealth. It is being performed all around us today.

A devotion kept within my family on special feasts was the Litany of All Saints of Ireland, dating back centuries but this is a version published in 1921. If you have the time, these prayers are most needed.

For the sake of brevity, I ask you to join me:

O Lord, our God.

We place our trust in You,

Because you are mercy itself.

We repent of our sins and turn to You for mercy.

We trust You to provide for our every need, according to Your will.

Help us to forgive others as You forgive us.

We promise to be merciful by our deeds, words and prayers.

Though we have fears because of human weakness, we rely on Your infinite goodness and mercy.

We entrust to You the future of our planet, our Church, our nations, our families and all our needs.

With loud cries we implore your mercy on us and on the whole world.

Look upon us, created in your image and likeness.

Form us in the Heart of Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit into the living images of mercy.

May all come to know the depth of Your mercy and sing the praises of Your mercy forever.


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I knew this would happen, but of course the politicians and special interest groups lied through their teeth about it. "Oh, it'll only be limited. Oh, only for fatal foetal abnormality. No, we won't be introducing abortion on demand".

Day after limited abortion was legal, all the pro-abortion groups went public with "this is a start but we're still gonna fight for abortion on demand".

There's never, ever, only limited abortion. Only a little abortion. ONce you make it legal, then it gets liberalised and used.

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If you give a moloch worshiper a baby liver...

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!Catholics !Christians Pray for Ireland. Pray for your own countries. Pray for the end of abortion all around the world. I don't know what else to say. :marseysad:

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Oh my god, fricking get over yourself

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:#marseywave2: :#marseysatanworship2genocide:

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"Oh my god, fricking get over yourself" @MarseyIsMyWaifu seething :marseysmug2: !Catholics

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The catholic cucks who look down 👇 on us and give heavenly grace into the hands of man and church instead of the almighty,

And preach the loudest about their sanctity are the most vile by their own moral standards in their own strongholds

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You have no free-will Kammy. You were predestined by God to be raised in post-apartheid SA and to vent on this site, think about that.

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Go worship your pope false idol worshipper

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In case you missed the memo looking at this thread, the Inquisition is back in full swing. This is not a secular website anymore. Stop now and repent or you'll get it too. :marseycrusade: !Catholics

:#marseywereback: :#marseycrusader2:

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Noooo Kaaamreeev....


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I actually like him too but he made like three of those comments :marseyshrug:

"Kill them all and let God sort them out." :marseycrusader2:

This is the most fun I've had in a while on a thread.

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This is the most fun I've had in a while on a thread.

See I told you presenting a way over the top radicalized version of yourself :marseykys2: is the best way to use the site

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So you dont actually like dinos?

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Kaamrev is simply joking, he doesn't mean it. Unban him pls.

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Catholics look down on Calvinists the least compared to most Prots if you took the time to interact with us at all. You guys at least have a systematic theology, most Prots just kinda wing it with no consistency.

Also I don't preach about my own sanctity. :marseyeyeroll:

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Honestly c*lvinists are some of my least favorite. Sure, at least they have actual beliefs, but they're also responsible for providing reddit atheists huge amounts of ammunition through their nonsense

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Baptist Calvinists are usually the :marseymid: ones @BWC :@bwcpat:

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:#marseyshrug: fundamental Calvinist beliefs like double predestination have done tremendous damage to Christianity everywhere

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Neighbor the Reformation in general is what killed Christendom. Their belief systems, all of them, call into question the core basis of the faith. Without the Church you have no Bible.

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You're right, I'm just saying that Calvinists are extra bad.

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Calvinist theology is responsible for much of the horrible reputation Christianity has, I'm not fond of them at all.

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Pray for the end of abortion all around the world.


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Thank him

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"Look at those cool snakes I found"

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Until then enjoy cheap baby organs :marseyembrace:

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According to the late Brazilian rightoid schizo Olavo de Carvalho, Pepsi was using aborted fetus's cells as a sweetener for their soda.

!chemistry can you guys explain how does that work?

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A baby's soul is 27,000 times sweeter than an equivalent amount of cane sugar

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Oh I never knew where that came from, a Mexican lady I worked with when I was younger told me that (unironically).

Sounds true though.

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That's why Mexicans drink Coca Cola in abnormal quantities instead of Pepsi :#marseychonker2:

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lol is that where :marseydrama: the real cane sugar :marseycandycorn:

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Brazilian soda also has real sugar from cane. That's why Guarana is so great.

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Palestinian lives matter has rotted the potAtoe heads brains.

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Not the time, @911roofer, not the time. :marseysadge:

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@911roofer can't stop saying Palestinian lives matter. They won't let me.

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bop bi bop bi bo bop bip bo :marseygigaretardgenocide:

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I never understood why so many left leaning people are OK with exterminating people with disability, when modern left is all about everyone being equal.

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If Johnathan Heidt is correct on his book "The Righteous Mind" it is because libs (the left leaning ones) are guided and obsessed by only two principles: "equality" and "harm reduction".

The latter is their sole moral guide and is basically "good is when we don't hurt people and the less discomfort physically and emotionally we cause, the gooder we're", that's what separates good and evil in their minds. Abortion offers a utilitarian solution to disability, "a life with disabilities is not worth living, bringing them into our awful world is cruel". The antinatalists are fueled by the same principle.


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See also: https://www.astralcodexten.com/p/matt-yglesias-considered-as-the-nietzschean

I'm an expert on Nietzsche (I've read some of his books), but not a world-leading expert (I didn't understand them).


Ozy Brennan has a self-help post, The Life Goals Of Dead People. It's framed as mental health advice. Maybe you're some sort of guilty/anxious doormat type person. Your goals are things like:

I don't want to make anyone mad.

I don't want to hurt anyone.

I want to take up less space.

I want to need fewer things.

I don't want to fail.

I don't want to break the rules.

I don't want to offend anybody

I don't want to have upsetting emotions.

I want to stop having feelings.

Ozy points out that dead people achieve these goals better than the living ever could. If your life goal is to be more like a dead person, that's a red flag for being a guilty/anxious doormat who needs to gain some self-confidence.

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And other people are like "nah I don't want to raise that one. Let's try again."

Maybe it's a different book but I swear I remember lefties having 5 concepts and righties with 6 or 7, with Purity being ones they used as a measure.

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key is whether they came out the vag yet

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Well, the fact that they would abort discriminately still implies the aborted babies are worth less as human beings.

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Downies are less equal :marseyjustice: than normies

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I say abort whatever :marseytippinghand: fetuses you want, and if you are disabled :marseyblind: from birth, you should :marseynorm: abort that too. I have a nephew who is basically r-slurred :marseypaintretard: because he has a genetic disease :marseybreastcancer: where :marseydrama: he has tumors and failing kidneys. He has to wear a diaper :marseybib: at 10 because he cant be potty :marseypiss: trained, and he punches himself :marseytedbackstab: and is nonverbal and will walk around eating :marseywillnever: dirt. This is what our government is now spending 50k+ a year on in special :marseyretard: services and schooling for an r-slur :marseyautistattentionseeker: that will never :marseyitsover: read, speak, or go to the potty :marseybikechainincident: and need millions in medical :marseygutspill: care over the course of his life.

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If your family were in the habit of aborting r-slurs we wouldn't be talking to you either though :marseyhmm:

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Jimie you know I actually kinda like you as a participant on rDrama but if you don't remove the based part I'm gonna excommunicate you. @sandkwinn already got it downthread. :marseyban:

But yes, I think most pro-life people are aware that the quiet part abortionists won't admit to in polite conversation is that they just want to genocide all the people they view as subhuman.

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I am a proud :marseyghosthappy: atheist :marseyflyingspaghettimonster: and I proudly support genociding downies


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:#marseywave: :#marseysatanworship2genocide:

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That's @jew :marseykekw:

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Ah, so that's why Ireland's birth rate tanked the past few years. They were one of the very few EU countries that hovered around 2 kids per woman, now they're at like 1.6

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They went from ~90% Mass attendance to below 10% within my lifetime. It's nuts. No other country has seen that type of decline in such a short period.

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I always wondered, are there any concrete reasons for that?

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S*x abuse scandal, large number of gay priests and one of the worst run national seminaries in Europe, similarly to Canada there were falsified claims of mass graves at Catholic orphanages in Ireland going back to the 90s or 2000s.

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I would guess the troubles and a couple of scandals turned young people off the church entirely.

While the troubles were ongoing, membership was possibly inflated by sentiments like "I don't really believe in the church but I have to support them against those Cath/Prot bastards." and people generally turning to religion in times of strife.

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Probably the whole kiddy fiddling thing

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How true are those numbers? I don't care about religion one bit but that's pretty wild honestly.

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This quotes 91% weekly attendance in 1975-30% attendance in 2021. It's dropped further since then, but maybe the 10% number was looking at the younger generations alone(?). I do know I've seen that number in an article before.

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Incredible, it's such a massive shift.

I guess it's somewhat similar here, just the numbers were much smaller to begin with - 30% down to 6%

We do have mass on state TV though not sure how much that changes things

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If by here you mean the USA, it's far less dramatic. https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2019/10/17/in-u-s-decline-of-christianity-continues-at-rapid-pace/

Mainline Protestantism cratered, everyone else has seen a comparably modest decline. A majority still identify themselves in some way as Christian.

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No, France.

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Oh... France's numbers have been bad for quite some time yes. I know I've read in a book that by the late 50s (so prior to the rest of the world) only ~25% of Catholics attended Mass weekly yet something like 60% took at least one pilgrimage a year. :marseyquestion: Confusing if true, but I want to say it was included in one of the books on V2 I've read. I'll try to pull it up and CC you if/when I do. I was gonna longpost about 20th century Catholic history soon so it'd be relevant to find.

I mean your country was ground zero for secularism in Europe after all. :marseysigh: @WayOut

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The less french people in Heaven the better, I already have to deal with them down here I'm not spending my eternity with Parisians.

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The entire western :marseybootscoot: world :marseyww1russian1: is seeing a huge drop in birth :marseychestburster: rates. This isn't unique to Ireland.

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This is great news! Crushed up baby stemcell goo is fabulous for the skin. Maybe this influx of dead fetus goo will make those skincare products more affordable? I can only hope.

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:#marseywave2: :#marseysatanworship2genocide:

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Im gonna go have an abortion right now because of this!

You killed that baby. Remember that!


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You're a gay man and your community lost its sense of humor as soon as you were accepted openly. When !Catholics were in charge you still made great art. Really makes you think. :marseysmirk2:

I'm having a field day with this thread guys. :marseyexcited:

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Lol I've said this before, gay people can't make good art now that they aren't oppressed.

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@kaamrev they're killing micks in their wombs


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!calvinists God hates false Idol worshippers

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the slots are rigged! :marseyitsrigged:



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Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, have mercy on us for what we allow to occur around us every day. :marseysad:

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for every prayer you make on this website, I promise to have 5 abortions :uglypray: :marseyaborted: :meow:

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You'd have to have s*x then and aren't you officially a "femcel"?

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Femcels when you tell them what "cel" stands for


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  • elfbinn : mop it up jannie 🤣🤣

:#marseywave: :#marseytalibangenocide:

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The fetus in the thumbnail looks like it's drinking a pint.

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Well he's Irish

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Going to term is how poor people get made.

Even cats perform abortions, you neighbors have turned youe back on God's will and taken to the word of man instead. Shameful shit. :marseydisgust:

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Abortion has been banned since before the generation of the Apostles passed, r-slur. Look at the Didache and stop taking /r/atheism at its word. !Catholics I can't stop won't stop :marseycrusader2:

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Ireland be like:

:#marseyaborted: :#marseybloodpuddle: :#pepejannie:

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1 in 6 babies are killed in abortion

and that's a good thing

:!#marseyparty: :#marseyabortedgenocide: :marseyparty#:

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:#marseywave2: :#marseysatanworship2genocide:

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I mean, of course there :marseycheerup: would :marseymid: be an increase :marseychartuptrend: when the previous number was near 0. Going :marseysal2: from 0 to 2 would :marseymid: be 200%. Are you all this dumb?

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A 200% increase over zero is zero

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It didn't just legalize r-slur, this is year over year within the current framework.

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