Henry VIII, the dramatard King? :marseynorf: :marseykingsmug:

>second son/spare

>marries his sister in law

>hates foids, wants a son to be his heir

>get's cucked by the Pope after asking for an annulment

>breaks with the Church, founds the Church of England and divorces

>married a foid who left him horny, she gives birth to another daughter

>accuses his new queen of adultery and incest, she's executed

>marry again, this time the foid finally gives him a "legitimate" son, she dies

>gets married again to German lutheran princess, get an annulment

>gets married again to a 17 year old, she cucks him, she and her lover are executed

>gets married again to some respectable widow, she survives

>brings the kingdom to the verge of civil war due to religious break-up. Executes thousands of catholics including loyal collaborators

>becomes a fatass after a jousting accident, sires a bunch of bastards

>fails to invade France

!historychads what's our assessment? I know !catholics won't be positive

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Are those any good? I've heard mixed reviews

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They're not historically accurate lol.

The White Queen was a good show. The White Princess and The Other Boleyn Girl were very mid, the latter was particularly full of shit as they portrayed Anne Boleyn trying to frick her brother after a miscarriage.

The Spanish Princess has extremely shitty Spanish History. Isabel de Castilla personally fights moors wearing a plate armor.

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So my gateway into Tudor history (and English history as a whole lol) was Mary Bloody Mary by Carolyn Myer. Granted, I was 16 when I read it and I don't remember if it was accurate, but at the time it was compelling.

It's just a historical fiction that tells the whole story of Henry the VIII from Mary's perspective.

Apparently there's a whole series now that focuses on not just Mary and Elizabeth, but all the wives as well.

Another book I loved (granted it was an audiobook) was a lecture set on English history up to the Tutors.


I also love the YouTube channel called "history calling", she focuses on things like Tutor history, the plantagenetes and the wars of the roses.

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