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Gussy in chief von der Leeyn clsoes EU-Mercosur agreeemnt :marseyflageu: :handshake: :marseyflagargentina: :marseyflagbrazil: :marseyflagparaguay: :marseyflaguruguay:


!latinx !macacos and can someone pnig Eurochads

:#marseyparty: :#marseyletsgo: :#marseycheers:




Now fingres corssed so the dael gtes ratifeid and the forgs are unalbe to bolck it. :#macroncrygenocide:

(While Boilvia is prat of the Mrecosur, the'yre not a foudning mmeber and are out of the dael as negtoiations satrted before it was included)

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>However, the deal will have to be sealed by EU member states.


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They need more than 35% to block it and so far France and Poland don't have the numbers.

Italy will be the decisive one and mommy Meloni is leaning in favor of the deal.

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Agh, puta que pariu :#marseyitsoverbrasileiro:

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Eu tenho fé, tá ok?

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I'm not sure who hates America more - South America or The East.

If the EU can get the majority of South America on their side they'll certainly gain a lot of STDs.

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>South America hates the US

Most midwit opinion I ever heard about this subject

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It's like a brotherly relationship. The hate is more intense, but so is the love. :marseythumbsup2:


West hemisphere best hemisphere for life.

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We're like a stepbrother and stepsister who fight but then when our stepmom and stepdad arent looking we do butt stuff

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:#marseyhesright: :marseyserioushatfact#:

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>Never has heard anything about a subject

>Acts surprised about fact regarding said subject

Exactly how my mother reacts.

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Well me and your mother have a lot in common


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South America doesn't hate the US (I don't know why people believe that), in fact we suck up their peepee way too much in my opinion.


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South America doesn't hate the US (I don't know why people believe that)

Clearly r-slurred and don't know what you're talking about.

Any country that isn't red does not host a military base or facility def. hates the USA.


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Mercosur countries

all the gay/guay countries right?

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Someone might want to correct me, but this does not seem to fit in the environmental image the EU has been crafting.

Hauling goods from the other side of the planet is fuel intensive, not to mention this may incentivize SA monkeys to continue or even increase deforestation efforts to produce more goods for Eurotards.

What I heard about this thing seems antithetical to the greentardation that EU is always lobbying.

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Hauling goods from the other side of the planet is fuel intensive

No it isn't. It's so efficient that it's worth doing for even marginal savings elsewhere, whether those savings are measured in money or carbon.

The "eat/buy local" crowd is full of idiots.

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!neolibs join the discussion

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I'm not a neolib I'm just a sympathetic :marseyupvote2:r

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I know you love the global poor (especially the Pinoys), this makes you an honorary neolib even if you don't agree with some points

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:marseysoylentgrin:-pill me on sweatshops with a concise enough document/book that adequately steelmans and addresses the pitfalls?

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Sweatshops are a phase, they're not ideal but they're pretty much the first stage of development, peasants leave their farms in search of better opportunities, while most end up in slums at least they make a wage which is not dependable on weather, the benefit of city life is education, their kids can attend public schools with much better infrastructure than those in the countryside. The US and Europe had sweatshops up to the early 20th century. More urban workers meant unions were formed and so they got better wages and a fewer working hours, this process while not present in the Philippines yet, has already become a thing in LATAM since the end of our dictatorships, nowadays Brazilian industries are all unionized and sweatshops don't exist anymore, working on a factory in Brazil means you have a formal job with "carteira de trabalho" and benefits like 30 days vacations like everyone else in the formal economy. Being part of the sweatshop generation sucks, but their children and grandchildren can actually reap the benefits which their parents could never afford.

It's a very long process but eventually because factories mean money flowing you have a middle class arising, and so new jobs in construction and services, more taxes and more income for government (corruption is a political problem which citizens must fight so their money is actually used in the right way)

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When you look in the mirror, can you tell that you're stupid?

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Is it really? :marseybeanconfused:

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The carbon footprint of shipping food is negligible compared to the differences between producing common food items:


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green energy is only for the europoors while all the evil pollution can be used up to help the poor POCs of the world.

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South America uses mostly carbon free energy (hydropower and now solar/wind) emissions are fraction of the EU and there are barely any coal/gas plants.

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I was more thinking India :marseypajeet: and China :marseyflagchina:

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this may incentivize SA monkeys to continue or even increase deforestation efforts to produce more goods for Eurotards

The only country deforestating to make room for cattle is Brazil (and we're talking about illegal stuff, EU-cels will get it from high quality frigoríficos) and still most of the meat and agriculture doesn't come from the Amazon, it comes from the South, Southeast and Centre-West.

It all seems antithetical to the greentardation that EU is always lobbying.

Always has been, Bolsonaro was right when he said that European greenwashing was just a protectionist mesure, not actual care about the environment or reducing carbon emissions.

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Always has been, Bolsonaro was right when he said that European greenwashing was just a protectionist mesure, not actual care about the environment or reducing carbon emissions.

Well, it's also strategically used against member states like Poorland (since our energy is 125% coal).

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Can Poland transition :marseytrans2: to renewables on a reasonable timeline or does the EU imposes unrealistic goals?

Solar doesn't seem very reliable there for parts of the year.

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Our overnment is impotent, so having them do anything is unrealistic.

The most numerable renewables implemented here are wind turbines imported from western Europe. Wind energy sucks, and getting the turbines from abroad certainly does not help in economic viability.

We were supposed to have a nuclear power plant, but... well, here is what Wikipedia has to say about it:

In 2011, Żarnowiec was selected by PGE, together with two other towns (Gąski and Choczewo), as the location of the first Polish nuclear power plant, to be built by 2020[4]. The government study from 2014 assumed the opening of the first Polish nuclear power plant in 2024. At the beginning of 2015, the Minister of Treasury estimated this date at 2027[5]. In 2023, a decision was made to build a floating photovoltaic installation on the retention reservoirs of the unfinished power plant[6].


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Oh it was "in building" way earlier than 2011.

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Yeah, it originally started in the 80's but there was less of an incentive back then than there is now, and also Czarnobyl happened. The 2011 plans are more meaningful for what we have today.

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Yeah I'm saying that it was always "progress" from plans to "more serious plans" :marseynothingburger: :marseywait:

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Coal miners are very strong political force and limit any development of alternatives, even as more and more coal we burn is actually imported from China/Russia/Donbass. (Polish coal is pretty deep and so not the most economical)

Gas isn't viable as alternative since it'd have to be bought from Russia in real numbers. Liquid gas is more expensive and we also don't have a lot of ports to develop infrastructure in (also seriously hampered by EU environmental regulations). Poland's one LNG port is 20% of current demand.

Atom would be the best alternative but has been ignored by government after government which only played lip service to building power plants.

Renewables recieve significant subsidies because of EU / fashion, but can't be anything but a %. We aren't super windy country like Ireland, or particularly sunny like California.

What Poland does in practice to get around EU limits somewhat is use a lot of "biofuel" which is actually 49% coal and rest actual biofuel ie agricultural rejects.

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Mhm. :marseynotes:

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And as I mentioned in another comment look at Brazil's electricity sources


Mostly hydro and barely any coal or gas.

Brazil is responsible for 1.2% of global emissions.

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Hurray unlimited coke and wpd footage! And even more brownies... at least these arent the explodey kind i guess...

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Poor South Americans won't migrate to Europe, they can't afford plane tickets that far. The ones who already migrate to Spain have more savings (those who are illegal) or just enter legally.


Only Bolivia produces it legally and it's not like Amsterdam port doesn't receive tons of cocaine and other drugs already.

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