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Small summary: She falsely accused men of sexual assault.
She spread rumors about a pregnant women getting beaten so badly by her husband that her baby was . The woman in question denied this ever happened.
And she wrote that she hates the green party and wants to switch to another leftoid party when shes elected.
Best part about all of this: the greens can't even get rid of her as its to late to make changes to the lineup for the election and they already put up a shit ton of ads with her face on it.
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- WeihnachtenSalvador : Rare hot skinny black girl
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"Vannacci si comprasse uno specchio. Parla di tratti italiani, ma sembra il turco che mi vende il kebab" #drittoerovescio pic.twitter.com/VQThgVO3Ab
— Il Grande Flagello (@grande_flagello) May 19, 2024
- WeihnachtenSalvador : Need Arab remake
- meat_wad :
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Oh sorry, looks like I misspelled turkey
- WeihnachtenSalvador : Will die even faster. Germs as always don't know how to spend money
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Guten Tag, Bonjour, God Dag, Dobry dzień and other !eurochads noises
@ThatHoeOverThere once lost control of this hole, but I will Make Europe Great Again
Post drama, sneed against Burgers and display the superior culture!
Bonus points to post in a foreign language to burgers