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- KatserKitty1987 : I need to jerk off before I can sleep
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Very blue-balled right now
Also I got a strap and it unironicly helps a lot when it comes to comfort. Would highly recommend
- Slavsquatting : BRAAAAAAAP *dog fart smell permeates the room*
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- ManBearFridge : That's green you colorblind freak
- Snerkey : whats worse seeing this again or knowing it's not the first time I've seen this
- Gorgeous_Gorillawitz : Day that ends in y
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Not for you guys though, for my keyholder @Shellshock
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- hACAppy_2025 : https://f4.bcbits.com/img/a2874777179_65
- Homoshrexual : if you like futa you are objectively a cute twink
- CHRONOLOGY_IS_A_CHOICE : ^ I promise I only like futa for the peepee
- THOMAS : This seems physically unrealistic
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- Dahl_Fook : You WILL Dm me photos
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I wish this was me.
Also this image is semi relevant because palworld is getting sued lmao !furries
- fuckmeatsandwich : Waiting for package for package to receive package
- E : Part of the humiliation ritual is calling them about your peepee cage
- Dahl_Fook : You WILL be sending me pics in Dm's
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I wish I could meet with some but I'm not mentally ill enough to give my address to someone and I don't know how I could even begin meeting then irl.
For now they will just be funny internet people to me I guess.
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- ManBearFridge : Go away
- Noahface : Who the frick frames a picture of their own butthole
- starryeyedboymoder : Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
- fatsy : roleplay your suicide
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- Cocoa_Guzzler : Nice! Going with my suggestion for Kink3D
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Not naming names but you know who is the more outspoken degen on this website now.
At least I have the lower bmi, and it's by a lot lol.
Anyway I plan to pick out the chastity cage I want on Kink3d tonight, thanks for all the suggestions!
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- Cocoa_Guzzler : Kink3D is supposedly the best. But I've never used theirs.
- pub_LICK : What does this have to do with furries?
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I trust you degenerates more than the average redditors so that why I'm asking, because I'm sure some of you are already locked
Discreet package is an absolute, I live with someone and would actually rope myself if word got out about it.
If you can't comment in /h/furry then feel free to dm me
- DEV0T10 : Cute
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- elfbinn : there's nothing chaste about this
- Cocoa_Guzzler : If this weren't /h/furry I'd share pics of mine
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- Toni :
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