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EFFORTPOST RWBY x Justice League review

Let it be known that im reviewing this because i sold out for 500 coins :marseydejected:

good thing @KinoHashira is inactive because he'd exile me from /h/kino

I'm a part time !comicshitters but I'm going into RWBY completely blind. Well not really blind, i read @carpathiantrain and @Dahl_Fook's reviews(get pinged cute twink) and watched Hbomber's video :marseyloaf:

Its a two parter, and im writing this after finishing part one. It starts with Superman waking up to R and Y fighting Grimm in a forest.

As is tradition in team up stories, Superman is powered down to give everyone else a chance. If you're wondering how they did it this time, it's because Justice League superpowers now work under RWBY rules, which is that you have to focus on it to activate it. Like its an active ability instead of a passive ability in a bibeo bame(I think)

Batman gets a power up tho. In Remnant(RWBY world) he is a Fauna(where catgirls come from :marseycatgirlandmarsey:) and has bat wings

And he likes these wings so much he seriously considers staying in Remnant instead of returning to Gotham :marseyxd:. Idk, seems like a pretty lame thing for a guy with a futuristic jet to get hang up on.

If you are wondering why he looks like a dork, there is a plot explanation for it. The villain transported them to Remnant and made them teenagers because, and get this, because hormonal teenagers are easier prey :marseydarkxd:

Is this plot point there to justify a shonen(with girls!) stays shonen have any consequences? Yeah they really are hormonal.

Resident cute butch gets the hots for WW. This is because she is very strong, proven by the fact that she can lift up a child, which im pretty sure Yang can do herself????

And Batman rizzes up Weiss which makes WW all tsundere

An Cyborg wants to BLACK Nora, which i support :marseythumbsup: :marseysnappyenraged2:

The villain didn't transport them to Remnant, it's actually a virtual reality version of Remnant and RWBY characters are there too. That's why the monster hunting school and some dead characters :wolfpyrrhanikos: return. And the villain who transported them there is Kilg%re? NGL ive never heard of this neighbor before. Apparently a Flash villain.

I'm trying not to turn this review into a recap. It's a bit of a Fortnite media soup so im trying to not get lost.

The movie itself was fun. Ive heard many times that the fighting choreography has fallen and billions must die to cat alergies, but they were good enough.

So many of the voices are squicky. I have no idea how some of you can listen to Ruby talk for 10 seasons :marseyhearnoevil:. Same is true for the JL, if you are used to their DCAU versions its not here.

I didn't like the virtual reality angle or the lame villain. Second movie's villain will be from RWBY so I wont know them.

Alright I watched the second half and im disappointed. :marseylemon: First half felt like it might go somewhere but it didnt happen. :marseysalitsnowhere:

I didnt mention this in the first half but the Grimm in the movie wasnt like the Grimm in RWBY. There, Grimm are mindless monsters that only want to attack. Here they do strategies and adapt to the powers of the heroes and dont even disappear after slain. They are just generic sludge animal monsters made by a machine. Could have been Venom for all the difference it did :marseyspiderman2:

Thing is, the first movie pulled a Matrix, but in this one theyre in the real world and Grimm still operate in the same way. Idk if its too contradictory to RWBY canon, I know theyre controlled by a human there too so idk :marseyshrug:

I dont know how strong theyre either. At one point the entire JL x RWBY team fight a Wyvern and get their asses handed to them. If its really this hard @RWBY must be right that they were never going to beat Salem :marseysalem:. Im team Salem. Id never get tired of licking her boots :lick:

Oh and if youre wondering why Superman cant just launch them into orbit this time, Grimm hearts are made of Kryptonite now :marseyretardnotes:

There is this weird part where green lantern is sad she cant get BLEACHED by a teen Jaune :carpjaunearc: It didnt register in the first part when they were all teenagers but here JL is back to being adults :marseypedobear: Ive never seen this GL before either. I know of the white dude and the black dude, guess the final thing left to do was a brown foid

The final villain is this guy :marseyarthurwatts: who died in the show and transferred his conciousness to a computer than that to the DC universe :marseyschizowall: and he is as lame as Kilgore

He appears with a body only for the final 15 minutes and doesnt do anything besides summon Grimm to fight for him

The movie bamboozles the viewer by making a false setup like Kilgore is going to double cross him but that scene we see between them is just a lie.

There is an attempt for a cute rogues gallery team up against the villains towards the end, but that doesnt go anywhere either? Killer Croc, Weather Wizard and Mirror Master(literally who???) show up they do a we are in this together thing but they just spawn some mirrors and disappear from all subsequent scenes :marseywut2:

Flash's rivalry with Kilgore felt so forced.. He got mind controlled in the first movie but thats an occupational hazard. He didnt do much under the mind control either. Here he is talking as if Kilgore r*ped him :marseyhelp:

First part used side characters from RWBY well. Jaune was the breakout character for me :carpjaunearc:. Missed opportunity to not do that here. The only addition to the JL team from the first movie is Black Canary, and fricking mirror master appears ofc :marseycontemplatesuicide: Some rogues and b grade League members are mentioned but never show up. But there is like 3 seconds where we see Joker from behind so thats cool :marseysociety2:

WW never uses the lasso of truth as anything other than a normal lasso, in a story with mind control and grand conspiracy :marseygigaretard:

Final thought, Blake looked cuter with long hair. Sue me.

They fuse the two villains together and trap them in a digital world where they cant hurt continuity anymore. Lessons about friendship learned, everyone goes home happy :marseysoldemayo: the end.

Thats that. Sorry if it looks like im effort baiting. This was a passion project/a gift for a friend so i didnt want to half butt it :marseygift: Also my mind is one continous run on sentence and i dont do brevity or wit :marseyspecial:


Part 1 7/10

Part 2 4/10

Too much water.

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You may be happy to learn Salem has official merch from RT (notice the booby mousepad in the corner)

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that would increase my gaming capabilities. not making WB earn money tho

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I'd argue it's an ethical purchase because WB now owns RT. Daddy Zaslav deserves support more than RT's original crew of nerds and soys :marseysoyhypegenocide:

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