Serial killer bacon drama :marseypig: :marseypearlclutch2:



A comedy group called Danger Cats (which I'm pretty sure is a FUBAR reference) made a shirt about that guy who killed hookers on his farm.

“This is so disgusting,” said Palexelsiya Lorelei Williams.

B.C. Solicitor General Mike Farnworth, a long-time Port Coquitlam MLA, is also outraged by the T-shirt. “There's nothing humorous about that,” Farnworth told Global News. “I'm more than appalled. I just think that it's absolutely one of the most disgusting things that I have ever heard.

Lots of injuns and yt women in a tizzy, shows cancelled, redditors undoubtedly malding

anyone got a link to that one news article where the sexy Indian dudea was :marseyraging: that they changed the international student rules and said she was gonna have to marry a canadian to stay now

found another article where an entitled poo makes the argument for chuds that they're just coming over to take jerbs good thread of seethe about it

wanna start compiling news articles where they just admit to this shit lol !leafs

Who's excited for camping this summer?


the whole thread is gold, a bunch of leaf teachers whining about how they're constantly told how racist they are but not connecting the dots that this is exactly what they vote for

Anti-abortion presentation in Leafland
The Jews are getting the Catholic treatment
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  • gerudo : this post is not provided to me in english, as is my right as a dramatard
  • iStillMissEd : I know for a fact u could translate this for us and just choose not to

J'étais à Montréal, dans le coin du centre-ville, et j'entre dans un petit restaurant de salades. (Je ne vais pas le nommer ici parce que c'est pas la place pour.) Il y a une seule employée dans le restaurant. Je lui demande, en français, quelques détails sur leur menu. Elle me répond seulement en anglais. Je continue à lui parler en français, mais elle ne semble que comprendre quelques mots que je lui dis et me répond en anglais.

Je ne blâme absolument pas l'employée, qui ne fait qu'essayer de faire sa job le mieux qu'elle le peut et gagner un peu d'argent. Bien à elle. Je blâme son employeur, qui a clairement du réaliser qu'elle ne parlait pas français et qui l'a engagé dans une position de service à la clientèle quand même.

Évidemment, c'est pas quelque chose de rare. Mais quand même, c'est mon droit d'être servi en français. Alors j'ai porté plainte. C'est super facile, y'a un petit formulaire simple en ligne ici:

Je vous encourage tous de faire la même chose quand vous n'êtes pas servis en français. C'est votre droit aussi, et juste chialer sans rien faire ne mènera à rien - surtout quand y'a précisément un outil qui existe pour vous permettre de vous faire entendre par le gouvernement et être inclu dans les statistiques pertinentes.


La différence entre une idéologie et un culte de la personalité: aucun anarchiste n'a ever eu besoin de faire un colloque intitulé "En défense de <insert dude="">".</insert>

Parce que les anarchistes n'ont jamais accompli quoi que ce soit.


NDP running tiktok ads :marseyzoomer:


Y'know how we keep hearing there's no heavy industry or manufacturing in Canada? Probably because every time EVERY TIME a project starts up ruralcels and injuns come out of the woodwork.

If you somehow manage to pay off the two thousand different first nations that suddenly popped into existence around your project, the ruralcel r-slurs will lobby the gov.

No matter that their entire lifestyle is subsidized by the provinvial capital and the feds, they manage to kibosh anything mildly profitable. :soycry: nooooo my shitty dilapidated 1970s bungalow serviced by a dirt road will be RUINED


So a dude who was in and out of jail murders his entire family. I've posted about it before. The judge said he would probably reoffend. The system didnt do a thing so of course the answer?

Manitoba's advocate for children and youth is calling on the provincial government to better support young people facing intimate partner violence

Mo money fo dem programs. How is this supposed to help murdered kids?

Reported by:

I love all the "They'll audit you and make you pay 30 years of back taxes!" lmfao neighbor wut? The people who do this shit are dirt poor, they have nothing. To audit and fine them is just a waste of time.

Not to mention that every tax cheat worth his salt knows to avoid banks and obscure the source of everything ("Were did I get all those power cowtools? Dude hired me to fix them for him but never paid his bill, been holding them ever since")

!leafs why are our countrymen such narcs?

My neighbour here in Edm are new immigrants which is fine. She works as a Day Home Educator and doesn't pay in taxes because she shows all expenses part of being self employed. I did mentioned her about retirement and they don't care. The husband is the bad one. He works for contractor that pays him only cash and I tried politely to explain him the consequences and he brushed it off. Now they just came back from family vacation and he lost his job and don't know what to do. I told him get a normal job and pay into taxes and cpp.

And how would've paying taxes helped him? He'd be in the same spot but have 20% less money.

This person can't get CPP. CPP is a forced DP pension plan that you and your employer contribute to. That is also the reason why it won't "disappear" like OAS might at some point in the future. It's one of the best DP plans in the world at least as far as stability is concerned.

Too bad it pays so little and cheats so hard (Die too young? No money for your family. Die when you're old enough? Your spouse gets half your pension, gov gets the rest)

I think many people are missing the underlying point he's trying to make here. I'm also a little pissed that some douche parades around town like a big shot because he has the extra money to spare from stealing from all the other taxpayers and lining his own pockets.

Oh boo hoo, poor little you

Not paying taxes is an affront to every other tax paying Canadian. Rat them out to CRA. The CRA will do a means and ways test to determine how someone with no income or a couple with limited income can afford the lifestyle they have. If it doesn't match up CRA will self assess them for the taxes they should of paid plus interest and non reporting penalties. People like this that don't pay their fair share of taxes and don't save for their own retirement will be the first in line looking for a free handout like Guaranteed Income Supplement. Unless tax paying Canadians are prepared to pay even more taxes, people like this need to be called out. Social government services only work when we all pay what is required.

People like this are why I tell people working under the table to file their taxes and just claim they made 0 dollars. Get all those bennies and frick the tax smucks harder

And what happens when the CRA audits them and goes "Oh these people live like paupers in a shithole"?


Manitoba man has been charged with five counts of first-degree murder in the deaths of his 30-year-old partner, their three young children and a relative of his partner

Dude murdered his baby momma and all their kids including a toddler. The kids were in a car he set on fire, no word if they were still alive at that point though. The media and chiefs immediately start running the usual narratives:

Manoakeesick has a history of addiction and mental health issues[...]the then-25-year-old struggled with mental health issues that included anxiety and depression[...] is a member of Garden Hill First Nation, but had been in foster care since he was eight.

It's not on record but people who watched the presser said the grand chief went so far as to say this act showed how much he loved his kids.

It never ends with these socioeconomic casualties, I hope reconciliation fixes this all soon. I'm going to voluntarily contribute more to taxes in 2024, to fund more programs for these poor souls.

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