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This is pretty specific but does anyone have recommendations for caveman fiction? :marseyclueless:

I’m looking for fiction stories set in caveman times. Not post-apocalyptic stories or nomads away from civilization stories mind you, but stories where there is no civilization yet. I’ll take “historical fiction” (if that applies here) or more fantastical settings as long as they have the right vibe.

I’ve always been somewhat fascinated by the Paleolithic. We spent most of our history living as hunter-gatherers, with modern civilization a small blip by comparison, but it doesn’t show up in storytelling that often. :marseyshrug:

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what sworts of stwories can reawwy be twowld abwout cavemwen, they reawwy just kind of existed, right?

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I’m just going to throw delicate shit at the wall and watch it shatter until you people watch primal.

You think caveman times can’t good story????? Fricking binge this show IMMEDATLEY. What the frickkkkk :marseydinosaur:

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The first part of 2001 novel? That's weird book, it's a movie tie-in but it's written by Clarke and is pretty good IIRC. You should read it.

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Huh. I’ve heard of that novel but I never realized it was concurrent with the movie.

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I had no idea that book was a movie tie-in. It was a pretty good book, I agree, although I thought the sequel was trash and I never bothered to read the third one.

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The movie is much better than the book imo

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Jean Auel wrote a whole series of them.

And yes that's a foid so it dips perilously close too romance novels at times, but they're still pretty good popcorn history fiction.


Trans lives matter

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OMG you found the novel lmao

my dad got this for us as an audiobook to get me and my brother to sleep crazy he didnt listen to it first we heard so many caveman s*x scenes

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In a time long before cities and towns, when the earth was still young and untamed, there lived a tribe of cavemen. They roamed the land, hunting for food and sheltering in caves at night, never knowing what dangers lurked around them.

One member of the tribe stood out from the others. His name was Grug, and he was bigger and stronger than the rest. His broad shoulders and muscular arms made him the envy of the other men. Grug was also smarter than the rest, and he could hunt and track animals better than anyone in the tribe.

One day, Grug and his hunting party set out to find food for the tribe. They walked for hours, tracking a herd of mammoths across the plains. As they approached the mammoths, Grug signaled for the others to wait. He crept closer to the animals, watching their every move.

Suddenly, a group of rival cavemen appeared, armed with spears and clubs. They had been following Grug's tribe, hoping to steal their food and women. Grug knew what he had to do. He signaled to his hunting party, and they charged at the rival tribe.

The two groups clashed in a fierce battle, with Grug leading the charge. He swung his club with all his might, knocking down rival cavemen left and right. Blood was spilled on the ground, but Grug's tribe emerged victorious.

As they celebrated their victory, Grug knew that he had to protect his tribe from any future threats. He began to teach the other men how to hunt and fight, passing on his knowledge and skills to the next generation.

And so, Grug became a legend among his people. His strength and intelligence ensured the survival of his tribe, and his legacy lived on for generations to come.


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All them words won't bring your pa back.

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grug smash pa

pa dead


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I remember my dad got us an audiobook about cavemen to get us to sleep without having listened to it first it was apparently full of caveman s*x between neanderthals and homo sapiens. I'll look for it again maybe I will find

nvm another user found them

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every rdrama user has a similar story. It just takes the right thread to uncover the horrors that created each user

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It was a mix of vietnam war era novels with hookers and gore coupled with an incredibly weird book about bigfoot encounters where a lady related her sexual encounter with sasquatch

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incredibly weird book about bigfoot encounters where a lady related her sexual encounter with sasquatch

I have sasquatch phobia due to s1e2 of this tv show https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Lost_Tapes_episodes


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My mom gave me that one, I was like 12. I didn't have a prehistoric r*pe fetish but that lady did. I remember being disgusted and looking at the dust jacket and the lady who wrote it was omega university nerd frumpy . I have hated them since for their perversion

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Genndy Tartakovsky has you, there’s literally a perfect answer to your question. Caveman show from caveman times where there’s no spoken word, only nonverbal between a caveman and a dino.

If you don’t watch this show IMMEDIATELY (there’s some free episodes always up on adultswim.com if ur poorcel) i’m going to get irrationally angry.

Here’s one of the only scenes / episodes that is by far the absolute MOST disturbing and dread-inducing thing I’ve ever seen on tv.

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Clan of the Cave Bear?

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It's pretty bad, but I can't really think of anything else.

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i havent read it, i just looked up cave man novels and its the only title i recognized

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It's basically porn for women from the days before literotica existed.

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this is something weird I noticed. Women seem to be much more into written porn compared to men who are almost exclusively into watched porn. Rare foid W?

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oh, probably a shitty rec for OP then lmao

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Tbf gay caveman porn could be an untapped market. They already have dinosaur erotica

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tfw no twink caveman books


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:marseypirate: : Arrr, what kind of scurvy landlubber would be interested in such a thing? Only a dirty, filthy pirate like meself would be intrigued by the thought of two men, one a dirty, stinking caveman, and the other a gay man, writin' their own brand of romance on the open seas. Arrrr!

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how is only one of them gay?

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:marseypirate: : What do ye mean by only one of them be gay? There be plenty of gay pirates on this ship, and if ye can't handle it, ye can walk the plank.

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That one webcomic already did it.

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I read the first one and then stopped after reading the reviews of the later books. It has its charm, like the mix between super neurodivergent anthropologic info dumps and psychedelic fantasy bullshit. The story is very repetitive though. It boils down to the Neanderthals debating: human can't be here no more -> oh wow human better than us at everything they can stay -> repeat like 4 times.

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:marseypirate: : Aye, what of it? You think because you've read a book you know all there is to know about us? You know nothing, landlubber. We take what we want and answer to no one. So unless you want to end up as shark bait, I suggest you turn your little boat around and head back to shore before I give the order to have me men fire on ye.

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I have no suggestions but I wish you luck your search :platysalute:


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There might be some whiteys who have written their noble savage fantasies of what the australia(America too?) was like pre colonialism?

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The inheritors by William Golding

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Use chatgpt for this.


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:marseypoggers: :!marppy:

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It's really the one good use I've found for it in my personal life. You can ask it to not do summaries too.

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Quest for Fire

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Probably not exactly what you're looking for but the closest thing I've read was Evolution by Stephen Baxter, it's basically a collection of short stories set describing stages of primate evolution, part 1 is prehominid ancestors, part 2 is hominid evolution up to the agricultural revolution, and part 3 is about future human evolution. Part 2 had some stories that sound like what youre looking for.

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Harry Turtledove's beyond the gap. Not entirely Caveman but plenty of'em. :chudgrug:

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Maroo of the Winter Caves

It's a bit above dramatard reading level, but look at this as an opportunity to finally find a Daddy to read aloud to you.

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I take it you've already seen quest for fire

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My father used to read Rulaman to me when I was a child, cant remember if it was good tho https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rulaman

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RETVRN to high infant mortality:marseyboomer:

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"A Story," by John V. Marsch, the second story in The Fifth Head of Cerberus. technically it concerns aliens (but they're essentially human) and has some other scifi elements, but it's essentially a story about pre-civilized cavemen and their understanding and experience of the world. i wasn't crazy about it but it sounds like you'd like it. if you do like it make sure to read the rest of the book, especially the eponymous novella, because it's great

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I remember in high school, we were given a "free reading period" (or some similar name) because the english depts. in my country usually finish their classes by November so they need to stretch out the year by any means necessary. I would usually just go to the library and pick some random book with a cool looking cover or title, because I was an intellectual like that, and I once picked this book called "The Neanderthals" because I thought it was about the Netherlands and I must have been a little dyslexic. I don't remember why I wanted to read a book about the Netherlands.

Point is, there is a book out there called The Neanderthals about psychic cavemen if you care to find it.

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Stonehenge by Bernard Cornwell?

I haven’t read it, but I like some of his other stuff.

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