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  • Ubie : ITT: redditors commiserate over the downfall of their heckin cool subreddit. :marseycryingfast:
  • Tip_Your_Lanky_Kong : not lit
  • reddit_lies : reddit fan
  • Eleganza : mfw my reddit bedtime story post gets more engagement than most of ur book posts :marseyemojirofl:

nosleep got so bad the past few years :marseysulk:

got ready to catch up on a few years of nosleep, sorted by top, literally none of these are scary, nor are they even well written. i stopped reading them in probably 2016-2017 when all the hottest stories started boiling down to "bigotry was the real monster all along" "big bad evil guy does a heckin wholesome" or just weird, impotent revenge fantasies you can tell are written about the author's bully

the top post of the last few years is https://old.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/wqnymn which is just a stupid shallow reddit bait about a cheater but even sillier than usual :marseytabletired2: main character's wife when her husband gets drunk and chips part of his brain out in front of her :marseyclueless:

are there any the past few years that don't suck butt? i used to stay up all night scared shitless over these, the bar is low, i can't believe nosleep has somehow gotten so bad they can't even scare me

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Done queen, edited the post. Copypasted it too so somethingawful stragmins can't have a hissy fit and lock their precious forum again

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I LOVE YOU SO MUCH ITS UNREAL I am so happy rn. This story has just been an incomprehensible mish mash of "there was a little guy and he was so scary and it was in a tunnel" for yearsssss every time I tried to find it

Thank you so much :marseyhappytears:

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:marseymarseylove: that was a crazy coincidence, this story just stuck in both of our minds like crazy huh? Something about the weird, first person narrative and description of that creature just unsettled me entirely. Idk why of all the stories I read on those threads it lingered in my mind.

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