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  • Ubie : ITT: redditors commiserate over the downfall of their heckin cool subreddit. :marseycryingfast:
  • Tip_Your_Lanky_Kong : not lit
  • Brasillguana : reddit fan
  • Eleganza : mfw my reddit bedtime story post gets more engagement than most of ur book posts :marseyemojirofl:

nosleep got so bad the past few years :marseysulk:

got ready to catch up on a few years of nosleep, sorted by top, literally none of these are scary, nor are they even well written. i stopped reading them in probably 2016-2017 when all the hottest stories started boiling down to "bigotry was the real monster all along" "big bad evil guy does a heckin wholesome" or just weird, impotent revenge fantasies you can tell are written about the author's bully

the top post of the last few years is https://old.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/wqnymn which is just a stupid shallow reddit bait about a cheater but even sillier than usual :marseytabletired2: main character's wife when her husband gets drunk and chips part of his brain out in front of her :marseyclueless:

are there any the past few years that don't suck butt? i used to stay up all night scared shitless over these, the bar is low, i can't believe nosleep has somehow gotten so bad they can't even scare me

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Its true honestly. There were some really good ones but now its wingcucked. I saw one that was literally "I killed my transphobic parents" lol

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It’s because the mods sre part of the :marseytrain2: cult.

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Every powermoderator on Reddit is transgender



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Trans lives matter b-word

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oh no no no

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Still praying Sam Hyde finds him on the streets

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used to stay up all night scared shitless over these,


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The scariest one was when I was reading one and the setting just seemed... familiar. More and more as I read on. Even without the familiarity it was pretty frightening

And then it named the exact dorm I was in while I was reading it :marseysob: I had to call my friend to come over cus I was so scared lmao

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You are fricking pathetic.

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you're ugly lmao

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What now.

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Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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Do women really

(Trans lives matter)

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:marseyagreesuperspeed: for some reason movies don't scare me at all but written horror stories do!

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Okay, that's it: we're getting financing for an /h/truelit, and leaving you here.

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I had to call my friend to come over cus I was so scared lmbo

M, F, MtF, FtM, ?

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the top post of the last few years is https://old.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/wqnymn which is just a stupid shallow reddit bait about a cheater but even sillier than usual :marseytabletired2: main character's wife when her husband gets drunk and chips part of his brain out in front of her :marseyclueless:



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It was a dark and stormy night, whence came a man in the darkest of night, whomst I hadn't the slightest. He was a seemingly normal gentlesir--or so you thought: upon his head, atop his pate--betwixt the sky and the depths of his evil heart--was red red red RED

No, it was not red hair. No, not even a normal red cap like Ness wears in Earthbound. Instead of something normal, he had sown into his forehead, right into his ivory white skin:


And barely legible in that red, my quite congenial fellow Redditor *doffs jocund cap jovially*, was a little bit of white.

And on that white... I read... before I died...

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So what happened next? Did you come back as a ghost or what?

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My tulpa wrote this


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Don’t forget about the 50 part stories OP hopes to turn into a book deal

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Or the actually good old stories that got turned into book/movie deals that never came to fruition but are still no longer easily accessible online :marseysulk:

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Like what? :marseypixel:

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https://mashable.com/article/ryan-reynolds-producing-reddit-nosleep-horror-story this one was the highest profile one, the original story was called "the patient who nearly drove me out of medicine"

I haven't been able to read it in 5 years so I can confirm it's actually as good as I remember but it was good enough that I looked it up years later to try to re-read it at least!

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I tried to read it years ago but it was so darn long :marseysweating: I'll give it another try this time, it had an extremely good setup!

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this but for hfy.

4chan hfy was pretty fun back in the day.

As an aside, I remember a subreddit that was nosleep for edgelords, /r/fearme. Good times.

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It's a lot better than /r/creepy which is literally just photos of Cthulhu lol. I don't think I ever delved too deep into HFY so maybe I'll do that tn instead since it doesn't seem like I missed anything with nosleep

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Shame tbat due to reddit’s formatting it’s impossible to find those old hfy posts. Now everything is crappy with 1 interesting idea out of 45.

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I stand by humans dont make good pets would make a good movie or three.

But eventually the writer of that crashed the dude on planet gladiator kangaroo and if never recovered

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I'm still holding out hope for a part 3 of Prey.

E: I just clicked on it again and the first thing I see is "chapter 934" neighbor thinks he's One Piece

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Didnt he get banned?

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oh shit i remember that

Their top post of all time is what awaits dramacels

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Before somethingawful turned into the soy-infused shitshow they are now, they would have yearly ghost story threads, and holy FRICK were they good. Here's a compendium of them.


(I actually kind of believed some of them :marseysweating:)

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the original slender man was in a thread of "make some fake paranormal images". a lot of them were creepy but when he was brand new slender man was genuinely spooky as frick, before he became the lover of mentally ill little girls. something awful really was the first and best example of the rot that ruined every amazing content creation/sharing site on the internet.

except ytmnd. ytmnd is preserved as it was and has no horseshit at all (minus the fact that no one uses it). you can relive the glory days at any time

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But ytmnd was never good.

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nostalgiaposters had ONE weakness...

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What's your problem with SA? It's big but still has it's niche. Got some shitposty culture. I swear to god the way half you people talk about it you'd think it's worse than Twitter.

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1. you can't find any of its old threads anymore.

2. they literally created shitredditsays out of spite due to reddit being more popular than they are. they directly contributed to the absolute shittening of reddit

3. after their struggle session with their alcoholic r-slur owner, they weren't anything at all. they are nothing at all. they are irrelevant and create nothing.

4. you can't find any of its old threads anymore.

if you're going to become irrelevant, you'd better at least let your old content be visible, or else you are a complete failure at everything.

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5. The goonswarm was a good bit but playing EVE Online unironically is cause for roping

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Thank you so much!! I remember 4chan had some too, I remember the... Goat? Or the rake lmfao I can't remember if they're the same but it's the story about the black people in the woods

That one was SO good but I never knew where to find other 4chan stories on that level

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Anansi's Goatman story! That one was actually 4chan. (They made a film of it, but it was full of mayos and not nearly as fun :marseyindignant:)


A lot of these older internet horror staples did start either on 4chan or Somethingawful. It's really unfortunate that /x/ doesn't have a compendium, but if you browse the archives enough you will see the best stories reposted.

I'm not sure whether the site has them all archived, but I remember some story about an urban explorer going into an ancient theater and being attacked in the tunnels underneath by some naked mokey creature that kept me up for a while :marseysweating:

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Wait wait wait was it a little tiny mokey creature? Was it white? I kind of remember this but I've never been able to find it!!!

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:soyjackwow: yes!!! it was the one where he was climbing in the tunnels with a lantern and the lantern broke and the monkey thing was licking up his blood and he ran out of the theater and as soon as he got out of the door the monkey thing leaped at him and vanished

I know for sure it was in an old somethingawful thread, I'm tempted to register and get archives just to find that son of a b-word

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I actually asked some dramatards about that one a few months ago but I described it so terribly no one had any clue. I'm so happy rn :marseydance:

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I'm slightly obsessed now and tracking this down with zeal :marseyschizotwitch: I'll tell you as soon as I find it.

Here is the original Rake story I found while looking, for now.


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@elekongza FOUND ITTTTTTTT :marseyhappening:


Onic posted:

I live on a farm outside of a city that currently has a population of around 1700. It's a small town that was built along the railroad back in the late 1800s. Most of the original buildings are still standing along Main Street. Some of them are pretty cool, and over the years I have explored most of them. My favorite was a large building that was a flower store and phones/service. The flower store took up the entire first floor, while the phones and service used the entire basement. At the time I was around 10 years old, and my father was working with the phone guy over the winter.

After school, I would walk about a mile through the snow, and wait around in the flower shop for about 4 hours, till I could get a ride back to the farm with my dad. I would get extremely bored in there, so I would come up with poo poo to do. I would draw on my sketch pad, or hang out in my little mock office that I had constructed in the back rooms. One day, however, I found this door in the basement. I asked the guy my dad worked with what it led to. He unlocked it for me, and revealed a very old rope elevator. The kind that you stand on, and pull on the rope, and you go up or down.

He told me to get on it, so I did. He then proceeded to take us up to the upper level of the building. The upper door led to a hallway with a door at the end of it.

He showed me that the door has a tiny hatch at about adult eye level. I was then told that this place was used for drinking in the days of prohibition. People wanting to get in and drink would have to talk their way in through that little hatch. The room on the other side of the door was huge. It had a long, old style bar. There was obviously a dance floor, and other things. There were lots of cobwebs and dust from the years it hadn't been used. This place amazed me. The history of the upper level of a flower shop. That's what got me started on exploring.

Over the years I managed to get inside almost all the buildings that were located on Main Street. A couple had been converted to small apartments, so I couldn't look into those. The upper level of the furniture store was great. It also appeared to be used for drinking back in the days of prohibition.

There was one building that I kept wanting to get into, but never could. That building was the old movie theater. It was located on the end of Main Street.

The theater was used right when motion pictures came out, but caught fire and was burned pretty badly. Quite a few people died when this happened. They did fix it up and try to get the movies going again, but nobody wanted to go to the shows there. They would rather travel the 20 miles to a nearby city, so the theater was shut down for good. This was around the late 1930s, I believe. So this thing had sat with its door locked for the better part of 70 years. I wanted to get into this building badly. It took me quite a few years to gain access to it.

Many years later, I was able to get into it. I was older, and ready to give it a shot. The other buildings I had explored were still being used, so I would just ask for permission from the owners. This one was illegal to get into, however.

I had to wait 'till about 2 in the morning, when the town was dead. The street-lights go off at 2 am, so that is my chance to get in unnoticed. I used a crowbar to wrench the padlock setup they had on the door off. There was just a single door in the front, so I had to use that. The door opened up, revealing stairs going down into what I called "extreme" darkness. You know how you can stand in the dark and still kinda see after your eyes adjust? Well, in this dark, you couldn't see anything. It was like being in a cave because there was absolutely no light source down there.

Thankfully I had brought a mag light and a lantern, so it wasn't that big of a deal. I made my way down the steps, making sure to close the door on my way down. I didn't want anybody to know I was there, since it was trespassing. The stairs led down quite a ways. Soon the hot, humid summer air ended, and was replaced with cold, dank air. It was quite a relief, actually. The air was pretty stagnant, however. Anyway, the stairs leading down met up with a short sort of hallway, then stairs leading up. It didn't make any sense to me then, and still doesn't now. I walked up those stairs and come to another door. Thankfully there was no lock on it, nor the handle. I simply pushed it open and walked into the room. The room I entered was the lobby. A moderately large room, with a booth for tickets, and some old chairs fixed to the floor. The lobby didn't yield anything interesting, so I marched onward.

I walked down a narrow hallway, and came to the screen room. It wasn't very large at all. It was about the size of a 2 car garage. The screen was gone, but the seats were all still intact. There was no projector room that I could see, but a fixed metal stand was in the back of the room. I could only assume that the film projector must have sat on it. I looked around there for a while and found an old wheat-penny! Finally this exploration was paying off. I walked back to the lobby to check out a doorway that I had saw before.

The light from my lantern showed a padlock on this door. That must mean there is some good stuff behind it! I pry off the lock and open the door. Inside is a small room that used to be an office. There's an old rotting desk in it, a wooden chair, and newspapers lying all over the floor. I tried to look at the newspapers, but the years of humidity had gotten to their print. There was nothing of interest in the desk, and the only framed picture on the wall was a painting of a flower pot.

There was another door at the other end of the office though, so I moved onto it. I tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge. The door was warped pretty bad. I had to shoulder it a couple times to get it to pop open. When it did, I almost tumbled quite a ways. Behind the door was steps leading down. I figured it must be the basement.

I made my way down the creaky old stairs, and walk into a very large room. I compared it to a basketball court in my mind. Scattered through the room were old brick pillars that made up the support for the building. Some of them were in bad shape, but still appeared to be holding strong. As I'm checking out one of the pillars, I hear the pitter-patter of feet off in the darkness behind me. I whipped out the mag light and shone it around. I can't see anything, however. I chalked it up to my imagination, and continued my exploring.

I first checked out what would be the north end of the room and I see a bunch of stuff under sheets. I pulled them off to find chairs stacked up neatly. Nothing too interesting. Next to the chairs are some boxes with old movie reels in them. I really wanted to take one with me, but I didn't. I'm not a thief.

More pattering off in the distance alarmed me. I call out to determine if anyone is there, but am met with no answers. I had thought someone had followed me into the theater, or that there was an animal in here with me. The mag light didn't shine as far as it normally would. The light beam would cut out after about 8 feet, so I didn't have a good view of everything that was around me. I was on guard now, since I knew something was in here. I started walking towards the noise with the flashlight and lantern glowing. I reached a wall, and hadn't seen anything. I didn't know what to think at that point. It's an old building though, so it could just be random noises that old buildings make. I decided to walk towards the east wall and check out anything that might be over there.

I get there and find a ton of wooden boxes piled to the ceiling, which was about 7 foot high. I start grabbing them off the top and checking the contents. There is nothing inside the boxes. All of the ones I searched through are empty. I get down to about 4 feet and see something behind where I had just pulled the box from. It's the outline of a hole. This interested me greatly.

I quickly remove the other boxes that are along the wall, and am soon greeted with a large hole in the wall. It is about 4 feet tall, and 3 feet wide. It wasn't neatly cut out of the wall, either. It seemed that bricks were torn from the foundation to reveal this hole.

I shine my light into the hole, and can now see a tunnel of sorts. It is very crudely made. It looked like something you would see in a prison escape movie. Rough walls lined it, and it was kinda circular. The floor of it was flat though. It took me all but a half a second to decide to explore it. A tunnel under a town in Iowa. "How often do you find something like this?" I muttered to myself.

I hunched over and stepped into the tunnel. I heard that pattering noise behind me once again. I look over my shoulder and see nothing. I shrugged it off and started going into the tunnel.

After about 10 feet the tunnel started to shrink a bit. It is now about 3 and a half feet tall. For a 6 foot person at the time, that is quite a strain. I hunched over and started slowly moving onward. I was basically walking with my rear end on my feet. About 20 feet in, the tunnel takes a sharp turn to the left. Then after another 20 feet it opened up into a small room. Well, not really a room, more like a bigger, wider opening. I notice 2 tunnels cut off from this one, and I decide to take the one on the right.

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Omg please please drop the link I'm going batshit here I just read the 10th dogshit nosleep of the night about mannequins

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I stepped into the room and heard crunching coming from under my feet. I looked down and see skeletons of all sorts of stuff. I'm not a doctor or archaeologist or any of that, but they looked like cat/rat/rabbit skeletons. This spooked me a little bit. Off on the other side of the room near the right tunnel was a decaying cat. Good times, good times. I could only assume there was another way into this system of tunnels, if animals were getting in.

I walked over the skeletons, and went through the right tunnel. It's a winding bastard too. Every few feet, I would have to turn one way or the other. I walked a bit further, and felt breeze on my sweaty face. I must have found that opening I was thinking about. Sure enough, there was a chunk about the size of couple shoe boxes missing out of the ceiling. I shone my light upwards and saw rounded concrete. I must be under a culvert or something. I walked onward, and am soon met with a collapsed section. "Well that's encouraging." I remark to nobody in particular. I turned around and started to head back to the bone room, but I felt vibrations. I shone the light around and see some rocks tumbling from around the collapsed section. A roaring noise then echoes through the tunnel. I recognized that sound. It was a tractor. He must be driving on the road, near the culvert. I found it strange that this thing is so shallow where I am.

I hadn't even noticed that I was slowly moving upwards when I was going down the right tunnel. I walked back to the bone room at that point.

I looked down to make sure I didn't step on that decaying cat, but it was gone. Did I miss something? I shone the light around the little room, and it's nowhere to be seen. After that, I did the only logical thing. I stepped into the other tunnel branching off from the room. Now, this one was really small. I had to literally crawl through it on my hands and knees.

So, I left my lantern in the room and started crawling. This wasn't fun at all. There were all sorts of sharp little rocks that my hands and knees were going over, and I was wearing shorts.

I crawled about 30 feet in this tunnel, and stopped to take a breather. I was able to sit down, hunched over. A minute later, my ears picked up a sound. It was a crunching noise. I stop breathing so I can listen better. The sound is coming from the direction I was heading. I turn the flashlight on and shine it down the tunnel. A pair of orange eyes about 20 feet away greet me. This thing...it looks like a hairless, skeletal, monkey. I let out a hearty "What the gently caress?" The beast whips up, sees the light, and disappears in a flash.

I had seen enough. I quickly shuffled around, and was met face to face with this... thing. It lets out this horrible... what I can only describe as a bark at me. I jumped up and slammed my head into the ceiling above me.

I writhed in pain, and felt blood pouring out a cut in my head. I must have hit a sharp rock. I started crawling as fast as I could towards the bone room. I get to the little room, and shone the light back into the darkness. About 10 feet away is that loving thing. It's licking the ground where my blood had trailed. It keeps licking away, but eyeballs me and growls. Oh isn't this just dandy! This thing likes blood. I'm getting the gently caress out of this place. I tried to run through the bone room, but tripped and scrambled to stand up in all these dead animals. I run to the tunnel and duck so I can head right into it. I didn't duck well enough. Pow, my forehead smacks into the wall. That knocks me on my rear end. Now my head is in some serious pain. I can't tell if I'm bleeding from my forehead, because my face is already covered in blood from a minute earlier.

I ignored the pain as best as I could and made haste down the tunnel. I was breathing extremely hard. This was too much for me.

I burst out of the tunnel and into the basement of the theater. I started flinging wooden boxes in front of the tunnel, in a vain attempt to block whatever was in there. I get a bunch piled in front and start hustling for the stairs. It's never that easy though. I get there and the stairs are gone. Just a wall. What in the name of God is going on! As it turns out, I had just ran to the wrong wall.

A quick sprint to another wall revealed the staircase. I started to run up it, but hear boxes smashing behind me. I hauled rear end up the stairs because right after the smashing boxes came the sound of loud pattering, like a dogs paws on concrete. I got into that office I was in and slammed the door. I kicked and kicked at it, 'till the warping did its natural locking effect.

Not even a second later the door started thumping as if something was banging into it. Then a clawing noise started happening. I ran over and shoved the desk in front of the door. I did all this while holding my poor mag light. If I had brought some plastic piece of poo poo, it would have been dark by the time I scrambled out of that tunnel. I stepped back and watched the door and desk shudder as something kept pounding at it. The pounding stopped as soon as it started. Then there was just silence.

The silence didn't last too long, however. I heard a clicking noise off in the distance. It sounded mechanical. I walked out into the lobby, and the noise grew. What the heck is that noise? It was coming from the screen room. My curiosity got the best of me, even after all of that. I walked to the hallway and saw the glow of light from the screen room. "Is someone in there?" I asked myself.

The second I enter the room I saw a huge light square where the movie screen would be. It's coming from a nonexistent projector. The light just started from midair, and cast itself onto the brick wall where the screen would be. I stood in amazement, watching this unbelievable thing.

Soon I could hear the sound of crying all around me. I snapped out of the hypnosis the light seemed to have over me, and glanced around. There was no one there, but the crying was still happening. It wasn't distant, or weird. It just sounded like people all around you were tearing up.

I started to walk backwards to the hall. As soon as I reached the door leading out of the screen room, I hear something different. The cries had quit, and erupted into screaming. The light from the nonexistent projector turned blood red, and coated the entire room. That was enough. I ran back into the lobby and towards the way out. I glanced over at the office as I ran past it, and see the door fly open, and desk go skidding across the room. poo poo, that thing had gotten out at a bad time. I ran down the steps to the exit. Behind me I could hear a sound that was a mix between a snarl and a gurgle. The thing was chasing me. I soon was running up to the door leading outside. I sprinted up the steps and flew through the door into the outside world. I look back in time to see the thing leaping towards the door at me. It disappeared as soon as it hit the doorway.

I fell down to my hands and knees, trying to catch my breath. My kneeling turned into laying on the sidewalk. My head was pounding, and my face was sticky from blood. My hands and knees were covered in cuts and scrapes from my rapid exit out of the tunnel. I stood up and shut the door to the theater. Nothing was going to get me to go back in there. I walked back to my vehicle, and remembered that I had left my lantern in the bone room. Oh well, it was a 30 dollar Coleman, easily replaceable. I then drove home and nursed my wounds.

About a year later, the town council decided to demolish a building that was 2 down from the theater. After destroying the foundation, they found a branch to the system of tunnels I was in. It was quite the big discovery, and hit the newspaper soon after it was found. The newspapers said that the tunnels were not even known about by any current living resident of the town. They were old and decrepit. The part of the article that caught my eye though, was their speculation on why there was a modern day lantern in the tunnel. I just chuckled at that. The branch they discovered must have been the one I was heading down when I saw the creature.

The tunnels are still there. The town council decided to leave them be, since they presented no danger to the buildings around them. However, they are now watched over very well, since they don't want any meddling kids getting into them. That doesn't matter to me though. I'm not going back in them.

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Hehe poopoo

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What's your problem with SA?

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I used to like the writing prompts sub, but like 7 years ago there was like "shallow hal" style prompt that started cringey and then they used the phrase "smoke-show" to describe the beauty of someone, and I blocked it. It was too much

I googled and found this place, I don't know if it's any good. But it has stuff.


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https://i.rdrama.net/images/16815241331920218.webp we need Marsey creepypastas!!

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I called aevann and he said "we don't have any carp fish. Get the lulcows out of the house"

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BOO :#marseyghost:

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This just reminded me of how much that two sentence horror sub would make me seethe every time I saw it.

_____. But they were dead the whole time! :marseyscream:

Same shitty ending every post. :marseymad:

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Two sentence horror:

Space travel isn't going to happen in your lifetime. You're outnumbered by :marseyjewoftheorient::marseymerchant::marseybipocmerchant::marseyjewofthesubcontinent::marseyhibernian: who hate you and want you dead.

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I don’t know why people complain about lines. Every minute I’m in li e is another minute I’m still alive.

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The only one that crossed my radar as a non-nosleep kind of person was the series from a park ranger talking about the stairs in the woods and whatnot. Did you see them?

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Yeah those were Incredible. It's embarrassing to admit you like nosleep because most of them are just dogshit

But then you have series like that that are more compelling than half the shit on the best sellers list. Which is a low bar I'm aware lol

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those hold up so well. the author bounced when reddit changed their terms of service (which is probably what happened to all of the good writers)

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Link plz I remember them from almost 10 years ago

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They have always been shit

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I used to read creepypastas back in the day on /b/ or /x/ that these stories descended from. At least back in the day they'd set the tone like it was something that actually happened to them.

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I listened to Dagoth Ur reads Morrowwind creepypasta. The idea of a haunted mod was undercut by how boring the mod was. No quests. Everyone is dead. People just stare at the sky.

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That was incredibly poorly written. There's a nugget of an idea in there.

I read nosleep like, in the fedora and MLP era, and never really cared for it. It was never this bad

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I was considering writing a science fiction story about a bad future where the Church of the Inverted Peepee was convincing young men to mutilate their peepees, and then claim I found it in an old pulp magazine. I wanted to do eerie parallels of the future. Ones that almost but not quite match reality. Like the Soviet Union collapsing into a civil war in 1995, a Suicide bomber causing the collapse of one of the Twin Towers, and the biggest Disney film of the year being an adaption of Hans Christian Anderson’s Steadfast Tin Soldier done with computer animation.

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The top post on HFY is a series that devolves into a cruel politician who is so psychotic and out of touch that she riles up a crowd of angry, useful idiots to riot and storm an completely innocent planet's embassy when they have only ever tried to be kind

I'm not saying you can get away with it but it would be funny to see their excuse for why it's a bad story or worthy of removal when no one else tries to hide their politics lol

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And then end it with "Kitty history - exactly like ours!"

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I stopped reading after the most popular story of the year turned out to be a weird play on the texas bounty hunter thing. It was so cringe.

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When was it ever good? How can you be scared by text lmao, especially text written by a redditor. I tried reading a couple and had to stop because it was just cringe

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you've just gotten older

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is that part of the bit where everyone replies as if the story happened? I guess that would make sense for somewhat reasonable stories but that lobotomy one is just cringe

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Yeah plus it has hugbox rules too. It's always unsettling to find ones where people don't realize nosleep is fiction but still comment something they went through that reminds them of the story :marseycringe2:

Idk if I'll be able to find it but there was one I read about a lady eating her sons ashes out of grief and someone in the comments was earnestly responding about her own urges to eat her kids ashes. Her post history confirmed she did have a dead child :marseyveryworried:

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This is legitimately scarier than anything else posted on this thread.

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are the palm frons in the room with us now?

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This one is pretty good

The reason modern creepypastas suck is because people with no talent vastly outnumber the good writers and see it as an easy ticket to fame and the good brain chemicals from people praising them for writing it. But because they're talentless they don't understand what makes a good story is the human element, so instead they attempt to shock with the most lurid details they can come up with.

It's just like holocaust memoirs.

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That video is incredible

Also I bet the tiktok/youtube channels where they just read reddit posts probably don't help, since it seems like a lot of authors (even on 'real' subs like TIFU) write specifically to end up on them. Getting featured on one of those channels seems kinda like getting featured on Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives... brings a lot of eyes to your work but indicates something about the quality of it

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The skeleton at the end doing the :marseybeanpleading: face always gets me

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the current top post of the month is pretty good hoe the one with the bunker

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Yeah that one stood out as pretty high quality for recent work. Do you have a fav of all time?

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I can't think of any in particular rn. this thread has some goodies https://rdrama.net/post/19598/i-read-a-126-page-pdf

@funkykongpathianflorist tell her about the man in your basement

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@elekongza if you can find the time to read the whole thing in one go and it’s late at night and you’re a bit tired and completely sober, the basement man story by /u/polterkites is absolutely worth your time. The title and the premise make it seem like it’s going to be another tedious, puerile rules story or unnecessarily drawn out serialization about something trite like the title

But it is not that at all

Even a little bit

That is deliberate and it is so masterfully written and if binged and in the right mood it completely fricks with your head in a way a story written for Reddit absolutely should not have the finesse to do. But it does and it is so so so good.

Or maybe it won’t be your thing and I am an outlier along with the handful of people I’ve bullied into reading it. It’s very long and a major time commitment. But it’s sooooo good.

Polterkites is gone now though because Netflix bought another of his stories (a still good, but less good one) and he’s producing it or some shit too. But it’s a genuinely talented author and not some gay Reddit “””writer””” and if the basement man story hits right, it’s flawless.


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It was really good! When the "list of rules" style stories started coming out I read a couple and then vowed to never read another one again because they were fricking horrible

This one was different though. Maybe I'll actually have to read some of the others... I'll look into that other story he's doing for Netflix too. Thank you Carp :marseyfingerhearts:

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perfect conditions tonight, i'll read it now! i thought this was going to be your own personal horror story of a man in your basement so the notification from him spooked me more than any of the stories i read last night

some stories on there were just so out of place next to "and then his eyes started bleeding! and he tried to speak but only static came out!!"

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The Penpal series was dope. The rest kinda sucked tbh

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