Weekly “what are you reading” discussion thread # don’t know :marseyreading:

To discuss your weekly readings. Be it books, textbooks, papers or whatever.

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40K Steal Tread - tanks vs mutants :marsey40k::marseynurgle::marseyslaanesh:

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What kind of mutants?

I always wanted to read a 40k book where they fought Orks but the ~8 Horus Hersey books I burned through never had any

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Cultists of the Demonic Gods have fused themselves with their warmachines, so that enemy tanks are living machine-chimeras of their crew fused with the tanks.

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I have a question for all you bookworms here- how long does it take you to finish a single book? Yes, I know that it depends, but generally speaking, on average or for a regular, moderatly-long book, how long would it take you to finish? What's you reading rate basically?

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If it's vacation and not work where im constantly stressed, then i can finish a 250 page book in 2 days.

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I read slowly It took me a month to finish last book I read which was 300 pages. I was also mostly free during that time

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Keep reading, you’ll eventually get faster. But I have to ask, did you like your last book? I always drag for weeks or simply give up when reading something I don’t enjoy.

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Yea I did, it was an interesting read. I think the problem I have is that I caught the zoomer brainrot disease where I'm having trouble concentrating on stuff and slowly require more and more stimulating input to keep me invested, to the point where I 'm having to exert conscious effort to stay focused with some things or I start drifting into irrelevant thoughts

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I'm having to exert conscious effort to stay focused with some things or I start drifting into irrelevant thoughts

Lmao, I’m kind of like that, it takes some effort but is a matter of trying to stay focused and you can then apply it to anything else. There are many high quality 250-350 pages books, keep up with those until getting better reading habits, or maybe set a daily pages minimum starting with 15 or something like that.

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That’s quite impressive. I think my daily pages record was 80 pages in a single day. But that happened only once years ago, my normal weekly rate is something like 25-30 pages a day, then 40-50 on the weekends

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Yeah but my reading rate is slow to zero if its work semesters, I will go on long 5 month periods not reading anything, untill its the semester vacation. So my ability to stay concentrated as an adult compared to my teenage years is completely fubar

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I remember when I was in high school I finished the first three throneshit books in a week in winter break but now I need to reread every word like three times :marseyscalped:

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It depends on how long the book is, how busy I’m and how much I like it. I can read some 300 pages a week when inspired. The only 1000+ pages book I read was IT. It took me almost 2 months to finish, but to be fair I wasn’t enjoying that book. Moby Peepee has 620 pages, and it took me 3 weeks.

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Man, I have never known anyone that read IT and didnt enjoy it. Old Stephen King is actually pretty good if you are into good stories and don’t care much about flowery language. Anything post-late-nineties has a large dropoff in quality though. He clearly needed testosterone/hard drugs to write a good book.

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IT was my first Stephen King book, and my first horror book as well. The first chapters were super engaging, but then the middle was such a drag, I also thought the ending was weak. I felt like the book could have been 400 pages shorter, I’m not saying the book is bad, but I think King is simply not my cup of tea. A friend of mine keeps recommending me “The Shining” though.

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my fave king book is definitey “Needful Things” but The Shining is really good.

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I don't have the time for it these days but I have finished 500 page books in a day if that's the only thing I have to do.

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You're on stimulants, that doesn't count

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From 2 days to never.


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If I love what I'm reading, I can have it done in 3-5 days depending on number of pages and time.

Fastest I've finished a book was 12 hours, about 206 pages. Read it every time I was sitting down lol.

The book remains a favorite; "till we have faces" by C.S Lewis


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I use audiobooks :marseypaperbag: for most nontechnical stuff I read, so the total elapsed reading time for the last book I read was ~11 hours, but that was over probably 1-2 weeks

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I've been reading the Idiot for like a month and a half but I don't read everyday so I wouldn't call myself a bookworm.

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If I'm really into something, like I just can't put it down, probably a week. But 2 or 3 weeks is a lot more typical.

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Apollo 13 still because I’m lazy and it’s long. It’s about this mission to the moon that went absolutely horrible but somehow they made it back alive. The astronaut who wrote it is actually a TOTAL CHAD https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Lovell

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I hope Lovell and Buzz Aldrin live up to see the next lunar landing.

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I hope they dont :marseyindignant:


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Just started, although I know the story, still pretty well written


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Never read that, but I remember liking the movie they made of it when I was a kid.

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:#marseykingkrazy: all of king krazys posts over and over and over again:#marseykingkrazy:

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Hast thou ever read the Tragedy of King Lear?

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How sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is

To have a thankless drama.

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The Bible :marseyfluffy:

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Which book and verses? We should have a Bible discussion thread

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Starting from the top with Genesis, I was reading some of Job as well.

ESV which I assume is the wrong choice.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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I just bought this book :marseywe#eb:

https://i.postimg.cc/dVgyQgj2/image.png https://i.postimg.cc/d3Whbf0T/image.png

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Rereading House of Leaves

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I wanna fricking read that soon

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>The gang was all there. Slipping Peepee, Greasy Min, Old Bear, the Wrecker, and the Chief: C*nt McB-word. Wrecker horked snot and clotted blood onto the shit stained mud as he skewered the last city boy through his bowls. Shit and piss sprayed from his gut and mixed with the last of his heart blood.

>"That'll teach you to disrespect women," Wrecker spat.

>"Oy C*nt, ya done yet?" Mcb-word growled. Wrecker smiled as he looked up, gazing upon the gathered crew. A hard lot, northmen all, aside from the woman. It had turned out she was more of a man than any of them. Smarter too.

Been reading early 00s DARK AND GRITTY fantasy slop :marseyembrace:

Also unadaptable kino


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por que?

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I've started reading An Immense World, which is about all sorts of animal senses and how different animals perceive the world around them. Pretty fetch.

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o wow that's going on list

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Great book for turning your irrational hatred of Big Tech into rational hatred :marseythumbsup:

Also example #9953450430 of why rightoids should try reading, instead of noticing something wrong with society and jumping to "IT'S DA SATANIST JOOZ"

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Speaker for the Dead.

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Wild series I read ages ago.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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I read Enders game when I was really young, started Speaker, and hated it. Enjoying it more now.

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Book felt very homoerotic for someone who hates gay ppl.

I’m assuming he would argue male love has become corrupted by the homosexual agenda though.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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jealousy of the gays can be a very stinky cologne. card is definitely an iconoclast, but he isnt really that controversial, and pisses off both sides of wingcuckery to no end.

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something by neal stephenson i havent decided on yet. i wanted to plough through most of his stuff this year

probably diamond age

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I’m finishing “Pale Fire” probably today or tomorrow. Next one is “Hamlet”, it will be my fourth Shakespeare play after “Macbeth”, “Coriolanus” and “King Lear”.

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"How the Mind Works" by Steven Pinker, throwback to when popular science was good. The computational model of mind chapter (2?) is surprisingly shitty still but the rest of the book could be the best popular science book ever written. He's right about everything and it doesn't matter, people can't read lol.

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I haven't had it in me to read anything since I finished Malazan last year

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Blood :marseybloodborne: meridian. A heck of a read and makes me day dream of the wild west.


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Another Robert Service 20th Century Soviet history, Bolsheviks & the West.



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i’m reading The Only Good Indians by Stephen Graham Jones. i’m only maybe 60 pages in right now but it’s starting to get interesting. bits with the mysterious elk are creepy. the horror starts off with a bang with a terribly sad dog death. that’s where i stopped yesterday and had to take a break lol

before this i read Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro and it was ok. not as good as some of his other stuff and not much to say about it. i actually picked up this book by Jones because it was shelved close to Ishiguro in the library (obviously) and it caught my eye since they didn’t have the Ishiguro that i wanted to read next.

before that i read Tress and the Emerald Sea by Brandon Sanderson. it was quite cute and i really enjoyed it. it’s most definitely not for everyone but i think it was my favorite thing he’s written in years tbh. sweet and whimsical and twee. highly recommend if you like The Princess Bride, Stardust, and books you can finish in one weekend.

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I want to start reading Ishiguro, but I’m still not sure if I should go first with “Never let me go” or with “The Remains of the Day”

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i have to say Never Let Me Go but only because i haven’t read Remains of the Day yet lol the library doesn’t have a copy of that one so i have it coming in the mail. i thought Never Let Me Go was incredible.

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Sakurai's Modern Quantum Mechanics :marseyakshually: and random papers for research

gotta restart gravity's rainbow :(

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Why we fight.

Also I love Rachel Weisz in the mummy, she can be my mommy. :#marseylove:

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Also I love Rachel Weisz in the mummy

She wasn’t on the third movie, and that’s one of the many reasons why Tomb of the Dragon emperor was awful.

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Just finished Foundation and Empire.


Bayta Darrell is Asimov's one decent female character (above pic is her daughter Arkady- all the pics of Bayta I could find are badly-scrawled coomer material).

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Bayta Darrell is Asimov's one decent female character

Lmao, she and her granddaughter are like the only female characters in the foundation trilogy.

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Oops- I forgot that Arkady's only in the second half of Second Foundation, long after the Mule's time. Asimov added Dors to Prelude to Foundation (which is a bit shit) and Bliss to Foundation's Edge and Foundation and Earth (which are probably no better but I kind of like them because they're old-school space exploration stories).

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How can you even call yourself a judge?

I am not Darrell Brooks, I am a third party intervener, here on behalf of my client

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I am not Darrell Brooks, I am a third party intervener, here on behalf of my client

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Brothers karimazov audiobook

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Just started reading Nausea by Sartre

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'Live no lies' by john mack comer, it's pretty wingcucked but it changed my mind on some modern nonsense such as the assumption that we're always standing on the shoulders of giants intellectually, always increasing in brain power and understanding with each new generation. Turns out yeah we acquire more knowledge but shit probably hasn't changed with our IQ in 30,000 years except for a noticeable decline starting around the time the social revolution took off in the 60s/70s and the family structure started getting attacked. It also makes the best case I've heard for why the majority of idealists deserve the wall. :marseyembrace:

Lotta srs bsnss nooticer type of stuff. I wanna read House of Leaves next after watching this video tho. (I don't recommend actually watching that video, I hate pompous "let me explain to you this blatantly obvious thing with a sherlock homes accent" bongistanis and could only get 1/3rd in)


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I remember people talking about him when he wrote some book and looking him up. He named his kids Jude, Moses and Sunday so I will not read his books.

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I finally fricking finished Crucible of War. I liked large parts of the book but about a fourth of it was dry, boring tax policy stuff that went on way too long.

Taking a nice break and reading a light fiction story now. Terra Incognita second book after Medicus which I really enjoyed.

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I finally finished rereading War and Peace, thankfully still ahead of my reading goal for the year! Now I'm reading Witches of Eastwick (boring so far, hopefully it gets better).

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I just bought the Silmarillion so I am reading the Lord of the Rings first to get back into Middle Earth. I am probably going to take my time going through the Silmarillion reading here and there when I feel like focusing so I am debating what my next series will be. I want to get into the Wheel of Time but don't know if I am really wanting to get into a series that long and I downloaded the Name of the Wind but I am not sure if I am really feeling that right now. I haven't read a lot of the top fantasy series so I might switch it up and go a little more dark with something like The First Law.

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Y/N by Esther Yi. It's lit fic about a Kpop stan who travels to South Korea to stalk a retired idol.

I picked it up to make fun of it, and maybe also to give it to a Kpop-loving friend of mine to make fun of her too, but I actually like the book more than I thought I would.

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