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:marseylongpost: /r/writing: "Writing a novel in thirty days but I'm totally blank on day 3." :marseybrainlet:


A 50000 words manuscript amounts to around 1667 words per day for 30 days and so I set that amount as my per day word target. I jumped into writing the novel without much of an idea about the story. :marseylongpost:

What could go wrong? :marseyclueless:

I started writing a coming of age story about a guy just starting his second last year of high school. I wrote the first chapter day before yesterday and the second one yesterday. The words flowed out pretty well and easy leading to me meeting the word count target easily both days. But the problem is that I'm genuinely stumped about what to do next. I have thought for a lot of time but genuinely can't come up with anything good.

[long boring summary of generic high school scenario about a kid and his crush with absolutely no hook whatsoever] :marseyeyeroll:

How can I get over this writing block thing quickly?

I want to go a little easy because this is probably a kid, but if you're bored of your story by day 3, write a different story. You cannot write a coming of age story if you have nothing to say about coming of age, and you cannot write a novel if you don't have ideas for a novel.

If you can jerk off when you're not horny, you can write when you're not inspired. :marseycoomer2:


If you never feel inspired for a particular story, it's time to ditch it.

You say: “I have many ideas of where the story should go next but none of them are good ones.”

Just write one of those, and eventually it will lead you back to a good idea. Or maybe you'll be surprised at how well it turns out. The whole idea is to keep going, not to make sure every aspect is great on the first try. Good luck! :marseywholesome:

Day 3 is way too early for sunk cost, how about writing something you actually like? :marseyfacepalm:

Some writers write a novel for 2, 5, or within 10 years.

Well I've been procrastinating since 5 years so I'd say my target is 5 years and 30 days :marseyslowpoke:

Neighbor write a short story or something goddarn

Why would you want to be a writoid if you never have ideas?


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>Why would you want to be a writoid if you never have ideas?

They just like the label, the idea of "being a writer".

Most of the problems in these very, very funny subs seem to boil down to the people involved not having anything they really want to say in their writing.

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They know the basic mechanics of writing (forming words and sentences) and sometimes even have creative ideas but know basically nothing about style

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ffs, not having a writing style is the ultimate cope. Neighbor, just read someone else's book and imitate them.

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Um, actually, you don't need to read in order to be able to write. Believing in the superiority of long-form writing over alternative media is LITERALLY white supremacy by means of suppressing the voices of BIPOCs

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This is true, we invented dictation apps for people of illiteracy.

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I support content creators of color by only consooming shitty anime :soysnoo:

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Style isn't the issue. It's the fact that /r/writing users (and most writers in general) have absolutely zero idea how to tell a dramatic story.

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Unironically why I like using LLama when I write. I can feed the AI a paragraph I wrote, tell it add prose, repeat 20 times and then pick the handful of nice lines

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Does llama put out more interesting responses than chatgpt? I feel like gpt puts out responses that are accurate but boring (no interesting style of writing, sounds like an /r/writing kid tbh)

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Does llama put out more interesting responses than chatgpt?

100%. You have to prime it with examples (I'll feed it like 3 paragraphs I wrote and then say "Continue the above in the same style adding detail, dialog and prose")

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Isn't it more fun to think of the lines yourself?

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They just have no passion.

The 800,000 word MLP Fallout crossover fanfiction is evidence you don't have to be a particularly good writer to write, you just need some passion about the subject you're writing about.

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Most of the problems in these very, very funny subs seem to boil down to the people involved not having anything they really want to say in their writing.

This is why I write porn, always something to say about butt fricking, sissy raceplay and futa orc X goblin cbt

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futa orc X goblin cbt

Post excerpt

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Entering you see Orga tied back down to a log, her arms bound above her head and her legs spread. Sitting between those legs you see Thorn

"Hey, we need to talk to Orga." , trying to sound nonchalant.

Thorn looks up at you, her face flushed and her eyes bright. She's clearly been enjoying herself.

"Oh, um, yeah," she says, clearing her throat. "Of course."

"Orga, this human want to talk to you."

Orga growls and looks up, glaring at you.

"What do you want?" she spat at you, her muscular frame straining against the ropes that held her wrists and ankles fastened to the bed.

Thorn shocks the both of you by suddenly driving her hand downwards into the orcs groin. "That's no way to talk to mistresses friend" she hisses at Orga.

Orga's face contorted into one of shock and pain as she tried to make sense of what had just happened. Tears welled up in her eyes as she lets out something between a gasp and a scream. As she struggled against her bonds you could hear the bed frame creak and groan under the pressure of her exertion.

Thorn smirks and says "Now, were you going to answer his question, or am I going to break your balls?"

Orga glares at Thorn, but eventually nods her head.

Thorn smiles saying "There's a good girl!”

You ask Orga some basic questions about its tribe and territory, learning that there are several other small tribes in the area.

They don't seem to get along well, and often fight over resources.

As you finish asking your questions, Thorn suddenly interjects "Tell him why you're out here alone".

Orga looks at the both of you, but doesn't speak

Thorn sighs and says "Its alright, I'll tell him."

"She was cast out from her tribe for being a shemale" Thorn giggles. "We don't need to worry about anyone coming looking for her"

She then kicks out, again striking Orga in the groin. "You should speak when spoken too" she says to the in orc, in a sign-song voice.

Orga growls and tries to cover itself once more.

Thorn just laughs and slaps again. "Tell the dumb human your sorry for being rude" she tells Orga, like a mother scolding her daughter.

Orga snarls and grunts something unintelligible, but finally manages to mumble an apology.

"I'm sorry" Orga spits at you, snarling.

"That's your 3rd offence!" Thorn yells at Orga. "It's time you learned to respect your betters!". She flips up it's loin clothe to reveal Orgas rather tiny dick.

"Are you sure you weren't castout for being a pinky dick?" Thorn teases as she rubs the underside of Orgas cock with one finger, causing it to rapidly harden.

She's not kidding. You'd be surprised if Orgas dick was 2 inches.

The orc looks conflicted but doesn't try to move away, instead letting Thorn play with her. This carries on for a less than a minute until Thorn pulls out a smooth wooden rod and presses the end of it against Orgas cock.

"Do you know what this is?" she asks Orga. "This is a punishment for bad girls"

Without warning, Thorn slams the rod into Orgas cock, making her let out a loud yelp.

Orga struggles against it's bonds, trying to escape the pain.

Thorn leans down and whispers in Orgas ear "Don't worry, baby. Mistress will take care of you."

She then starts to pound the rod into Orgas cock, driving it deeper with each thrust.

Orga howls in agony, it's muscles tensed tightly.

Thorn keeps pounding away, pushing the rod deeper and deeper until it finally seems to bottom out on something.

"There, now you won't forget your place again" she says to Orga, smiling sweetly.

Orga lies there, gasping for breath and contorting it's face, clearly in a lot of pain.

"Now tell the human you're sorry, with meaning this time"

Orga grunts something unintelligible, but you can see it's eyes watering up with tears.

It takes a deep breath and looks at you. "I'm am deeply sorry" it says, sounding genuine.

Thorn, quite excited with Orgas change of of heart leans down to kiss it's still plugged dick "There's a good girl"

You watch in fascination as Thorn continues to tease Orga, occasionally using her teeth to tug on Orgas member. Orga moans in both pain and pleasure. It's clear that Thorn is having fun with her new toy, you can't help but wonder what she would've done to you had she and her sisters managed to over power you a few days ago.

Eventually, Thorn releases Orgas cock and stands up.

"Well, that's enough for now." she says, wiping her mouth. "I think she learned her lesson."

The orc hangs it head back in exhaustion, making no noise save for it's rapid and heavy breathing. It's tiny prick jumps with every beat of it's heart, the sound still firmly in place. You nod in agreement, and thank her for helping with Orga

As you leave, you can hear Thorn laughing behind you.

"She's such a good girl, isn't she? And she's all mine!"

"Thorn, do try not to break her" you say, as you walk away from the building.

Thorn laughs and waves dismissively.

You shudder at the thought of what she might do to the poor thing later.

But for now, you have some information to bring back to Briar and Holly.

"Oh, don't worry about that. I'll make sure she's well taken care of. Besides, I think she likes it."

You shake your head and keep walking, wondering just twisted Thorn really is.

As you return to camp, you notice that Holly has already started cooking dinner.

"Good work out there today." she says, handing you a bowl of stew.

"We got some useful information out of Orga."

Briar nods, taking a sip of her own drink.

"What did you find out?"

You tell them everything that happened, including Thorn's actions towards Orga.

The two goblins look at you with wide eyes, their mouths agape as they struggle to process what you've told them.

"That's...," Briar starts, but Holly interrupts her.

"Hilarious!" Holly exclaims, her face lighting up with joy.

Both goblins begin laughing loudly, clasping each other's arms for support.

You stare at them in confusion and concern, unsure whether they're being serious or not.

"Never been around gobettes before, have you?" Holly asks, grinning.

"No, I haven't," you reply, feeling slightly uncomfortable.

"Well, if there's one thing we know, it's how to keep men in line," Holly continues, still chuckling.

Briar hugs your leg, saying, "Don't worry, I'll protect you from my sisters," barely able to get the words out between fits of giggles.

The two of them are clearly very amused by teasing you like this.

"Goblins are weird," you mutter under your breath, feeling slightly uneasy.

"Aren't we all?" Holly says, giving you a wink.

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The most offensive thing is that it's 2nd person what the frick

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>be me

>so indecisive you can't even pick 1st or 3rd person

I intended to make a cyoa out of it lol

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Can you?? Amazon self pub too

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f u lpb

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It really seems like 90% of the people on that sub are Brian Griffin impersonators :marseyfamily:

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its a good show!

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I would rather 1000 losers with no “ideas” actually writing than 10,000 losers on /r/writing who all have a “great idea” (eg a fantasy epic about a mystical boy who fingers a dragon or w.e) but who refuse to actually write

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You don't need to have some epic message in your writing. Tolkien didn't have any cute twinky morals in his stories, he just told badass tales. Its just a collapse of originality.

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I'm not talking about having an epic message. I'm talking about something you want to express. Most (good) literature starts with the desire to say something, to put something out into the world.

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1600 words a day leaves no room for editing or re reading or anything, it's going to be trash

Also why would you write a book if you don't have a story, that's kind of the whole point

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There's something to the Stephen King school of writing, just belt out your first draft as fast as possible and see whether it can be edited into something decent when the coke wears off.

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If you've got the thing mostly in your head already, sure. But without any idea about anything? Huge waste of time

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I can see the benefit of writing just to write if you're in a lull and need to keep fresh but only if youre the type that will have a decent story to turn out later. Even then, make it productive - mark down every single thing you did that day but make it overwhelming and dramatic, write a menial guide to something from the perspective of someone who barely understands english.

Otherwise it feels masturbatory in service of "being a writer"

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mark down every single thing you did that day but make it overwhelming and dramatic,

Legitimately would rather go through years of no writing than do this

I wrote TONS a decade or so ago then spent like 5 or 6 years without putting a single letter to paper, picked it up again about 2 years ago and I'm writing fairly consistently now

I guess if you have to write to get paid it's different but as a hobby why bother when your heart isnt in it

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TBF it's nanowrimo

The goal is less "finish your bestselling novel within the month" and more, "Put some words to paper and hopefully endup with with the start of a first draft by the end or at least learn a lot about the process along the way"

That said


Holy shit these neighbors looks like a dorks :marseyxd:

In my experience you end up with someone way more coherent if you go in with some kind of drafting process already done (duh)

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Wtf is Kissinger doing on the middle far right :bruh:

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1667 is the NaNoWriMo target. I remember doing it a couple times as a teenager. It can be a useful exercise if the only goal is to practice a writing habit or to force out a draft of something. You just have to understand it's something for you, rather than something to brag about

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I think it teaches the useful muscle for writers of writing even when you don't feel like it.

Motivation is a lying mistress; whether you are training in the gym, learning a language or writing a book you can't rely on it.

It also teaches a second lesson, which is that drafts are worth nothing without hundreds of hours of editing :marseylaptopsad2:

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I tried but writing just for the sake of finishing a novel has never left me with anything worthwhile. The OP can't even be bothered to storyboard on his own before running to reddit

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You cannot write a coming of age story if you have nothing to say about coming of age, and you cannot write a novel if you don't have ideas for a novel.

I don't know about that, most writers seem to get by just fine :marseythinkorino2:

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"My 87th novel is called 'Strawberry Cheesecake Cat Cafe Murder'" :gigachadqueen:

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Day 3 is way too early for sunk cost, how about writing something you actually like? :marseyfacepalm:

I don't know, it's not that big of a deal if he writes a shitty novel that he doesn't like, at least he'll learn something useful for his next novel.

It's probably better to stick with it and write something shitty than not write anything at all.


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tbh i appreciate it that he's trying :marseyshrug:

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I'm more annoyed that the commenters are encouraging him to keep plugging at this without motivation. They're setting him up to fail

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I agree it's one step better than the usual "it's all in my head I just gotta write it down" that you see on there. At least he's writing which is more than can be said for all of /r/writing

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I have to do a lot of writing for my job and I've found I can write like 10,000 words over a weekend just fine but then I'm burnt out and can't really write anything except for amazing comments on rdrama for the next few weeks.

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Huh, you must not have written that much in a while then.

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No 😭

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Dude is writing the epitome of cliches at the moment, too

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there's been several novels written about OP even

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aspiring writer is like aspiring actor, only for people not fit for screen time. Why not pick something you have a chance of accomplishing?

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Just write Apocalypse Now except in Afghanistan, and make Martin Sheen schizophrenic from a TBI, and he has an older Black male authority figure aka the narrator explain things and the nuance of scenes for the reader and Martin Sheen because reading between the lines and allegory is dead. Instant hit classic. Also you know what, make that Martina Sheen.

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love writing posts. my advice for them is in the lyrics of the classic white rapper endless jess:

What the heck is writer's block? I never had it

Sounds like an excuse for you hacks who can't hack it

I stay creative 365, 24/7 every single second I'm alive

Never once took a break or vacation

So don't you dare look to me for inspiration, fool

You let your battery sit, and I ain't jumping it

Imagination is a muscle b-word I've been pumping it

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