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Twitter has officially melted Stephen King's brain. He can NOT shut up about Trump or COVID in his newest book (details inside)

King came out with his new book Holly a few days ago and I just finished it. What it's about isn't important; what struck me while reading it is how badly being a lib on Twitter has infected King's brain. The following are just some of the Trump mentions in the book:

“That sounds right,” Holly says.

“And bonus! Trump's gone.”

Leaving behind a country at war with itself , Holly thinks. And who's to say he won't reappear in 2024? She thinks of Arnie's promise from The Terminator: “I'll be back.”

It was Charlotte who died.

An avid Trump supporter—a fact she trumpeted to her daughter at every opportunity—she refused to get the vaccinations or even to wear a mask. (Except, that was, at Kroger and her local bank branch, where they were required. The one Charlotte kept for those occasions was a bright red, with MAGA stamped on it.)

On July 4th, Charlotte attended an anti-mask rally in the state capital, waving a sign reading MY BODY MY CHOICE (a sentiment that did not keep her from being adamantly anti-abortion). On July 7th, she lost her sense of smell and gained a cough. On the 10th, she was admitted to Mercy Hospital, nine short blocks from Rolling Hills Elder Care, where her brother was doing fine… physically, at least. On the 15th, she was placed on a ventilator.

“Divorced. Herbert and I dissolved our partnership three years ago. Political differences were part of it—he was all in on Trump—but there wereplenty of other reasons, as well.”

“How did Bonnie feel about that?”

“Handled it in very adult fashion. And why not? She was an adult. Twenty-one. Besides, the first time Herbie came home wearing a MAGA hat, she actually laughed at him. He was… mmm… displeased.”

Here is another relationship chilled by the fast-talking man in the red tie. It's not fate and not coincidence.

The jagged laugh comes again—nerves rather than amusement. “He's in Alaska. Left for a white-collar job in a shipping plant about six months after the divorce. And he has Covid. His idol refused to wear a mask, so Herb refused to wear one. You know, Trumper see, Trumper do.

“I don't know exactly. I've been working at that Jet Mart a long time. Seen em come and seen em go. But Trump was running for president, I remember that because we joked about it. Seems like the joke was on us.” He pauses, perhaps thinking over what he just said. “But if you voted for him, I'm only kidding.”

Like fun you were, Holly thinks. “I voted for Clinton. You called him the bowling guy?”

There is also a hilarious bit where King let's you know a character is evil because they find the Jan 6th insurrection inspiring, and another character is good because they cried during it:

Bonnie needs to see her as the stereotypical elderly academic: head in the clouds, losing a few miles an hour off her mental fastball, and largely helpless outside her own field of expertise. And harmless, of course. Would never dream of insurrectionists hanging elected representatives of the United States government from lampposts. Especially the blacks (a word which in her mind she will never capitalize) and the fannyfrickers. Of which there are more every day.

She's cried so much lately. Tears of relief after Biden won the election. Tears of horror and belated reaction after Chet Ondowsky, a monster pretending to be human, went down the elevator shaft. She cried during and after the Capitol riot—those were tears of rage.

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The severity of the brainrot caused by Twitter and 5 years of psychotic 24/7 screeching from every journ*list in the West about a dementia-addled fat man actually being Ultrahitler 9000 is surreal holy shit

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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Nazi. Trump :marseyredcheck: was hitler :marseyauthright: 2.0. Got it?

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>normal society reacts to a well-studied human phenomenon

>autists online confused by normal reactions to the well-studied human phenomenon

>autists decide that it's the normies that are suffering brainrot


it's like if someone shot a fricker in broad daylight and you were wondering why 911 was called. How are you this neurodivergent? How do you have 140 upvotes?

This place has always fricked toasters but jesus.

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!nonchuds based mottechad gets :parrotcongaparty: :marseyitsallsowonderful: against MAGAutists and plague rats

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lmao !vampires

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if a mottecel told me the sky was blue I'd doubt it.

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a well-studied human phenomenon

You mean mass-hysteria? That's what all the leftoids are suffering from :marseythinkorino:

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well-studied human phenomenon


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It's so bizarre that they allowed cheap political stunts to define their personality. COVID = bad for Trump? Worst disease ever. BLM bad for Trump? Riots didn't happen. January 6th bad for Trump? We need MARTIAL LAW AND EXECUTIONS OF ALL INSURRECTIONISTS ON LOVE TV. Biden winning bad for Trump? Best president ever, very sharp-witted, great dad, Hunter did nothing wrong.

It's just so strange

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Lefties treat everything in the world as pairs of opposites. Once you understand it, almost everything they do makes "sense."

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Manichean thinking is hardly exclusive to leftoids. Blah blah groomer commie fascists... :marseyitsallsotiresome:

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Go cry to your sky daddy you incel loser

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Bruh, my profile is femboy-themed. You think I follow an Abrahamic god?

Also, I've only known people who cry INCEL! When they are sexless and unloved themselves.

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It's kind of sad that it's so true - if you're not one of them then you're automatically one of the other guys, and the other guys are totally idiot fascist monsters. They're the heroes of their own little capeshit movies, and for capeshit to work, there must be an equal but opposite villain to oppose.

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Friendly fire! I repeat, friendly fire


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Most peace-loving liberal.


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It even boiled down to reporting that mass BLM protests weren't a COVID spreader event because..... because Black Lives Matter! :soyjakfat:

...Now back to the latest Trump rally being slammed by health experts as a super spreader event!

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love tv

simple as.

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I hate to encourage drug use, but King should go back to cocaine. I also hate to discourage it, but maybe he should stop doing cocaine again.

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Meth might be a nice change, I mean he's sworn off the good old nose candy, but with a little meth his writing might get interesting again, and I bet he'd be able to shit out 10 new books a year instead of the usual 3 or 4... it's just good business really.

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MY BODY MY CHOICE (a sentiment that did not keep her from being adamantly anti-abortion).

this shit always bugs me so much. he points out the hypocrisy while ALSO BEING A MASSIVE HYPOCRITE. as a social media liberal he thinks people should be forced to be vaccinated while saying women get the right to choose because it's their body. it's all or nothing. you can't "my body my choice" for one thing and "your body my choice" for another.

he needs to go back to doing all the cocaine and get off the internet completely.

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“My body my choice” is just an r-slured slogan.

Liberals chant “my body my choice” like a prayer then rush to ban soda or cigarettes or whatever. Bodily autonomy has always been the most hypocritical of concepts for the American left.

It's good that both sides are using it now. This way society can move past that dumb shit.

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Plus many many reddit bait posts linked here have proven that my body my choice suddenly end up somewhere around vasectomy , be the topic about doing it or not informing your partner about it being done.

Redditors even shit on dudes in child free relationship who do not inform their gfs about a vasectomy.

If they both supposed child free then who gives a frick?

Edit. Come to think of it lol like with body shaming, it's the same with basically any choice moid decides on related to his body.

Twox constantly rant about men doing bare minimum about their looks and hygiene, but when their partners start doing something, same cat ladies get paranoid.


he's totally cheating. Dump him queen!!!

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How many drammators are in any way consistent about these two issues :marseythinkorino:

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100% obviously

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I believe that abortion is in fact child murder, and that's exactly why it should be legalized and protected. Children also listen to discipline better when they know that repeated infractions can result in being dashed against the rocks.

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i am

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Eh, I'm pro abortion but I understand how rightoids treat something involving another life differently.

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It's the same thing, leftoids see it as protecting a non-sentient growth (and not actually caring about its well-being once it's born) vs. willingly endangering other people.

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Yeah that's why I don't even bother arguing about it. It's totally just a personal internal perception thing and no amount of "logic" or "science" exists that can change it. It's just what they fundamentally believe so just learn to live with it.

That's why personal freedom is such an important thing in policy imo you have to allow people to make these decisions for themselves

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if the woman wants to keep that non-sentient clump of cells and someone destroys it, then leftoids suddenly understand that it's her unborn baby.

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Another life like grandma's?

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Direct explicit termination vs mild risk of natural phenomena weight differently in my mind

I think if you knowingly have covid or any dangerous disease you shouldn't be allowed to spread it if that counts

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Kill all babies, vax only who wants it.

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Vaccines protect people. Antiabortion laws only protect worthless fetuses. The inconsistency is only in your head.

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vaccines only protect corporate profits.

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It's called freedom of not being near a subhuman antivax magatard

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We should be allowed to hunt them from helicopters, like wild hogs. The red caps will make good targets.


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Yea.. "my body my choice" is for shit that doesn't affect others.. except for the fact that no action being talked about is so neatly isolated from everything else. Drug abuse affects community as a whole, viewing abortion lightly leads to awful sexual practices, not vaccinating leads to hurting those around because you become a petri dish. Lots of assumptions there but it's irrelevant-- point being that any use of "my body my choice" is an ignorant strawman, the real argument with abortion is about impact on society but "hur dur we live in a society"

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"My body my choice" only applies to decisions that affect only yourself. I don't want to stand next to some unvaxxed troglodyte coughing on me, thxuverymuch

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so it doesn't apply to abortion, right?

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And to cocaine neither

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It applies as much to a fetus as it does to my sperm when I crank one out. :marseyindignant:

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Mandatory vaccines and mandatory abortions for mayofoetuses.

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This basically means this book will be even more unreadable in 15-20 years

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That's when they actually get entertaining. It gets quaint and a bit funny like thinking about the satanic panic of the 90s.

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His earlier stuff had a bunch of stuff like this about, like, Nixon.

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Beachworld except instead of an embarrassing Beach Boys references, it's "the sand was the color of Trump's hair."

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”my body my choice”, a sentiment that did not keep her from being adamantly anti-abortion

It's funny that libs still pretend to miss the point on this anti vax tagline lmao.

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They're so close to being self-aware.

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No, they really aren't lmao

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They don't mean anything they say. The only meaning is, "Give me whatever i want now now now now!!1"

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When you take the clumpofcells pill, being antiabortion really must look pretty ridiculous.

If it's not a nascent baby, but just some dungus in a lady's belly that she doesn't wanna shit out in 9 months, you can understand how a bugperson might not think it's a very big deal if a lady should be allowed to shit it out now.

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I understand that. But that's a different argument than the slogan.

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Being anti-vaccine is eugenic (like being anti any healthcare)

Being anti-abortion is dysgenic.

Abortion should be the only healthcare allowed.

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Especially the blacks (a word which in her mind she will never capitalize)


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not capitalizing black is worse than writing underage s*x scenes

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god that was so fricking weird

just... :quote: hey, here's a gangbang with 12 year olds right in the middle of my killer clown book. :quote:

like what the frick made him think that was a good idea or important to the story

he also had the bully just standing around at the dump (i think it was at the dump? junkyard maybe?) getting a handy from some other kid in IT while one of the losers watched from the bushes

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what the frick made him think that was a good idea or important to the story


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All the s*x stuff in It was so gratuitous and unnecessary. I have no idea how it didn't get cut

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It's his trademark. I recall Needful Things and The Talisman both having references to preteens jacking off, Rose Madder and Gerald's Game including violent sexual assault, Dolores Claiborne had a little incest going on...

Heck i wouldn't be surprised a "13 year old first time" flashback in Cujo got lost during a Coke binge

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It makes more sense in context.

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black = descriptor

Black = race

That's the idea anyway.

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No its not lol. The media capitalizes black and leaves white lowercase too show which race they support. And that's a good thing!

Climate action now

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On Wikipedia the page for white people basically says "oh white people aren't a race is a misnomer yadda yadda"

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They'd call them capital A African if anyone bothered to call them that, but the majority of burgers went from negro->black, so it's honestly y'all's fault.

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You don't even live here

You have no idea what you're talking about

@boo wish thirdies would stick too topics in their wheelhouse like gruel and footie

Climate action now

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America is the most culturally relevant nation in the whole world, you people invented Blacks for everyone.

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Here is another relationship chilled by the fast-talking man in the red tie

lol since when is trump a fast talker. dude can barely get out a sentence without messing something up and that's why even libs like him

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I think there's a Frank Miller comic where Trump, like, controls The Joker to take over the world, or something.

Nobody appears to have really captured Trump's lazy, comedic hatred, which is really surprising. Instead of being the guy who insulted the parents and memory of a minority Medal of Honor recipient, he's megahitlerplus, somehow both stupider than a child but also a fascist whose complex 500-point plan will lead to a White American ethnostate.

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was the giant spider drumpf all along

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No, the cannibal professor was liver guy the whole time. Not joking.

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