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Guy listens to audiobooks at 1.5x speed , says he read them in the title, causes seethe




Having *listened over 200 classics this year


Much obliged. It's not as if it was elaborated in the first sentence or anything.

Wasn't in the post title though so…

Because unless specified, if someone is asked how many books they've read, audiobooks are going to be included in that number. And I have done some physical reading as well.

What is this shit? I have nothing against audiobooks but it's literally not reading

/u/catladylove99 chimes in:

Maybe you didn't know this, but it's a pretty common ADHD accommodation to do other things (especially things that are repetitive and don't require a lot of active thought, which it sounds like OP's job fits) while listening to stuff (audiobooks, lectures, trainings, whatever). It helps us focus better. Our minds tend to wander if our bodies or hands aren't otherwise occupied. So it's incorrect and shows a lack of understanding of ADHD to suggest listening to books doesn't count “especially while working and trying to multi-task.” We do not experience that situation the way people who don't have ADHD do.

Incidentally, audiobooks are an accommodation for a lot of different kinds of disabilities, and pretty much every author I've heard talk about it agrees that they absolutely count as reading. To suggest otherwise is frankly ableist.

What's with people treating ADHD like fricking autism or being actually r-slurred lately? I'm young enough that it was a thing when I was going through school but it was more like, "take this meth and pay attention, dumbass" and not "OMG the whole world needs to accommodate your disability!!!"

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Na man I have no problem with audiobooks, I just think reading and listening are separate words with different definitions

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No they're not.

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just let me win one for once man

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Don't worry :marseyveryworried: king, you're right. He's wrong. You win

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Thanks King, I just didn't feel like calling him any slurs since it's Christmas on the east coast

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The insecurity and cope of book listeners/“reading” multi-taskers :marseysmug3:

Pls respect that they're equal to reading :soycry:

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Lmao people are actually mad

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