Weekly “what are you reading” Thread #42 :marseyreading:

To discuss your weekly readings of books, textbooks and papers.

I'm still reading The R*pe of Europa :#marseypainter: :#marseyhitler:


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"Steal Across the Sky": repentant aliens take a small group of humans to see evidence of a terrible experiment they performed on our species thousands of years ago. The human population on Earth lost a gene that allows communication with the dead after death, while human populations transplanted to other planets retained it. The book mostly deals with the characters after they return to Earth, and is more of a paranoid near-future thriller with a space adventure prologue.

I enjoyed the overall plot, but I thought the author treated most of the characters with too little respect. They felt stupid and badly lacking in self-awareness. Character flaws should be sad, but these felt like we were just supposed to feel superior to the characters for seeing the things they couldn't.

This was published in 2008 and describes a year 2020 that has both a human moon colony and ubiquitous pay phones.

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