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The Books in Fred Hamptons Apartment

Has anybody every read The Books in Fred Hamptons Apartment, or even heard of it. I don't really know what its about but I have been researching the civil rights era and I need books about Fred Hampton. I have done cursory searches of the book and I'm having trouble finding any good information on it. Most of the big sites like Goodreads and Amazon don't have descriptions and the only copies I could find are really expensive. I found one NYT archived article about it but its just poo-pooing on the author for using black people or something and it doesn't really talk about the book, or it does and I cant decipher the writers r-slurred academia speak. I even briefly searched for it on a couple of pirate sites and couldn't find it. The article I did find made it seem like the title of the book has little to do with the subject but like I said, if that was the article's meaning it was buried under nerd speak.

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