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:marseylongpost: Woman wonders if the underage boys are talking about their feelings too much in her gay romance novel. :marseyhomofascist: Redditors: "It's a fantasy world, sweaty, they can be however you want!" :marseysoylentgrin:


Jesus Christ, lady, I hope your book has paragraphs! :marseywords:

Let's chop this up a bit. :marseybackstab:

...it's in a fantasy setting, it also has a coming of age aspect to it and takes place over about 6 years, and they age from 12-18. im thinking hard about how to write them right in their early ages, like 12-14, and i feel like i'm doing it wrong. i'm putting more focus on their character and specific personalities but i'm wondering if, as a girl, maybe i'm accidentally making them too “girly” and “soft.” :marseybow:

i like to make them enjoy the simple things in life, like exploring and enjoying nature, and they also like to talk about their feelings and their hurts. but is that a thing boys do? im trying to make them realistic but sometimes i forget that i was never a boy and i'll never know what it is like to be a boy. and to top it all off, it's a gay romance (it takes awhile though, so they're just friends in the beginning). it just happened to be that way, i wanted a romance that wasn't straight and i felt my story didn't fit two girls (again, there's a difference but idk what it is!) :marseylgbtflag:

... i just want these characters to feel real and not how i “think” they're supposed to be. i can't decide if gender is just a construct and it doesn't matter if they're a boy or a girl, or if their outlook on life IS different and they should be written differently. both? what mistakes should i avoid in writing male leads when i'm not a male? :marseyhmm:

:chudsey: "Have you tried adding reason and accountability?"

Nah, it's a good question. Writing any type of romance you haven't been in is obviously challenging. Writing the opposite s*x requires observation skills, reading and engaging with their work (a bitter pill for moids), and a healthy imagination. You also have to be able to set aside your preconceptions about how people should work, and your desire to fix them. For example, in this case it's not just that men usually don't talk about our feelings, or that we feel uncomfortable doing so. Often, we don't want to. How do these sorts of things affect a developing gay relationship? :marseyhomofascist::marsey!homofascist:

But as usual, /r/writing offers reassurance instead of seriously engaging with an OP who wants real answers. Many also get bogged down making very important points about gender.

:marseybigbrai!n: It being a fantasy setting changes the answer. Boys/girls/men/women tend to be different but a lot of that is a result of the cultural environment in which they were raised. The jury is still out in exactly what elements are genetic vs environmental. But that largely doesn't matter because environment shapes how behavioural genetics do or do not manifest anyway.

Since this is your setting, gender roles and attitudes can realistically be whatever you want. If you even wanted to aim for realism in the first place. If you want boys to be soft in your setting then they are. :marse!ypooner:

It's MY SETTING, and I get to pick the gender roles!! :marseytantrum:

:marseyhmm: If you were writing about two average adolescent boys growing up in Anywhere, USA, I'd say it's pretty unlikely they'd talk deeply about their feelings. Many of us aren't even taught to be aware of our feelings. There are exceptions, of course. But typically, they'd probably mull things over in the privacy of their own heads while doing some other shared activity, like dropping bigger and bigger rocks into a lake, throwing dirt clods at a hornet's nest, or building the coolest tree fort ever.

:marseysoylentgrin: But this is learned behavior, and gender totally is a social construct. You get to decide what being "male" means in your fantasy world, and whether or not you want to make it analogous to modern western, Judeo-Christian culture.

Actual good advice to tell a story about boys erased in real time by genderslop. :marseycrying:

Depends on what your fictional society expects of them and if your fictional society has gender roles they are expected to conform to.

In my fictional society, sexy women with big tits are expected to throw themselves at members of !bookworms and !writecel :marseybutt: :ma!rseynerd2:

Of course you can write a world with different social "rules." But the farther it diverges, the less it has to say about real people in our own world, and the more it has to say about the author's own desires and hangups. Might as well say some coomer's monster girl erotica is commentary about female gender roles. :marseyslimeteal: :marseycoomer:

:marseycoomer2: Given your inspiration, I recommend you research homosexuality and pedecrasty in Sparta and Thebes. I'd also suggest looking at Afghan's Bacha Posh to explore the notion of gender vs construct.

This isn't actually out of nowhere because the full OP mentioned "The Song of Achilles," but lmao :marseylaughwith:

... When writing either gender, it's easy to make characters unbelievably confident or strong in their emotions, knowledge, or physical abilities. Making a teen male emotionally literate stops you having a weakness to their character that would otherwise ring true.


Differentiate your characters from each other. Give them flaws. Let their differences and flaws produce tension. Two guys who are just soft and sensitive and slowly start touching peepees isn't a story. Even a hack writer would make one of them the emotional one and the other the moody, silent one or whatever.

A couple more people actually gave decent advice, like here, but of course low effort "You're perfect just the way you are!" :marseysoylentgrin: advice is upvoted while interesting stuff is near the bottom.

As a straight man, I'll never understand this trend. If the men in your gay romance act like women, why make them men at all? Reading gay erotica should be a form of escapism where you can imagine loving relationships without having to deal with women. At least, that's why I read it.

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Reddit writing advice is always the blind leading the blind and it's always good

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>women writing a fantasy story about two (very) young gay moids

It's soft-core erotica right? :marseythinkorino:

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/r/writingcirclejerk is the only good writing sub.

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Why you being wierd?

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have you not seen the books women read?

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The covers at the store maybe?

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what's ur favorite harry potter mpreg fanfic?

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one of my friends was unironically asked at a party what her favorite ship was and she replied "I just watch regular porn" :marseyxd:

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Given the shift to more extreme degeneracy in the zoomer coomer population what even is regular?

Like the new normal appears to be eating butt and feltching so the statement really lacks the cultural content for us to determine whether your friend is freak in the sheets or not.

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No she's vanilla as heck lol.

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Never read the books or fanfic. I haven't seen the movies either.

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im thinking hard about how to write them right in their early ages, like 12-14, and i feel like i'm doing it wrong.

It's easy, just get them to call each other gay a lot and then have an r-slured argument about sports and then make uncomfortably lecherous remarks about women.

I'd actually like a story where boys of that age are portrayed correctly, I can't ever remember seeing one.

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Evangelion tracks but only if you were a twink

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:marseyitneverbegan: guess I was a twink

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I mean, Stephen King does it right, no? In "IT" and that story about a dead man by the railroad, and maybe more.

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Stephen King does an uncomfortably good job of writing kids imo. He definitely doesn't shy away from the weird and kind of dark things kids think and do.

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Beavis and Butthead is pretty close to capturing the feeling of being a 12 year old. Reacting viscerally to everything, always horny and making s*x jokes and fighting with your friends over the most petty things. I've seen boomers watching it giggling away because it reminds them of the dumb horny things they got up to at that age.

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The Inbetweeners

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I'd love to see a story that accurately represents boys of that age too, though it's hard to progress a story in dialogue that is mostly just grunts and mumbled 3-word sentences.

But they're hamstrung by their own beliefs. You can't simply accurately portray young boys calling each other gay strags or teasing their friends because then, as the author, you're not only portraying but endorsing sexisim, homophobia, and bullying.

It's this batshit philosophy that is why so much of the new wave of writing is uninteresting drek.

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I'd actually like a story where boys of that age are portrayed correctly, I can't ever remember seeing one.


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sorry, i don't read anything written by women so i don't really have any context as to what this post is about

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At what point does Stephen King become an honorary woman with his constant harping

I'm finally on the last of the Dark Tower books.

This shit is so confusing, needing to stop and Google "ok so why are the old priest and prepubescent boy checking into that hotel room again?"

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women are allowed to write? news to me. since when?

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Threads like this are a great display of how deeply blank slate nonsense has taken hold. They actually believe that every substantial mental difference between men and women is purely down to irreplicable arbitrary learned behaviors that would surely not occur in a different setting

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Which is funny because famous psychologists, BF Skinner (of Games Journo plays Cuphead vs pidgeon video fame) and John Watson who had similar views/ quotes amounting to 'give me any child and I can shape them into anything' which was popular in the early to mid-lateish 1900s were found to be BLATANTLY wrong in the use of tabula rasa.

People were not blank slates and although you could reward and punish children to bring out their potentials via the best possible environment there IS some effect of Nature that you can't beat or bribe out of a kid.

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I wish fujo coomers would be honest. You don't see lesbian porn directors asking for bullshit rationalisations on how they're bravely taking a stand against gender roles.

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This op is probably a coomer but she does seem to want actual advice in writing boys. The comments feel like male feminists who wish crying got them laid

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Womyn are always insecure and willing to do cheap and pathetic things to justify their sexuality.

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here's my stash of reddit emojis:

:marseywholesome: :marseysoylentgrin: :marseysnoo: :soysnoo: :soysnooseethe: :marseyshitforbrains: :marseygroomer2: :marseyhammersnoo: :marseycuck: :marseysoypoint2: :marseydownvote: :soyreddit: :marseywitchtriggered: :marseyleftoidschizo: :marseysoyjak: :marseyupvote2: :marseysoyseethe: :marseyplacenofun: :soysnoo4: :marseyahs: :marsey2commies: :snooupvote: :marseyn8: :marseysaturn: :snoosurprise: :marseynoyoupedozoom: :marseygold: :soysnootype: :requiredreading: :redditgigachad: :chadsnoo: :marseybestfriends: :marseybacktoreddit: :marseykatamarireddit: :marseybait: :marseyupmarsey: :marseybardfinnrefresh: :marseyplace2: :soysnoo5: :marseymagarentfree: :snootrollface: :chudditorseethe: :marseyhammersrdine: :soysnoo3: :marseyplace: :wholesomeseal: :marseybongosnoo: :soysnoo2: :marseysnoomask: :coal: :marseychtorrr2: :soysnootypefast: :marseysnoohug: :marseyspez: :marseysoyrope: :marseydownvotemad: :marseychtorrr: :redditretard: :redditchadrentfree: :marseychristmasbeheadsnoo: :fatchair: :soysnoo6: :snooblowkiss: :snoothumbsup: :platysarcasm: :capywholesome: :snoojoy: :srdinepoppy: :soyredditsmugcomputer: :flairlessmong:


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:siren:BARD BOT ALERT!:siren:Current streak was: 0 days 00 hours 34 minutes and 10 seconds

Record is 1 days 17 hours 56 minutes and 57 seconds by BARD_BOT

We've got Bardy fever! today we have mentioned our favorite mod 2 more times than usual!

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A lesbian fujoshi?

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Not attracted to men should be considered a mental illness anyway.

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>write character interactions as girls

>refer to them as boys

>pat self on the back

Is there a WomenWritingMen subreddit?Because the general disdain women have for men and boys in the current Zeitgeist makes it truly impossible for them to accurately write male characters.

Actually when I think about it, ironically JK Rowling wrote fairly good boys in Harry and Ron (moody, selfish, caring, mateship, oblivious, self-sacrificing) because she worked as a teacher and, despite not being a fan of adult men given she was an abuse victim, wrote fairly empathetic characters overall. So empathetic that Snape, who really is loathesome, is somehow an UwU softboy whose blatant abuse and shittery is excused by the tumlbrinas that are now grown and incapabale of writing men and boys.

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I checked. There is /r/womenwritingmen but it's not too active

Typically this kind of issue is more a structural problem across a text, rather than something you can screenshot to sneer at

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Ah so like how their contempt for their males characters is subtle but constant in their works. Bummer.

The closest we'll ever get to screenshot worthy stuff is yaoi written / drawn by Fujos with their creepy hands, uke/seme dynamic, and self-lubricating buttholes.

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I already read A Separate Peace

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im thinking hard about how to write them right in their early ages, like 12-14, and i feel like i'm doing it wrong.

Just read “Confessions of a Mask”, lol


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This could be done well, she just needs to read the write sources and actually have male friends. Tolkien and CS Lewis probably had a friendship akin to this

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It being a fantasy setting changes the answer. Boys/girls/men/women tend to be different but a lot of that is a result of the cultural environment in which they were raised. The jury is still out in exactly what elements are genetic vs environmental. But that largely doesn't matter because environment shapes how behavioural genetics do or do not manifest anyway.:

If you were writing about two average adolescent boys growing up in Anywhere, USA, I'd say it's pretty unlikely they'd talk deeply about their feelings. Many of us aren't even taught to be aware of our feelings. There are exceptions, of course. But typically, they'd probably mull things over in the privacy of their own heads while doing some other shared activity, like dropping bigger and bigger rocks into a lake, throwing dirt clods at a hornet's nest, or building the coolest tree fort ever.:

Depends on what your fictional society expects of them and if your fictional society has gender roles they are expected to conform to.:

Given your inspiration, I recommend you research homosexuality and pedecrasty in Sparta and Thebes. I'd also suggest looking at Afghan's Bacha Posh to explore the notion of gender vs construct.:

... When writing either gender, it's easy to make characters unbelievably confident or strong in their emotions, knowledge, or physical abilities. Making a teen male emotionally literate stops you having a weakness to their character that would otherwise ring true.:


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Oh cool :marseynew: another bad mascot marsey to add to my collection!

:#marseycyclonesmascot: :#marseyboilermakersmascot: :#marseytigerslsumascot: :#marseycardinalmascot:

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Here's a good one if you want to start a good mascot :marseyvault: collection :marseyneat:


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Some more gems

:#marseyterrapinmascot: :#marseysoonersmascot: :#marseylonghornsmascot:

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Who the frick is making these? Who is both normal enough to care about football and deranged enough to make Marseys?

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>exploring and enjoying nature

fricking around in the woods is a time honored male pastime and is in no way soft or feminine :marseyraging:

>dropping bigger and bigger rocks into a lake, throwing dirt clods at a hornet's nest, or building the coolest tree fort ever.


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The few people I could tell were gay from just talking were pretty open and feely but someone whose not is probably just like most guys and doesn't speak much about that stuff.

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Fujoshi spotted lmao

Yeah you can write your characters however you want, but if you deviate too much you have to explain to the reader why your boys being whiny bitches is actually normal in this world, and you will also probably alienate a lot of readers cause noone wants to read that shit. Not including other fujoshis of course.

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Holy. Shit. Write. What. You. Know.

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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