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I think GRRM might actually have finished the winds of winter and it could be released within the next year

I've always been optimistic about him finishing asoiaf, but the recent stuff like the Dunk and egg tv show seems to have motivated him more (ie pushing for money).

The other day he posted a second solitary cryptic quote on his notablog, this time from best president TR: https://georgerrmartin.com/notablog/2024/06/19/words-of-wisdom-3/

Previously he had this quote: https://georgerrmartin.com/notablog/2024/03/11/words-of-wisdom-2/ (this one has a blue rose image which is significantly tied to Lyana Stark)

Idk I think it's coming soon

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Martin is 75 years old and like 350 pounds, he's well past his due date to kick the bucket.

EDIT: I have been fact checked by an super intelligent AI



I guess I'm just a big dumb butt and no one should listen to me

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That isn't 176 pounds lol

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there is no fricking way that man weighs less than 200 lbs lol

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Maybe he's 3 feet tall

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That hat.

That fricking hat.

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doubt it. he had to re-write so much when he saw the reaction to his ending on the show. he's been scrambling to fix it all and i don't think he's close to being done.

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The ending isn't even bad, it's a good ending. The showrunners just got lazy and didn't do any work to set it up.

Then Dany turned evil because she was sad. The End.

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It didn't make sense, because there's no Faegon to egg her on.

There's a reason why the golden company was at King's landing in s8, despite there them being there makes no sense. GC defending KL is remnant from the book outline they had.

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the ending is chudpilled. white :marseyblops2chadcel: foid introduces diversity to a country :marseyukraineflag: and massacres the indigenous population. the only thing daenerys did wrong :marseyxdoubt: was not going :marseysalmaid: far enough :marseyitsallsotiresome:

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Girlboss Arya then sails to Amerikos and likely genocides the injuns

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The ending actually makes so much sense. Self-righteous autocrat (demonstrated many times throughout the series) who was r*ped at a young age snaps when her delusions/power are challenged. People just wanted her to be a good little girl boss when really she was being made into a monster the whole time.

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the ending just felt rushed more than the plot being bad. in book form it would :marseywood: have been good.

also D&D are just dogshit writers. the characters in their Three :marseydilbert: Body Problem :marseytrolley: series :marseychartscatter: are cringe.

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Why are they still employed. Same question for M. Night Shamalamalan

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Because they made one of the most popular TV series in recent memory. It's not that complicated. The execs don't care if they didn't stick the landing, all they see is the ratings they had.

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I have no problems with Daenerys snapping, but the whole build up was shit. No way Cersei will be around that long, if Book Cersei blows up the sept of Baelor she'll die not long after miserably trying to take control. fAegon takes over King's Landing and Dany snaps when she realizes the people love her supposed nephew more than her.

And I'm sure that Jon being Rhaegar's son will actually matter to the plot, because in the show it didn't make any difference.

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The show made kings landing and all of the small folk seem utterly r-slurred to allow Cersei to just blow up the sept and claim the throne without any opposition from the other houses or the faith in old town. Its actually really r-slurred how dumb and dumber just forgot about all the other houses and basically everyone other than the main cast

Plus lol at making Bronn the warden of the south and giving him high garden and not any of the other reach houses caring

Goddarn game off thrones fricking sucked

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I hate D&D for completely misunderstanding Cersei. Her whole point is that she's an incompetent, lustful and vengeful idiot, that constantly gets herself and her family into shit, because she can't control herself or her children. She's not supposed to be some super-intelligent manipulator, she's supposed to be the idiot that causes her husband's and her families rule to fall and for the Targaryans to take back over.

But D&D needed their girl boss, so we got that dog shit character instead.

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Agree with most of that. Maybe Jon is supposed to be a mirror version of Daenerys, similar blood also orphaned but raised by good people and not r*ped.

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I never saw the show but what little I've heard about the ending seems to be a lot of complaints about quality decline (valid) and also that Daenerys was crazy (not valid). I guess tv show viewers never had to sit through Quentin Martell but Daenerys needed to get taken down like 8 pegs and I hated every chapter she was in by the end of a Dance with Dragons.

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Exactly, all of the buildup was there, but the tumblr chicks couldn't see it as they defended all of her evil actions.

Dae remember "but the thousands of people she crucified were le ebul slave owners"

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I think that by the time the show ended he didn't have a lot written. Think about it, A Dance with Dragons was published in 2011, the year the show came out. In the past 13 years he wrote screenplays for the show, traveled through tours around the world promoting his books and the show, he popped Dunk and Egg, Wildcards and the Fire and Blood books. It's possible he started to seriously dedicate himself to “Winds of Winter” during the pandemic.

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It's worth pointing out that nothing happened in 'A Dance with Dragons'.

Writing story arcs that went no where (Ned Stark, Rob Stark, Renly, Likely Stannis) was revolutionary, but when it keeps happening, it's just a Netflix show that's gone on for too many seasons.

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I just hope book Stannis kills the Boltons and goes down fighting The Others instead of the snowstorm, 20 good men and the lame “battle” sequence.

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Stannis absolutely will live. That's part of his plan when he tells a bunch of people that they'll hear he's dead which is a bluff. Also pink letter says he's dead which almost certainly means he's not. Pink letter is probdbly manse raider's signal

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Pink letter is probdbly manse raider's signal

But the pink letter says “I want my reek”, only Ramsay calls Theon “reek”. But yeah, the letter is full of shit to mislead Jon.

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No one else knows he's Theon, Reek is the name that everyone else would recognize

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Ramsay has had other reeks before Theon and I think it's fair to say that others would know, esp if it's Mance who was in disguise with a bunch of wildling foids in Winterfell for a while

Heck Mance was at Winterfell when king Robert was there. He's probably been all over the north

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Stannis absolutely will live

I am begging to every god that this is true.

:#marseysalat: :#marseybegging: :m#arseymonk:

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yeah, maybe. i stopped watching the show when they caught up with the books because :quote: well it's been years, the next book will be out way before the show is done anyway and i'll just catch up. :quote: which had to be at least 25 years ago so him not writing anything until the last couple years does make sense.

i still like my version better. :hmph:

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Did he write the show ending? I thought by that point the show was doing its own writing

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No. D&D wrote it.

Supposedly George only told them 3 things that should happen after A Dance with Dragons.

1. Shireen burns

2. The Hodor twist

3. Bran becomes king

Then they made up the rest.

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lol the hodor twist is so dumb i hate game of thrones

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wtf is hodor anyway. i only watched the first season and got sick of the show cuz they killed the best character. Fanatasy is supposed to be Good vs evil like LOTR, not political intrigue horseshit. Ned Stark was the closest thing we had to Aragorn. All the other characters are weirdos, r-slurs, or back stabbing snakes.


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>wtf is hodor anyway.

He accidentally psychically merged with his child self while he was trying to yell "Hold the door" in the future while monsters were attacking and it traumatized him so much in the past he became r-slurred and just started saying "Hodor". Like Hode Door.

Bravo George! :marseygeorgerrmartin:

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theres time travel in the show?

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>suppose to be good v evil

Okay, strag.


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you have a problem with what I said boy?

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GOT did have the good vs evil in it but that was eclipsed mostly by the political intrigue stuff. Like imagine if every character was Denethor that's basically GOT.

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imagine if every character was Denethor

that would be awful. The way Denethor was portrayed in the movies especially a common criticism was that he was basically portrayed to be a belligerent, power-hungry oaf. Especially the scene where his kid is getting killed and he's stuffing his face. His character in the books was more of a reasonable but cold/calculating ruler

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Book Denethor was way smarter and more capable than Movie Denethor, though. If Book Denethor made it to King's Landing, Cersei and the Lannisters wouldn't have lasted ten minutes.

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I don't think anyone said anything about bran being king. For all we know and given dumb and dumber's lack of subtext in writing GRRM just could have said been is the new blood raven who really controls the realm as 3 eyed crow

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new blood raven who really controls the realm as 3 eyed crow

That makes sense, but King Bran kind of fits GRRM style considering he was always fond of the Starks.

The 3 eyes crow as King is quite a dark ending though, I don't think D&D realized that.

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You mentioned me

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i don't actually know, i just assume he told them generally how the story ends and has been frantically trying to fix it because everyone hated it.

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King Bran, Shireen burning and Hodor came from GRRM, but the rest was all made up by D&D and will likely differ a lot.

There's no fAegon in the show which fricked up Daenerys's character progression, Dany snapping and Varys's whole plot only makes sense with fAegon. Not to mention the stupid “Littlefinger sells Sansa to the Boltons” plot the showrunners did.

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king bran might be the worst part i hope that's not how the book ends :uhuh:

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I doubt that considering there's way more characters and shit added in dance yhat the show didn't account for

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Actually he had to rewrite everything in 2016/2017, when he sent the draft to his publisher and they didnt like it.

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The show writers changed most of the notes he gave them, they got leaked around when the show was ending and they kept almost nothing from what he said would happen in the books.

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Back in 2022 he said he was 75% done. Maybe he's doing the re-writings for the final chapters.

A Dream of Spring will likely never come though, he said he's going to write Fire and Blood 2 after Winds. :marseycry:


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I feel like if anything depending on how much he's actually written since feast/dance he might have a chunk of ados already done to seperate it it. wishful thinking tho

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If winds done then dream of spring would be much easier to write as it's an ending and declining action

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Also with how badly George got TDS I'm pretty concerned with how any further material would turn out. Euron will just turn into Orange Man and the climax will be Jan 6 at the Red Keep

:soycry: it was an insurrection!!

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Ok cool where's dream of spring? Keep polishing the old fatass's mast homo i'm sure he'll send you a signed copy

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Why are you so upset

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Because A Nest for Nightmares and A Method for Madness never came out but idiots still think they're going to be published

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I don't know what this is, asoiaf is the only genre fiction I read

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:#c: :#o: :#p: :#e:

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There is WorldCon in august 2024 that he will be attending. The first one in years for him. There's a possibility he announces it there

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Oh is that the thing he promised not to go to until done? Darn if so

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Nah he never made such promises.

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He's dying

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he doesn't even have kids, what is he trying to accumulate wealth for? He's got plenty of money for the final 4 months he's gonna live

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Early life

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:marseylaugh: :marseylaugh: The fat r-slur will die before finishing that book and the showslop will be only ending you will ever get :marseycopeseethedilate:

Current Mood: :laughing: amused

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Its been so long that i don't remember anything from the books and I know the ending for the show even though I stopped after it caught up with adwd.

Reminder that the fact that they didn't reveal zombie cat when all the slaves were chanting "mother" at Danny proves that everyone involved with the show is a hack

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Reminder that the fact that they didn't reveal zombie cat when all the slaves were chanting "mother" at Danny proves that everyone involved with the show is a hack

Yeah this was when the show fully went to shit for me. You have the perfect lead-in for a creepy zombie shocker finale, a cliffhanger that will get people talking. The showrunners must have realized that they had reached the mainstream and the masses wouldn't remember a character outside of Kaleesi, Jon Snow and the funny midget. They were probably right.

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Marketing of got for casual mass appeal is what fueled dumb and dumber to make it so shit imo. They bought into dragons and zombies being what people liked about the show and tripled down. This isn't lol at the plebs but just a case of completely mismanagement of the second half and literally making episodes for millenitards to watch at a bar premire and idiots who only heard of it from parodies.

You can see hbo sort of starting that shit with house of the dragon by over hyping the blacks vs greens concept but the show runner is more responsible than that

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Lady stoneheart owns as a concept. I'm disappointed they didn't give it a chance because so much is tied into it. I really hope Brienne is able to calm her and not just kill her bc it's really an interesting conflict for her sense of duty

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Perhaps so…

…still, I'm standing with the cartilage-containing femboy here :marseysal:

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Lmao that leaves only the name of the wind author now

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By the way, check this out:

Its a very good video explaining why TWOW is coming soon and why it was delayed

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Lmao, this is gigacope. 2 more years my friends.

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Can I just say that, while I've never read those books, I am thoroughly on the side of the fans. They're innocent victims of Fatso and of course they deserve an ending. I'll pistol-whip the next guy who says "GRRM owes you nothing."

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it's election year - TDS will prevent him from doing anything.

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