Weekly "what are you reading" Thread

To discuss your weekly readings of books, textbooks and papers.

@Newvann can you :marseypin2: pls

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I just picked up Crooked Smile :marseyhearts2: by Jared :marseysociety: Klickstein. It's an autobiography about this guy who was a heroin :marseyjunkie: and crack :marseylaugh2: addict :marseypillpopper: and his story :marseyslime: of living :marseyzombie2: homeless :marseyabandoned: in California and going :marseysalmaid: through jails and rehabs. The author :marseyshakespeare: did an interview :marseyklennysuit: on Warmode that was incredibly entertaining and perhaps one of the most interesting :marseyeyebrow: things I've listened to all year


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what does a crackhead has to offer other than "woe is me". seriously

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This guy is everything but "woe is me". He's super :marseylueshi: funny :marseylaugh: about the whole experience


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