request: don't notice me / stop noticing me !

This isn't anything groundbreaking but I stumbled upon this and found the whole thing to be really dumb and pathetic

It all started with the following tweet, in which a foid gamedev complains about how much she is tired of being approached by men at different expos who only want to date her, and a reply by a g*mergate incel who tells her to suck it up

Thankfully a different foid gamedev enters the thread to school this moid on how to behave.

The queen rightfully outs him as a G*merGate 2.0'er, a rightwinger and an incel, a predator and an antivaxxer. The entire thread is pretty wild, but of particular interest is this post in which she exposes him for streaming the game that should not be named on Twitch, amassing measly 18 viewers :marseydicklet:

This seems to be the straw that broke the incel's back, as it prompts him to reply and tag her employers, Devolver Digital, complaining about their toxic employee

This prompted a reply from the company, which succinctly stated

For those out of the loop, Devolver is a publishing company that specializes in indie games, having published notable titles like Hotline Miami, Enter the Gungeon, Inscription, Weird West etc. and are a pretty good representation of the reddit soy indie game crowd. They are also known for their E3 2017 press conference which uhh... well see for yourself.

A pretty good encapsulation of the xd random but absolutely self aware attitude we're dealing with here

Anyways, that reply by them prompted some of the most intense corporate bootlicking I have seen:

And many, many more

Of course it was not without it's share of chud comments, swearing to never buy anything published by them again. I'm sure this will have grave repercussions for the company

So yeah, that's about it. The whole situation is pretty r-slurred. The one question I still have on my mind after all this is whether this was a real exchange or whether all of this was coordinated PR, cause to me it almost seems like there's too much praise, considering how brands usually get treated on twitter. But then again, perhaps being a cringy relatable company is worthy of praise when you do a goodthink

For when a women seeks attention by complaining about getting too much attention. Link related

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Engorged mammaries and posteriors may suffice for those of simpler minds, but I hold with a far more enlightened view. The most beautiful curve on the female body, by far, is her smile :)

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