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Starbucks :marseystarbucks: tells their baristas to be :marseyracist: again


they started letting literally anyone just hangout there bc they were called racist for kicking out two BIPOCs who were there jist minding their own business, and so people :marseyblm: protested


then a latinx :marseyaoc: barista didnt let another BIPOC use the shitter in LA

i guess to many hobos started shooting up there and now they went back to only letting "paying customers"( :marseythissmall: white and :marseythissmall: white adjacent flox) hangout or use the bathroom.

:marseysoyhype: thread


this is all :marseytrump: fault. Next mcdonalds will do the same


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Ive been seeing lefties use the the term third space a lot recently. Wonder which tweet made it popular.

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Need money to enjoy third places.

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Need money to enjoy third holes. :marseycoomer2:

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Yeah but you can use other people's money

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Sorry you need to buy something, or I'm gonna ask you to leave or call the police. :marseygirlboss:

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Call them on me for what? Eating the rich?

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Henlo police? There is a black woman threatening violence at Starbucks. Yes. She is armed and dangerous.


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Starbucks isn't a third space anyway it's a business. Go to a park you fat fricks lol

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I feel like I would develop type 2 diabetes just from sitting in a starbucks for too long, I don't know why people choose it to "relax", just use a Waffle House or Dennys like a normal person

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I only enter Starbucks because I need to pee and I need more caffiene for my roadtrip with my foid.

The Gingerbread Oat Milk Chai was pretty good. Think its gone now though.

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Flying J has all that plus hot dogs. But I get that you have a foid and have to sometimes do silly things.

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Its so tiresome. Let me just get pound energy drinks and gas station tacquitos.

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Going to a coffee shop to hang out or have a meeting and not buying anything is objectively selfish and r-slurred.

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And if you were gonna do that, why starbies?

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