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Media Literacy secular puritans sneed about sexualisation of Femiod character drawn in uniform of historical mercenary, except the style of historic moids is perfectly depicted :marseyretard2:




/r/armouredWomen is a neat sub about anime drawings of chicks in military garb which is cool and practical, and not rediculously oversexualized

This can be a fun place, but is often a sneed colony for puritans and /r/MenWritingWomen hags crying 😭😭😭 about how scrotes should all be neutered like their bobcats

Often sneed arrives in this typically calm sub if even a HINT of female flesh is on display and :marseywall: :marseywall: :marseyradfem: :marseyradfem: fences scream about having something more beautiful than themselves to look at in their feed, even if it is a Japanese cartoon character :marseylaptopangry2:


Anyways basically an artist regular creates sneed when posting a cartoon character with gay boy shorts, and gasp EXPOSED SKIN :marseysadcat: :marseypearlclutch2: :marseypearlclutch2: :marseypearlclutch2:

How dare the filthy !coomers invade my wholesome femcel puritans safespace!!! :marseybeanangry:

Except the artist had been legitimately copying the real world historical dress style and straggot kraut mercenaries actually did in fact dress like this! With partially cut gay boy shorts




"I thought sexualisation was banned"🚫 🚫 🚫 :soycry: :soycry: :soycry:

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Hey I know this artist, they're doing a really good job. Some of it is lewd but far from all of it. Seems like an allround nice guy. Glad too see they're getting some traction even though sneeds gonna sneed.

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