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punks view on gun laws? : punk




There is nothing less punk than asking someone else to decide your opinions for you,m.

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These people would have gotten physically bullied by the rawr xD glomps emo kids of the 2000s.

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punk is when you turn in all of your firearms to the government because you can't be trusted to own them and you know the government has your best interests in mind

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The South :marseybootscoot: Korean :marseyxianxiahatless: police, iirc, manage without guns. Think :marseyquestion: they actually :marseyakshually: rely more on martial :marseyryu: arts like Hap Ki Do. British :marseyheinzbeans: bobbies don't carry (still) I think. I mean, it's possible. But of course, there's all this whatnot about it being in the constitution :marseyfreedomofspeech: so somehow, it means we have to have police :marseyreportmaxxer2: who can gun you down.

south korea :marseyhwacha: is a surveillance :marseybuffstopglow: state :marseylouisiana: and the uk is a dysfunctional surveillance :marseypeekglow: state :marseylouisiana: because the cops cant arrest :marseyhandsup: non whites.

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Whats more punk?

Alright m8 it was just banter no need to write a short novel ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) https://media.tenor.com/UJMVGyibznAAAAAx/halloween-dog.webp

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