What ever happened with OhHamburgers and hecatae?

There was a drama mod who I think had the screen name OhHamburgers. He ended up meeting his wife through r drama and they bonded over sharing racist sentiments (serious). She had his baby a year or two ago. It was an odd pairing because he was a city boy who ended up becoming a night time repairman and she was a very small town girl who ended up working in big tech. They kind of permenantly logged off after having a baby, from everything I've heard.

Does anyone have connections to updates on them?

Does anyone else's day get ruined when they wake up too early?

I started smoking again a few days ago, I've been good mostly so far but woke up early this morning and couldn't help to light one up when I was putting on my boots outside my front door (mud covered). Feels like I just can't get it right, I'm poor with basically nothing to my name. At least I have my dog and weed, and my gf can shred on the washboard. Wonder what'll happen next, is that the spice of life?

The Final Car Video Thing? [GONE WRONG]

You may have noticed that I didn't sperg my lane assist car video thing the last two Sunday evenings.

Well, I've really been putting my nose to the grindstone and getting some work done with it. Recorded the rest of the footage, even managed to install the darn mirror in the car and get it working again!

Isn't that exciting? Isn't it?

So now I have the video 95% completed. It's organized, trimmed, all I need to do is finalize the background music and record an outro.

Guess what?

I hate it.

I sound like an neurodivergent robot, the visuals are distracting, some parts go too fast, some too slow, and it's frontloaded with way too much :marseywords:

So I get to scrap it and try again, reusing as many assets as possible because holy shit I've been working on this for six months and have nothing to show for it. I do know that I'll move the 'print settings' to a separate video because really, how important is that for the average casual youtube boredbrowser?

I guess enjoy this "final failed draft" in its entirety. Idk.

!cemmenters !friendsofxirabolt !autismos


i've never been a social person because i've always been totally content riding solo instead of putting up with people and their endless bullshit. i'm not depressed, lonely, sad, anything i'm totally chill


She's beautiful. My chink in the (gay) armor. Anyone have anything they bought they're excited for post it.



Reported by:
  • Arran : attention seeking NlGGER
I relapsed with self-harming

The fricking cwowld metwl slid owor my skin like silk sliding :marseyslipperyslope: dwown a fricking banyister. It dwoesn't take much pwessure wen u have a fricking sharp :marseybackstabsjw: razwor. Bwood came pwouring immediatewy. That's a fricking gwood sign - the fricking deep cuts are fricking bwight white :marseypolarbear: and take a fricking minyute two start bleeding. I am onye with the fricking pain because I deserve it fwor being worthless and a fricking piece of shit and a fricking bad perswon.

Am I bwoken that my mind cwonstantwy instwucts mwe two self-mutilate, b-word? It feels :marseyvapecrying: like there's a fricking gwoblin in my head (the Gwueswome Gwoblin) cwonstantwy egging mwe on two dwo the fricking nyeedfwl and start slicing. Can anyonye relate, b-word? I knyow I'm gwoing two dwo it again twomworwow and it's gwoing two be wose. The fricking cycle's begun again.

Reported by:
Nicotine chewing gums are part of big tobacco's strategy to never let you quit. However there is a hack.

Big tobacco wants to give you the illusion that you can control your smoking by quitting any time with the aid of gums/lozenges. This is false. They will tell you to choose gums based on your daily number of cigarettes and in most cases people revert back to smoking when they are very tensed and want a quick hit instead of a slow release.

Break the cycle.

If you are a smoker or you know someone who is trying to quit, here's what you need to do.

1. Find out how many cigarettes you smoke daily.

2. Find out the approximate strength of the nicotine gums suited for you.

3. Find the nicotine gum one strength higher than what is suited for you. If you smoke 7 cigarettes daily and are told to take 2mg nicotine gums, go for the 4mg ones (which are for people who smoke 20+ in a day)

Your body will react violently to this overload of nicotine. Remember how I said people want a quick fix and not a slow release. The avalanche of nicotine from a 4mg taken by someone who should be taking 2mg will be equivalent to that quick fix plus a lot more. You will get physically sick by that overstimulation. Which is the point. To make your body see nicotine as an unfriendly stimulator. Over time, you'll become more and more cautious when you should take another gum. You can't take it just after lunch, you might throw up. Same thing after cardio. Your mind craves it but your body rejects it, so neither your intake not your toleration will increase.

Start today:

Take 2 4mg gums together right now and report back in an hour.

!nicotine !r-slurs

Reported by:
  • johnnypoop : Keep yourself safe. Do it. Seriously just fricking do it.
  • Grue : Shut up you bossy c*nt, I'll turn your butthole inside out.
I bought razor :marseycutwrist: blades

Got the bandages ready. It might be a pretty :marseyglam: bloody :marseybrucecampbell: night :marseysamfisher: tonight.


Hey guys going on a date you think I might score tonight?

Here's my fit rn leaving in 20 minutes


Should I do doordash poll

Should I post documentation on pojom
Dropped my phone in a bucket of beer, fml

Was making corn beer in my pjs, had no pants pockets so I put it in my breast, bent over to stir a bucket and PLOP.

It still more or less works after a bunch of cleanings. Only issues have been it thinking I had wired headphones plugged in all the time.

!boozers learn from me

Alright :marseyokay: so I come back online :marseyidio3: and it turns out I jus basically got expelled from school…
Second Surgery Complete: AKA Why My Butt Hurts RN Round Two

I am back home from getting my abcess drain removed. Feels like I need a Norco, !druggies lmao. Luckily I have plenty. There was only one painful part of the no prep, no pain med surgical removal, but I'll be able to work in about a week and a half again. Gotta make that money ASAP after feeding my Roth IRA as much as it's fat maw could take.

Feminine medicine is a world apart from what I thought it would be entering my 30th year. Most of my initial doctors on this case, which was caused by abnormal streptococcus infection and nothing more, were assuming up and down that I had caught an STD to cause this orange-sized tubo-ovarian abcess. But big shocker, I stand with my bf and he stands with me, we'd never waste this relationship on affairs :marseytrad:

Want to hear REAL drama? Even my father assumed I had caught something more.... shameful, shall we say? It's completely driven my mom into a frenzy. He and I've hashed it out with no issue though :marseythumbsup:

Anyway, I pray for a speedy recovery, and I urge anyone reading this to please consider seeing their physical pain as more serious than, "I need to take a sick day." If my abcess had burst, it would have been a 100% fatality :marseygiveup:

Also, I goombled !goomblers my online pittance away while in the hospital for 4 days, please up or down vote so that I may continue my degenerative coin farming venture :marseyfingerhearts: :marseyxd:

He is always watching 🙏
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