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The only true radical centrist take on the sandshit war that will make both Israel and Palestine supporters seethe

Frick both sides unironically lol. I hope both sides bomb themselves out to death or someone like the US or Russia nukes the entire middle east.

Giving me awards on this post means you're seething, tread carefully!

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I hope both sides bomb themselves out to death or someone like the US or Russia nukes the entire middle east.

Is this not what everyone normal wants but wont say out loud? Its been thousands of years of war over completely r-slurred bullshit.

People who should be religious allies by agreeing on darn near everything, sunnis and shiites, instead hate eachother more than they do outsiders. The terrorist groups have support from locals, sects can despise the next village over instead of cooperating

Glass Jerusalem and irradiate the entire area, enjoy your religious pilgrimages now :marseypatriot:

Double bonus, wall off europe and drive all the :marseyinshallah: into :marseysalutechina::marseysaluteindia:. Theyre big enough shitholes to absorb it all

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