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:chadjewrentfree: Yeah that was... disappointing. Apparently, Kripke is at least a bit of a zionist, or full on zionist, and the guy who plays Frenchie (which used to be my fave character, dammit!) is a full-on Zionist who served in the IDF.

I was really looking forward to the new season, but this has ruined it for me. And no, I'm not saying everyone MUST stop watching it now, because there is no ethical consumption under capitalism, and there is hardly any way to consume media that doesn't have at leasts some degree of zionist involvement, but for me, personally, it's enough to make me nope out.

:!chadjewrentfree: I knew he was an Israeli the whole time.

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When an exploitative system of economic oppression isn't enough to convince you to stop watching light entertainment produced by a megacorporation, but one too many jews is just beyond the pale.

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:ma#rseycomrade: psyops remain ever more successful to this day

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Redditors :marseyhammersrdine: are shocked :marseyspit: to learn :marseymoreyouknow: that Jews run Hollywood


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You're saying that Erike (((Kripke))) might oppose people who want to finish what Hitler started? Well I never.

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the line between "omg no i love da jooz just not israelis bc colonialism blah blah blah" and "i hate da jooz" grows ever thinner :#marseyhorseshoe:

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Then again very ironic that jewish libs simultanously go "rightoids are all evil nazi chuds who want to take control of the government to censor anything non-christian and kill brown gays" then also "but Israel is allowed to do all of those things because of our perpetual victim complex"

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We need to start Ashkenazi Jew breeding programs because they were the (mental) master race, but they're like pandas and won't do it themselves.

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you believe in made up dogshit from a delusional p-dophile jew hating male feminist warlord who couldnt read. slow clap for your sanity.




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