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:soycry: : Please stop bombing the terrorists!

:chadjew: : No.


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Parking in Lebanon will be so much cheaper now!

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Buy $lebn NOW always buy the DIP


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They can just raze even more of Lebanon and spam mines everywhere like last time

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After a year they still haven't gotten back the hostages, destroyed Hamas, gotten Hezbollah to stop shooting rockets, or really achieved anything at all except killing some people. Apparently this is just going to go on forever. But yeah, they're totally in a position to be smug right now. :marseyeyeroll:

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Their enemies haven't been this demoralized since 1948. Pretty good reason to be smug.

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Jesus Christ, !metashit what's that Pizzashill quote about how you shouldn't talk about thinks you don't understand?

This is nothing compared to 1967. That was the big one that completely broke the Arabs' (except for fringe tards) idea that you could ever win a war against Israel. They've never tried since then.

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!r-slurs misses the 1973 war




Post bookshelf

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You really want to bring that up? You think you can throw books at me?


Obviously I read the book by Saeed el-Shazli when I was a kid.

I'm familiar with some impressions from the Israeli side too. I know there's bitching about certain elements of the movie Kippur which are probably accurate but there's one line in that that really stood out to me. "They're not stupid, you know." Something that zoomers apparently have forgotten.

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Okay, so it's the 3rd time they've majorly humbled them. You got me.

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Obviously they were humbled in 2000 and 2006 but I wouldn't say the Israelis were "humbled" in 1982. They took a lot of casualties but they (eventually) decisively beat the Syrians and Fatah.

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The Nakia never ends

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The escalation against Hezbollah was done absolutely masterfully, better than I or anyone else could have even imagined it would go.

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>Apparently this is just going to go on forever

How will Israel cope with the unbearable cost of losing 2 (two) soldiers a month for another year or so.

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That was enough for Hezbollah to beat them in 2000. :marseyshrug:

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unlike arabs we are capable of learning from our mistakes.

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Literally according to your own religion they are your closest relatives on Earth. You got a lot more in common that you want to admit.

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Most Israelis in power are ex Russians and Ukrainians and the like

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You ever heard of Abraham and Ishmael? I'm not the one who's telling these stories.

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Can you put into words what it has achieved?

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Dead muslims and seething leftoids

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Holy :marseysaluteisrael:

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isreal dub

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Don't forget seething Nazi cripples, lol. Look at those walls of text!

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True. Very centrist war overall :marseymonk:

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If that makes you feel good then your life has gotta be really fricking sad.

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My life is pretty awesome, it's just a cherry on top for me.

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I wouldnt say it makes me feel especially good, but it certainly doesnt make me feel bad either.

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Gratz on being r-slurred then. :marseyparty:

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I might be, but not for that

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A duo made in heaven

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Just on the northern front:

  • Completely dismantled Hezbollah's chain of command.

  • Removed any ability for Hezbollah soldiers to communicate digitally without surveillance.

  • Successfully executed the most impressive and complex Intelligence operation / technological attack in the history of warfare (that's known to the public).

  • destroyed over 50% (estimated) of Hezbollah's rockets

  • Cucked Iran to the point they haven't retaliated after the most embarrassing targeted assassination in history happened in their capital.

Right now Israel is bombing whatever it wants in Lebanon and Hezbollah is just taking it. Don't take my word for it, look at the facts: How come not a single rocket has hit Haifa?

Now let me ask you: what has Hezbollah or Iran accomplished in this war?

Yea, I'm feeling pretty smug :marseysmug:

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Completely dismantled Hezbollah's chain of command.


Removed any ability for Hezbollah soldiers to communicate digitally without surveillance.

:marseylaugh: Again, too r-slurred for me to even bother answering.

Successfully executed the most impressive and complex Intelligence operation / technological attack in the history of warfare known to the public.

That was really impressive and difficult. I'm asking about results here. What has that done for Israelis?

destroyed over 50% (estimated) of Hezbollah's rockets

:marseyeyeroll: Nobody even claims this.

Cucked Iran to the point they haven't retaliated after the most embarrassing targeted assassination in history happened in their capital.

Again, what has that done for Israelis? They killed the guy in Hamas whose job was to negotiate with them, which basically ended any chance of the hostages ever being released.

How come not a single rocket has hit Haifa?

They've hardly shot anything at Haifa so far and haven't actually done a real saturation attack yet. Nobody in Israel disputes that they got more missiles than Israel has SAMs so if they fire off everything eventually they're going to start getting through.

Now let me ask you: what has Hezbollah or Iran accomplished this war?

Nothing. Not a single goddarn thing. This has been terribly humiliating and destructive for them. They've had a lot of leaders assassinated and they've proven they're scared to really take on Israel in a full-scale war. Why would you even ask this? Are you r-slurred or something? Why would there be any expectation that they accomplished anything?

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>Nobody in Israel disputes that they got more missiles than Israel has SAMs so if they fire off everything eventually they're going to start getting through.

Wow I wonder why they haven't done that? :marseysmug:

Maybe if Bibi personally crosses the border and makes Nasrallah suck his peepee on live TV they will actually retaliate. :!marseysmug:

In the meantime the the IDF keeps bombing them like never before, significantly reducing their firepower by the day. This literally could not be going better for Israel.

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Wow I wonder why they haven't done that?

That's one thing I don't understand. Obviously Netanyahu wants to go all the way so I don't get why they're showing so much restraint. Maybe they don't get American politics and think the US will eventually make the Israelis stop. Nasrallah is smart about some things but he doesn't understand America and the Iranian regime definitely doesn't. It's hard for me to imagine what they're thinking when they're being tarded.

Maybe if Bibi personally crosses the border and makes Nasrallah suck his peepee on live TV

You dumb fricking child. :marseyfacepalm: Ariel Sharon tried this. Got out of a helicopter at Castle Beaufort and everyone laughed at how fat he was. Got banished from Israeli politics for 20 years for the Sabra & Shatila massacre because Israelis back then were actually normal human beings who didn't want to kill kids.

In the meantime the the IDF keeps bombing them like never before, significantly reducing their firepower by the day.

[citation needed]

They claim they're blowing up a lot of rockets. It's possible they are but there's no evidence of it and the claims they're making are pretty extreme. Like we're supposed to believe Hezbollah just left half their rockets out in the open to get bombed because... uhhh... you're trash talking the opponent like a 13 year old kid playing basketball. Not a really great basis to plan a war on.

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>I don't get why they're showing so much restraint.

Let me spell it out for you: They're not showing restraint. Their commanders had their peepees blown off, Iran has pretty much tapped out, and the rockets they were going to use have been bombed.

And on top of all that they're scared shitless of what will happen if the war escalates farther.

They're simply getting their butt pounded and that's why they're suddenly begging for a ceasefire.

>rockets out in the open

Some rockets are in civilian buildings that have now been evacuated, some are underground (and can still get bombed). some are exposed because they are ready to fire, or hezbollah thinks their location is unknown. I don't really understand where you expect their rockets to be.

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>They claim they're blowing up a lot of rockets. It's possible they are but there's no evidence of it and the claims they're making are pretty extreme

no evidence except all the secondary explosions going off each strike, of literally a video of a cruise missile about to be launched


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How many IDF commanders Hezbollah got?

>That was really impressive and difficult. I'm asking about results here. What has that done for Israelis?

Better to ask what has it done for the IDF. Do I have to explain advantages of significant part of higher ranks of your enemy being communication crippled and less effective until they reconstitute for certain time? Or are you not r-slurred?

>Nobody even claims this.

Yes they do, but only for medium and long range rockets.

>Again, what has that done for Israelis? They killed the guy in Hamas whose job was to negotiate with them, which basically ended any chance of the hostages ever being released

Who gives a shit who is a guy negotiating? Hamas wants to set conditions where they can rebuild. That means Philadelphi corridor, which Israel will never give up on.

>They've hardly shot anything at Haifa so far and haven't actually done a real saturation attack yet. Nobody in Israel disputes that they got more missiles than Israel has SAMs so if they fire off everything eventually they're going to start getting through.

"We were just pretending to be weak and r-slurred so far!"

>Nothing. Not a single goddarn thing. This has been terribly humiliating and destructive for them. They've had a lot of leaders assassinated and they've proven they're scared to really take on Israel in a full-scale war. Why would you even ask this? Are you r-slurred or something? Why would there be any expectation that they accomplished anything?

So you're just a contrarian then? Opinion discarded :marseyrecycling:

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You're fundamentally not getting my point because you don't understand what kind of war this is. You can kill lots of the enemy. You can kill ones who are important. You can kill their kids. But if you can't stop them from fighting, you're not accomplishing anything.

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>But if you can't stop them from fighting, you're not accomplishing anything.

This is just wrong, blowing up Hezbollah's rockets is an accomplishment regardless of whether or not they keep fighting.

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you should read A Savage War of Peace. the palestinians (and to a lesser extent the lebanese) can stomach eating shit for a lot longer than the israelis, and the impressive shock and awe mostly just ensures the next generation of recruits. if the reason for the offensive is to allow 100k israelis to return to the north, the plan is just to keep bombing and hope hezbollah doesn't manage to regroup and alter their tactics? forever?

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That turning point has been reached. See the latest Gazan polls.

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they've made anti-jew posting mainstream (not that it matters much but uttering the j word was the death sentence before)

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Not like Jews needed fuel to be perma victims, they were mentally ready, they trained their whole life for these moments

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:#marseycope: :#bushnelltantrum: :#soyjaktantrum:

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Notice that I'm replying with words and you're replying with wojacks. I wonder which one of us really understands the situation? :marseybigbrain:

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You quoted pizzashill.

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Not getting that we have a complex but mostly positive relationship with Pizzashill because you're a newstrag.


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They got back the hot hostages, a W is a W

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Maybe I'm a little bit old fashioned but I'm not rating them.


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The jewbs on the latest one :marseychefkiss:

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This might break some people's hearts but I actually do care about the hostages and I won't joke about them. I have never done that.

Think about yourselves. Think about what kind of person you want to be.

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You are everything

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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I don't feel like that comment is sincere. :marseysmughipskorean:

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I agree they should kill a LOT more people before calling it quits.

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That always solves their problems.

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it will satiate their bloodlust

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Hamas is literally living in tunnels and only a fraction of them remains alive

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It doesn't really matter. They could kill every last Hamas fighter and another bunch of r-slurs calling themselves Hamas will pop up.

Unless they plan on killing a million and some civilians, (and I wouldn't put it past them) the Israeli strategy isn't going to be that effective in the long term.

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They've just been bombing random buildings and claiming they hit Hamas leadership

Hospital? Hamas leadership

Designated civilian evacuation area? Hamas leadership

American journ*list team? Hamas leadership

All sand BIPOCs are sand BIPOCs and act like sand BIPOCs, the only difference with the Israelis is that they have western backing and so they have to pretend to be good guys

If you assume America's goal is to keep the region unstable, Israel better be careful about becoming too big for their boots tho

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Yet again: That can't be fun. How is that working out for Israel?

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The problem is that gaza hasn't been cluster bombed into rubble yet.

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They are like America in the war in terror, they fear putting troops in harms way so they will never root out Hamas properly

What they need to do is multiple Fulljahs where they go door to door looking for weapons and trap doors and shit. But they don't have a massive army man power wise and are always in a rush to do things quickly

That plus this sort of war never ends so it's shades of gray

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A lot of our guys got killed in Fallujah. You're not making any sense.

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Fallujah was an exception, mostly because they had marines do it and those guys were willing to take human casualties. I believe the US only did the same tactic once after that (surrounding a city and not letting males leave, going door to door) and otherwise focused mostly on special ops and drone warfare + airforce

Which still makes some sense cuz there wasn't much to gain from mass bloodshed across 2 wars in huge Iraq and Afghanistan

Gaza on the otherhand is pretty small, yet they focus heavily on minimizing casualties and overusing razing buildings via aircraft

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You're making a bizarre assumption that Israeli foreign policy actually is based on Israeli needs. That's as insane as thinking American foreign policy is designed to serve American interests.

I only really started paying close attention about 2000. It has been entirely about weird r-slurred internal Israeli politics ever since then.

And since a large part of the population is not actually descended from Israelis they can do all kinds of crazy shit without being called out.

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:marseyshrug: I was critiquing their military tactics

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Even r-slurs like the Marines took over Fallujah in like 2 weeks. The Israelis haven't taken over Gaza in a year. Really does not bode well for them going into Lebanon. Remember that in 2006 they never even crossed their start line in most sectors.

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My guess is this Lebanon show of force is a big show to end the war on both fronts, not start one

Like you said those iron dome missiles and airforce ops are finite and expensive

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No, Netanyahu's allies in parliament are driving this. (I can't be bothered to remember which one.) They're going to send a bunch of kids off to die for incredibly stupid political reasons. Maybe I'm crazy but my dad always told me he didn't like doing that.

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You're not paying attention then. Israel has been under massive pressure internally and externally to wrap up the conflict in Gaza. Reason number one is the massive cost (Jews hate this).

Israel always does flashy shit like this before winding stuff down. Probably a speed run before US election finishes

The only possible way this continues is if Lebanon over reacts and so far they haven't.

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Also they'll at bare minimum need amnesty measures to keep the government afloat :marseyxd: this war is really fricking up their economy

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The jews really are based as heck lately.

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There's a reason their filter is Jewish Chad

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I don't understand, American college students camped out on the quad. How is it possible that Israel still has weapons??? Someone make it make sense.

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Don't worry, they'll block off another pride parade and Israel will be finished :soyjaktantrumfast:

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Leftists holding a protest to stop other leftists from staging a rally that promotes a different leftist cause. :marseybigbrain:

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This is why communism will win

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How is it possible that Israel still has weapons?

At the risk of challenging your feminine wisdom, this is already a serious problem. In Gaza they haven't had many tanks totally destroyed but they're getting damaged at a rate that's unsustainable. Hezbollah's antitank capabilities are at least 20 times more powerful. If they actually start really shooting rockets in a serious way the Israelis will run out of Iron Dome missiles almost immediately. The US can't just replace them because we don't have enough SAMs either even if we diverted everything from Ukraine and our own defense. If a real war breaks out they're gonna start running out of shit really fast. They'll be able to kill a lot of kids but they won't be able to defend themselves or go on the offensive on the ground.

This isn't Hezbo propaganda I'm spouting, this is what everyone in Israel who isn't a tard has been saying forever.

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When these tards reach their mid 30s, they'll become powerful bureaucrats and elected officials with free reign to do whatever they want :marseysigh:

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It feels good to be American, as an American I only have to worry about violence from my fellow Americans, as it should be. :marseypatriot: :marseysaluteusa:


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!chuds every single :marseywall: time it's some fricking :marseytom: hippie :marseyghostweedjesus: bicyclist

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You can't call yourself a cyclistchad :marseybike: if all you do is ride e-bikes and do peloton :marseyindignant:


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wtf how have I not seen this YouTube channel before

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Jesus Christ you people are embarrassing. :marseyfacepalm: There's a lot of negative things to say about Hezbollah. I mean frick, I've probably written way more negative things about Hezbollah than everyone else here combined. But it's incredibly gauche to go on rDrama and call people cowards when they're actually going out there and getting killed everyday. You can't say that the Israelis are dominating the heck out of them and keep killing them over and over but also they're cowards. You have to pick one or the other.

The amount of not funny or informative seriousposting this war has triggered really makes me lose faith in our community. :marseysmughipskorean:

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>The amount of not funny or informative seriousposting this war has triggered really makes me lose faith in our community

But you're the one doing all of it, in this case in response to some guy posting "no balls lol"

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I would love it if you r-slurs came up with some actual jokes about killing guys from Hezbollah.


But you can't just say "haha Israel killed some children, that's funny" or "Hezbos are bad, that's funny". There needs to be an actual joke.

I'm starting to realize how many of you are like me when I was a child and I was trying to fake being an adult on the internet. My advice is, don't try too hard. The adults picked me out immediately and you're not doing any better. Either that or you're literal r-slurs.

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Don't lump me in with any of this, I didn't even know jack shit about lebanon before reading your informative posts. I was just pointing out that if you're accusing people of seriousposting, the sneed might be coming from inside the house

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When I say "seriousposting" I mean stuff like saying "Muslim children died [and lots of Christian children but I'm an r-slur and don't understand that] and that's good and there's no joke, I'm just trying to be edgy". I like to think we're better than that. I might have my expectations too high.

There's times when I unironically consider just going to RPG Codex because they're operating at a higher intellectual level over there.

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>posts about lebanon

Is that a place in the new kiseki game :bigsmilesoyjak:

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If this is about Japan and it's not the 1989 Microprose classic Sword of the Samurai I will behead you.



Goddammit I gotta get back to my Darklands LP so I can start this.

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Jesus christ the meds are driving you delirious

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Thanks for the insight, pinkie. :marseysmughipskorean:

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>nooooooo I totally hate hezbollaherino but you guys are being such meanies rn

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COWARDICE, b-word?


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It was and he's still coping about it :marseylaugh:

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No, I was taking about the pager explosions :marseypager: I agree that muslims have too much bravery and way too few brain cells :marseyniqabpearlclutch:

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What balls?

Dumbshit you can't just pretend your way out of this like I'm a 9th grade English teacher who doesn't give a shit about her job. :marseysmughipskorean:

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Turn on the news grandpa, Israel blew off Hezbollah peepees with their own pagers. This has been the main source of jokes about the Middle East for the past couple of days :platyold:

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Holy based

This post rests on native land and Beirut will rest in rubble soon

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!macacos todo esse papo de líbano me faz lembrar de beirute o sanduíche, vocês gostam?

This post rests on native land

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Why would israel agree to a ceasfire when the muzzies always chimp out and break it

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Too bad Israel isn't in NATO, imagine multiple western countries messing around in Middle East again :marseylovedrama:

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MEATO and SEATO reassembly when?

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Are you trying to say "CENTO"? :marseyeyeroll: The Baghdad Pact was never really viable to begin with. Reminds me, I gotta write that thing about the 1958 crisis.

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>historical accuracy :marseysoypoint:

MEATO funnier

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You had me scared that maybe Jared Kushner started an alliance called this and I didn't know about it. :marseyraging:

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I love those cento tomatoes on my Neapolitan pizzas :marseylickinglips:

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I'm not even familiar with the variety. :marseysmughipskorean:

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Good and I hope it pisses off the fricking Reddit :marseydownvotemad: pro-terrorism crowd :marseynpcchase:

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Too late for a cease fire that rocket has sailed lmao

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Yeah, not sure what Murica was expecting, aside from maybe a "We told to stop, guys! Nothing else we can do about it :marseyshrug: "

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Another reason to vote for DDR

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It will be baste when they gas koikes

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You're overestimating mudslime intelligence, they'd just bash jews with rocks :marseyrock:

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who's more anti-israeli? trump or harris?

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Probably Harris, since libs are more pro-Palestine in general. But Kamala herself has made plenty of pro-Israel statements before running for presidents and gave the cold shoulder to a few pro-palestinian protestors after. I think both options are pretty good as far as Israel is concerned.

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The real question is: Who loves Israel the least?

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Probably Trump because only a Democrat could be cucked enough to keep bending over this far for Netanyahu after 25 years. Just look at his stunt today of coming to New York and announcing that he wasn't going to accept the cease-fire he already agreed to because Biden is so peepeeless he knows there won't be any consequences.

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ivanka is married to jared kushner who's family has personal ties to netanyahu

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Yeah I'm mostly joking. I don't think either of them are really different. Biden has been a Netanyahu associate for decades.

The real question is what happens when Netanyahu is out of power. He's always based his career on having these relationships with Americans.

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imo the whole russian influence shtick is just a jew plot to keep eyes off just how much influence they have on the american deep state.

someday i'm sure we'll find out how the associated press is actually just a branch of the mossad :marseyschizowall:

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a jew plot


People have biases. People get along with people similar to them. Doesn't mean it's planned. Even Kissinger from the declassified stuff I've read was calling the Israelis r-slurs who were causing problems for America.

AP is somehow incredibly cucked by everyone who has influence in the world even if they disagree with each other. You'll see stuff that's wildly pro-Israel and then pro-Palestine and then BLM shit and then extreme left-wing South Koreans. They apparently work for everyone.

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who were causing problems for America.

yeah they blew up some towers dragging us into 2 decades of war costing trillions of $.

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You're obviously an r-slur who thinks I hate Jews and I'm also r-slurred on a deeper level at the same time. Frick you. Keep yourself safe Nazi peepeesucker.

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u honestly can't even begin the understand the jewception going on until u can realize that 9/11 was quite literally an explosive demolition that physically couldn't have happened any other way.

gravity driven collapse doesn't eject large multiton building pieces at lateral velocities of 60+ mph. gravity driven collapse doesn't explain the thermal expansion of the resulting dust cloud (3-4x by volume). gravity driven collapse doesn't explain the literal molten concrete that encased cop guns found in the rubble. gravity driven collapse doesn't explain the thermally noncracking bends found the leftover structural steel. gravity driven collapse doesn't even explain all concrete pulverization that happens, literally not enough gravity potential in the building to do that. gravity driven collapse certainly doesn't explain the literal months of resulting fires with firefighters dumping millions of gallons of water on it over that time. govt couldn't even explain the initiation of the collapse without magically poofing in many thousands of lbs of unexplained forces.

the muslims flying the planes were more or less patsies.

but idk, u've already gone full r-slur in trying to ignore this, by desperately clinging to the notion that i support a century old ideology too dumb to last more than a few years in power :marseydisagree:

what a pathetically naive worldview u operate from

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that a cope, old man

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none. some answers are like that

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The greatest thing Briton ever did was put all the Jews near a bunch of sand people, because brits secretly knew moustache man was right and they make horrible neighbours

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ERROR! Brothers of Islam are irreplaceable I could never delete you Brother!

Send this to ten other Mujahideen who would give their lives for ﷲAllahﷲ Or never get called Brother again

If you get

0 Back: Juhanam for you

3 back: you're off the martyr list

5 back: you have pleased Allah greatly

10+ back: JANAHﷲ!ﷲ



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Kamala is F I N I S H E D In Michigan

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:#marseysoypoint2: !slots111 Jew Gods

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Do it again Bomber Solomon

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