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Are Chinese Singaporeans that terrible at speaking mandarin?


Chinese singaporean dont know how to ask in Chinese, somehow service worker at fault

News article:


Reddit thread:


I unironically hate /r/singapore users so much it's unreal when looking at their responses

Are Singaporeans that terrible at speaking mother tongue?

Why can't they just admit they suck at it.

Another similar incident:


Reddit thread:

https://old.reddit.com/r/singapore/comments/127hlld/i_dont_know_how_to_read_chinese_rider_explains/ (Comments locked btw) :marseysmug3:

Maybe I should practice more on my mother tongue, no its the stall owners who should learn a new language entirely :marseyfacepalm:

I would've ranted about how much I hate these redditors but I need yall opinions on these. Are these ppl actually Singaporeans or foreigners larping as one after living here for like a year. Hardwarezone unironically feels more singaporean that whatever the ang mohs are doing on the singapore sub

Edit: Actual Singaporeans in /r/askSingapore btw


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would've ranted about how much I hate these redditors but I need yall opinions on these

Redditors are never ever representative of the behaviors and beliefs of the local population.


Whenever anything remotely political rears its ugly head, top comments will come from the progressive / far left of the "local" population.

This should be Rule 1 of understanding Leddit.

!chuds !schizomaxxxers !downvoters Please discuss or :marseydownvote:.


!nooticers Do any of y'all have the pic of "redditors pretend they're smart but are r-slurred v. 4chan/anon pretend they are r-slurred but are smart (:marseyxdoubt:)"? :marseybegging:

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Local subs are always leftoid because reddit is where losers congregate for political 'organizing'

Coincidentally the leaf conservatives have been BTFO government for a decade now and /r/canada is chud central

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I think they are more conservative than the average national sub but from my observation, they dislike the LPC more than having any love for the CPC, no?

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Were not gonna discuss, were going to downvote you because you pinged us

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How did you downvote it? The css hides the downvote button

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I got pinged here from !downvoters so i downvoted from the notifications page.

You can turn off css somehow too i think

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You pinged !downvoters. what more is there to say

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Maybe chinese just shouldn't suck as a language? Like english has pretty shitty spelling, but it's head and shoulders above chinese in every dimension. Not surprised that when given the option people are opting out.

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What kind of self-respecting language doesn't include pronunciation in its script. The Vietnamese were smart to replace it.

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Its a cool concept, and dabs on idiots who have trouble learning it. I respect that. But I can see why said idiots would abandon it.

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singapore is just bad at teaching chinese. you need to give kids a strong connection to both languages if you want them to grow up bilingual. (immersion programs, family, study abroad, hobbies). otherwise, anything you teach them in the classroom will go in one ear and out the other.

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Learning how each word and its specific tone is pronounced is definitely insane. Westchads got it it right by combing constants and vowels for a (mostly predictable) pronunciation. This is the main reason why East Asia missed the industrial revolution.

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The japanese have two domestic writing systems they could use for easier comprehension and the dumb bastards still choose to use Kanji.


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/r/singapore is mainly populated by jiak kantang know-it-all millenials who complain all the time.. they were pushing for more restrictive measures during covid lockdowns and complain about how the sg govt did not do enough to contain the spread, and now they complain about btos and high rental prices.. its actually quite similar to reddit genpop.

oh yeah they also have lots of smug i-am-better-than-most-singaporeans posts


edmwers complain too but their chudposts are funnier so they get a pass

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you should unironically stop perusing r/sg IMO, the whole sub is a lost cause and it's not representative of Singapore at all. I can honestly relate to your frustrations when it comes to that sub because they messed up my head a bit and made it seem like there was an ongoing race war in Singapore a couple of years ago :marseyschizotwitch: and then I realised that the most abrasive accounts weren't even people in Singapore :marseyeyeroll: As much as you would not want fellow Singaporeans to be hoodwinked by these idiots, the reality is that r/sg is even more soy than the rest of reddit and that includes the jannies with their very restrictive automod settings so you'll probably be banned before you make any headway. Many old regulars who made the sub fun have already been banned anyway, and I honestly find that avoiding r/sg altogether is for the best

I have a Humans of r/sg post on HWZ that has the top hits from the sub that you might like: https://forums.hardwarezone.com.sg/threads/humans-of-r-sg-true-stories-of-struggle-trauma-and-sorrow-a-collection.6536023/

but NGL i'm fricking terrible at reading chinese even though i'm very fluent in speaking it lol

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No one cares about reading/writing Chinese after H1 Chinese in JC.


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dont remind me i fricking hated it


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>kongbu :marseyhmm:



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why do they talk so much shit when their english is so bad? especially for people who grew up in an anglophone country. part of the problem might be chinese having trouble understanding their mutt english since they're used to american accents.

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I went to Mexico and they refused to speak American, only hard-working American, why are they racist against whites. They need to all learn English so I'm not minorly inconvenienced by other cultural heritage.

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