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Advent of Code 2022: Day 7

with open('AdventOfCode2022/input.txt', 'r') as input:
    commands = input.read().split('\n')

    def new_dict(name, parent=None):
        return {
        'name': name,
        'files': 0,
        'dirs': {}

    root_dict = new_dict(name='/', parent=None)
    curr_dict = root_dict

    #Build tree of dicts
    for i in range(len(commands)):
        command_parts = commands[i].split(' ')
        if command_parts[0] == '$':
            if command_parts[1] == 'cd':
                if command_parts[2] == '..':
                    curr_dict = curr_dict['parent']
                elif command_parts[2] == '/':
                    curr_dict = curr_dict['dirs'][command_parts[2]]
        elif command_parts[0] == 'dir':
            if command_parts[1] not in curr_dict:
                curr_dict['dirs'][command_parts[1]] = new_dict(name=command_parts[1], parent=curr_dict)
        elif command_parts[0] == '':
            curr_dict['files'] += int(command_parts[0])


    MAX_THRESHOLD = 100000
    dict_list = []
    def parse_dict(t_dict):
        folder_total = t_dict['files']

        for c_dict in t_dict['dirs'].keys():
            folder_total += parse_dict(t_dict['dirs'][c_dict])

        global dict_list

        if folder_total < MAX_THRESHOLD:
            global FINAL_COUNTER # this is the most embarrassing thing I've ever done
            FINAL_COUNTER += folder_total
        return folder_total

    total_used = parse_dict(root_dict)

    TOTAL_SPACE = 70000000
    WANTED_SPACE = 30000000
    curr_wanted = WANTED_SPACE - (TOTAL_SPACE - total_used)
    larger_than_wanted = []
    for i in dict_list:
        if i > curr_wanted:

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it got super messy, but i had fun solving this one tbh. the way i built my all_dirs list in particular is pretty hacky and scuffed, please tell me the smarter way to do it

from typing import Dict, Any

with open("day7input.txt") as f:
    input = f.read().split("\n")

class Dir:
    def __init__(self, directories: Dict[str, Any], files: Dict[str, int], origin): # directories' values are of type Dir but type hints wouldnt let me do it
        self.directories = directories
        self.files = files
        self.origin = origin

    def get_size(self):
        size = sum(self.files.values()) + sum(directory.get_size() for directory in self.directories.values())
        return size

    def enter_directory(self, name):
        return self.directories[name]

    def leave_directory(self, name):
        return self.origin

main = Dir({}, {}, None)

for line in input[2:10]:
    if line.startswith("dir"):
        _, name = line.split(" ")
        main.directories[name] = Dir({}, {}, main)
    elif line[0] in tuple("1234567890"):
        line = line.split(" ")
        size, name = int(line[0]), line[1]
        main.files[name] = size

current = main

for line in input[10:]:
    if line.startswith("dir"):
        _, name = line.split(" ")
        current.directories[name] = Dir({}, {}, current)
    elif line[0] in tuple("1234567890"):
        line = line.split(" ")
        size, name = int(line[0]), line[1]
        current.files[name] = size
    elif line.startswith("$ cd"):
        if line.split(" ")[2] == "..":
            current = current.origin
            name = line.split(" ")[2]
            current = current.directories[name]

all_dirs = [dir for dir in main.directories.values()]
for _ in range(1000):
    for dir in all_dirs:
        for sub_dir in dir.directories.values():
            if sub_dir not in all_dirs:

# part 1

answer = 0
for dir in all_dirs:
    if dir.get_size() <= 100000:
        answer += dir.get_size()


# part 2

main_size = main.get_size()
options: Dict[int, Dir] = {}
for dir in all_dirs:
    if main_size - dir.get_size() < 40000000:
        options[dir.get_size()] = dir
answer = options[sorted(list(options))[0]].get_size()
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You are the first dramatard who managed to subtract 3 from 7 LMAO.

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Don't get too proud of yourself, if line[0] in tuple("1234567890") is unnecessary on several levels, also for _ in range(1000): is quite pointless.

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if line[0] in tuple("1234567890") is unnecessary on several levels

which way is better?

for _ in range(1000): is quite pointless.

true it's r-slurred but it just werked

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if line[0] in "1234567890" would work but at that point why not just force-cast the whole thing to int and see what happens?

for _ in range(1000):

I honestly don't get what it does: is it the megatard way of building subdirectory trees?

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>if line[0] in "1234567890" would work

oh :marseyxd:

>I honestly don't get what it does: is it the megatard way of building subdirectory trees?

:marseyagree: it gets a layer deeper every pass. i decided to do that because i thought of it fast. unlike many other (cowardly) uses here, i dont change my code at all before posting other than adding # part 1 and # part 2. embrace the megatard within.

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>tfw solve a tree problem without recursion

tardking shit my neighbor :marseykneel:

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But that's a magic number! Those are bad!

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hey atheists, if you don't believe in magic, how come you are afraid of magic numbers? checkmate

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Have you owned the libs yet?

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