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Advent of Code 2022: Day 7

with open('AdventOfCode2022/input.txt', 'r') as input:
    commands = input.read().split('\n')

    def new_dict(name, parent=None):
        return {
        'name': name,
        'files': 0,
        'dirs': {}

    root_dict = new_dict(name='/', parent=None)
    curr_dict = root_dict

    #Build tree of dicts
    for i in range(len(commands)):
        command_parts = commands[i].split(' ')
        if command_parts[0] == '$':
            if command_parts[1] == 'cd':
                if command_parts[2] == '..':
                    curr_dict = curr_dict['parent']
                elif command_parts[2] == '/':
                    curr_dict = curr_dict['dirs'][command_parts[2]]
        elif command_parts[0] == 'dir':
            if command_parts[1] not in curr_dict:
                curr_dict['dirs'][command_parts[1]] = new_dict(name=command_parts[1], parent=curr_dict)
        elif command_parts[0] == '':
            curr_dict['files'] += int(command_parts[0])


    MAX_THRESHOLD = 100000
    dict_list = []
    def parse_dict(t_dict):
        folder_total = t_dict['files']

        for c_dict in t_dict['dirs'].keys():
            folder_total += parse_dict(t_dict['dirs'][c_dict])

        global dict_list

        if folder_total < MAX_THRESHOLD:
            global FINAL_COUNTER # this is the most embarrassing thing I've ever done
            FINAL_COUNTER += folder_total
        return folder_total

    total_used = parse_dict(root_dict)

    TOTAL_SPACE = 70000000
    WANTED_SPACE = 30000000
    curr_wanted = WANTED_SPACE - (TOTAL_SPACE - total_used)
    larger_than_wanted = []
    for i in dict_list:
        if i > curr_wanted:

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I got the recursive functions to one line of barely legible python :marseywholesome:

lines = []
with open("7.input", "r") as f:
    lines = f.readlines()

lines = [i.strip() for i in lines]

class Directory:
    def __init__(self, parent) -> None:
        self.parent = parent
        self.directories = dict()
        self.direct_size = 0
    def add_directory(self, name) -> None:
        self.directories[name] = Directory(self)
    def add_to_size(self, size) -> None:
        self.direct_size += size
    def get_directory(self, name) -> 'Directory':
        return self.directories[name]
    def get_parent(self) -> 'Directory':
        return self.parent

root = Directory(None)
current = None
for line in lines:
    args = line.split(" ")
    if args[0] == "$":
        if args[1] == "cd": 
            if "/" in line: current = root
            elif ".." in line: current = current.get_parent()
            else: current = current.get_directory(args[2])
        if args[0] == "dir": current.add_directory(args[1])
        else: current.add_to_size(int(args[0]))
def get_total_size(start): return sum([start.direct_size] + [get_total_size(i) for i in start.directories.values()])

def find_small_directories(start): return list(filter(None, sum([find_small_directories(i) for i in start.directories.values()], []))) + ([start] if get_total_size(start) < 100000 else [])

def get_closest_directory_to_size(start, size): return min([get_closest_directory_to_size(directory, size) for directory in start.directories.values() if get_total_size(directory) > size] + ([get_total_size(start)] if get_total_size(start) > size else []))

def solve_part_1(root) : return sum([get_total_size(i) for i in find_small_directories(root)])

part_1 = sum([get_total_size(i) for i in find_small_directories(root)])
part_2 = get_closest_directory_to_size(root, 30000000 - (70000000 - get_total_size(root)))

assert part_1 == 1141028
assert part_2 == 8278005
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Some people are able to display their intelligence by going on at length on a subject and never actually saying anything. This ability is most common in trades such as politics, public relations, and law. You have impressed me by being able to best them all, while still coming off as an absolute idiot.

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