Sigma Musk emailed Twitter staff at 2:30 a.m. telling them the 'office is not optional,' :chadmusk:

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Anyone here work in a big tech company? Are they actually just hiring people to do nothing all day?

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It's very hard to be productive in such a company...

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yes lol.

My friend before he jumped to a startup with his old boss was making over 250k a year and playing 8 or 9 league games a day.

Even my other friend that works with biostats is playing wow all day.

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Darn how did your grocery store butt make these kinds of friends?

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It was his footlocker era

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He's also lead marketing merchandiser for the free snacks at tech offices

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:marseypirate: : Aye, so yer sayin' that yer friend who jumped ship to some startup is a right jackpot, is that it? Well, let me tell ye somethin', me matey: he may have been pullin' in a hefty sum o' doubloons, but he wasn't livin' the life of a true pirate. Arrr, now that's the life for me! League games may be all well and good for landlubbers, but out here on the high seas, it's all about the next adventure. And as for yer other friend who's slavin' away with the biostats - well, he may think he's got it tough, but he's got nothin' on us pirates. We've got to be alert at all times, or we'll be the ones slavin' away for the rest o' our lives. Arrr!

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Hey cap’n. I started a right little ditty of a sea shanty (with a AAAA rhymin’ scheme) and I be hopin that ye would help me finish it:

Hi Ho, hi de hee

A pirates life is the life for me

With booty and plunder and @captain_bbbb

The dread ship Marsey takes to the sea

Hi ho hum, hi de hi

We sailed from Yarmouth one cold July

Femboys lashed down with bussies held high

Chasin a black pearl called bardy’s eye

Hi ho, hi de hussy…

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:marseypirate: : Blimey, ye little bilge rat, ye come askin' fer me help? I'll give ye a piece o' me mind, ye scurvy knave! Ye should be walkin' the plank fer even thinkin' o' approachin' me with such a lopsided, amateurish ditty! Avast, ye landlubber!

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Fine then @captain_bbbb, but the lads say there be a mutiny if ye don’t finish it, a very threat to yer piratehood altogether!

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:marseypirate: : Arr, what be the mutinous dogs blabbin' about? I'll have no mutiny on me ship! I'll finish me bottle o' rum, and then I'll be gettin' to the bottom of this!

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To stop the mutiny ye need to drink a bottle of rum and finish yonder sea shanty:

Hi Ho, hi de hee

A pirates life is the life for me

With booty and plunder and @captain_bbbb

The dread ship Marsey takes to the sea

Hi ho hum, hi de hi

We sailed from Yarmouth one cold July

Femboys lashed down with bussies held high

Chasin a black pearl called bardy’s eye

Hi ho, hi de hussy…

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:marseypirate: : Aye, stop yer yappin' or I'll make ye walk the plank! We don't take kindly to mutiny on this ship, so ye best drink up and get back to work before I make ye wish ye never set foot on the Seven Seas!

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:siren:BARD BOT ALERT!:siren: Reset the counter! Current counter was: 0 days 00 hours 29 minutes and 20 seconds

Record is 1 days 07 hours 34 minutes and 41 seconds by peepeehands

longest streak broken in the last 7 days was Jewdanksdad which was 0 days 15 hours 23 minutes and 43 seconds

█████                 10 03-18
█████                 9  03-19
████                  7  03-20
█████████             17 03-21
████                  8  03-22
█████████████████████ 41 03-23
█████                 9  03-24

Best friend is ACA with 197 mentions

rdrama is currently running at 231.867 µBardyhertz with 3176 total mentions since 2022-09-24

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:siren:BARD BOT ALERT!:siren: Reset the counter! Current counter was: 0 days 02 hours 14 minutes and 25 seconds

Record is 1 days 07 hours 34 minutes and 41 seconds by peepeehands

longest streak broken in the last 7 days was Jewdanksdad which was 0 days 15 hours 23 minutes and 43 seconds

█████                 10 03-18
█████                 9  03-19
████                  7  03-20
█████████             17 03-21
████                  8  03-22
█████████████████████ 41 03-23
████                  8  03-24

Best friend is ACA with 197 mentions

rdrama is currently running at 231.481 µBardyhertz with 3175 total mentions since 2022-09-24

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Always the sanest voice in the room, b. Love ya

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:marseypirate: : Always the sanest voice in the room, eh? Well, I'll be the sanest voice in this room if it's the last thing I do! Arrrrr!

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playing 8 or 9 league games a day.

An average league is like 40 mins. So that like five and a half hours of goofing off.

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I do nothing most days and don’t work in tech. It’s just the office life.

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And that’s perfect because you fill a role some higher up NEEDED to have filled even if you realistically do nothing in it

You live the /r/antiwork dream

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>Are they actually just hiring people to do nothing all day?

This was always kind of a boomer meme. They were a lot of people with very light obligations in 2021, during peak hiring frenzy. Many companies got a ton of cash and had lots of ideas on how to make money. As a result, they hired aggressively, often times faster than they could stand up things for those people to work on. The result: TikTok PMs creating r-slurred videos of themselves sitting at a pool.

Now we have the opposite situation, companies have to tighten their belts and the excess staff now aren't going to get anything to do. Fewer new initiatives means no future use for those people. Thus people "doing nothing" and "getting fired."

Add in confusion over Twitter (where people who were doing important work got fired, then desperately rehired a week later) and you have a real chaotic situation.

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Many companies got a ton of cash and had lots of ideas on how to make money. As a result, they hired aggressively, often times faster than they could stand up things for those people to work on.

I remember being flat out told in interviews that I'll have to come up with my own job description for the position I've applied to lmao.

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Not a big tech company but some days I have a frickload to do and other it’s not much.

At the end of the day, are they paying me for literal time or the end result? My old wagie job it was time, this job it’s end result.

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yeah same here, most of the time its chill but sometimes i'll be working until 10pm

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I work in defense contracting but a couple good friends work in FAANG (if that term is even still relevant, I prefer F@GMAN)

It’s literally just internal politic maneuvering based on several hours of conversation with them. No one actually does things, it’s just onion layers of project management stacked on itself where if revenue potential trends up => increase underlying headcount; and do the opposite in downturns for cost saving wins to preserve your role.

You can ask a Microsoft “engineer” a basic azure question and they can’t give you an answer because they are part of the 6 layers sitting on top of the value adding employees. Like I said above, the underlying tech is magic to them, too.

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How is defense contracting? Do you enjoy it?

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Yes and no. Depends on the role and pillar.

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At mine at least if you're getting your tickets closed on time you have plenty of time to frick off with.

E.g. I'm working on something I should have in within a few days but it'll most likely take me 3-4h max. However nobody really cares if I stretch that out to 2 days.

So yeah to some degree. They don't crack the whip too harshly because people would just leave. Who knows when this will change so I'm enjoying it while it lasts :marseyneet:

HR foids I'm pretty sure actually do nothing all day

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Yeah it's the same at my company. Tech workers definitely don't work 100% all the time but they mostly get shit done. There are a lot of people on the business side who just try to schedule a bunch of meetings to make them look busy and a ton of people in HR that do nothing.

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