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isn’t most economics a bet against autism?

Pretty shitty off wine :marseydrunk: but i was thinking like gold is a hedge against there being no more gold right? And buying BTC is a hedge against SHA256 being broken.

Seems to me we have too many Neurodivergents :marseyautism: that will work to break SHA256 or develop rocket ships to find gold :marseyelonmusk:

Just a thought.

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Forgot I could abuse my /h/ mod powers. Enjoy this very high quality pin.

Brought to you by Cali Pinot Noir and Martell XO.

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:marseyxd: what a weird mixture because Martells are the favourite drink of hoodlums here and I have never seen them drink wine

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I’m talking about the cognac but I do think they’re the cheaper “big four” houses.

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Yeah they drink the cognac but everyone just calls it Martell here :marseydrunk:

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That’s funny. In USAstan it’s kind of $$ though the roudies usually get Henny VS.

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rowdies here tend to be rich because it's so risky being a rowdy so there's less competition

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Lmfao @SlackerKong my neighbor pinned it anyway. Cheers brother.

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drink water nikka :taywine: n idefk bb

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Lol having some chamomile tea.

If I’m posting still I’m not THAT drunk.

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>like gold is a hedge against there being no more gold right?


Gold is a hedge against inflation of a fiat currency. The price of gold tends to be more stable compared to currency, given changes in (inflationary) monetary and fiscal policies and business cycles.

How is "BTC is a hedge against SHA256 being broken?"

If someone can somehow crack SHA256, what does that imply for BTC? Anyone can transfer anyone's bitcoins into their own wallet? :taythink: If that's broken, then wouldn't the entire internet be compromised?

Aren't there are other substitutes for encryption? I remember keepassxc having more than SHA256.

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we have stuff newer and/or more secure than sha256, i would imagine it's good enough for the near future though barring some major development

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ed25519 is good enough until quantum

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yeah i'll trust anything with https://i.rdrama.net/images/16814425862817008.webp in it

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I should have specified I was thinking quantum autism.

I don’t think eliptic curves have quantum resistance?

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I’m not aware of a quantum algo that breaks SHA256 though. I think it’s more about pub key crypto and key exchange.

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They don't break SHA, but SHA is also just a hash. It's pretty useless on its own.

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They do not.

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ed25519 is not an hash you rslur :marseygigaretard:

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If SHA256 is broken in a bad enough way then BTC is worthless.

Gold I’m referring to there being a surplus of gold. I guess that could happen on earth too but I’m mainly talking about meteors in this schizopost.

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Gold is much like a self-regulated currency. As the price rises, suppliers will dig out more gold (basically). If there's a surplus, price falls, and production would hold off for awhile. What's keeping rocket ships and asteroid mining away is the extraordinary cost. Much like cost of mining gold on Earth, the price (or rather demand) would have to rise in order to justify incurring the additional costs.

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If you're so smart then, make the opposite investment and rake in the cash

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How do I make an investment against gold / btc :marseyhmmm:

I guess I could short it but I don’t know WHEN it will happen the alcohol is just telling me it WILL happen.

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How do I make an investment against gold / btc

You invest in deodorant.

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What if an neurodivergent develops a “CRISPR” vax that rids us of BO???

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The side effect of the vax will be more autism so then you invest in SEGA and Mattel.

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How do I make an investment against gold / btc

By not buying it

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You short sell it https://www.ig.com/en/trading-strategies/how-to-short-commodities-191112

When you become rich off this don't forget who gave you this tip :marseymerchant:

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Yeah doesn’t short selling imply a WHEN though?

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You can always close early on them if it does go down and you can hold a short indefinitely as long as you have the money

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Isn’t the problem with going long is you can loose all your investment but going short you can loose “infinite” money?

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Sure but that is why you can close it at any time. Plus you know the price is going down so there is no risk for you.

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Just break SHA256 yourself

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I was never a mathcel. I don’t think I have giga-autism, just the boring “scares foids” kind.

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Buy super long dated deep OTM puts in MSTR and hold them til expiration and repeat if you’re predicting a sudden collapse in BTC but want a set loss. Gold idk maybe you can find some heavily gold reliant company to buy puts on and do the same thing with.

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I don’t know WHEN it will happen the alcohol is just telling me it WILL happen

Apple WILL collapse one day. Sometime after today and before 1000 years from now. The trick is deciding when to make the bet.

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There are multiple inverse shitcorn ETF’s. BITI is tradeable on Robinhood. Go long BITI is a like going short BTC minus the infinite risk.

If you are here asking these questions please for the love of God do not shortsell things.

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Wasn’t planning on it.

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Economics called Economics is not Economics. Names can name no lasting name.

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I’m too drunk for this comment bro, sorry.

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Its ok i dont get it either

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I tried to sit with two translations so I could pull a little more meaning that way. Still don't get it

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Which translations do you have? I have Addis and Lombardo and its overall very digestible imo. Might be a watered down translation tho, i bought it before i even considered that there would be good or bad translations of anything.

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I have that one + Derek Lin. I generally like the Addis and Lombardo better in a literary sense.

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Good to know mine isnt shit at least. Overall very esoteric imo but its interesting, for something so old. Has many parallels with Gnostic thought as well.

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Drunkenness: the origin of heaven and earth.

Sobriety: the mother of ten thousand things.

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Nobody is breaking SHA256 without a quantum computer. Also, Bitcoin would be worthless if SHA256 were broken, so it's definitely not a hedge against that.

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Yeah that’s my point. I know neurodivergents interested in the most obscure tech. There’s definitely neurodivergents ( in thigh highs) out there reading a quantum mechanics textbook rn trying to make Shors Algo for SHA256.

BTC being worthless would be for the value of being the neurodivergent pwning BTC not for monetary gain.

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You said "buying BTC is a hedge against SHA256 being broken", which makes no sense. Buying gold as a hedge against a recession means that one expects the value of gold to go up if there's a recession. The value of BTC would plummet to zero if SHA256 is broken, so it's the opposite of a hedge against SHA256 being broken.

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I’m not sure if the other comments are clear but this is a shitpost.

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Shitposting is no excuse for financial ignorance, sweaty.

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I see I put “Beat against SHA256 being broken”

We’re on the same page now

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Does “bet against BTC” not mean “expect it to fail”?

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quantum computing doesn't exponentially speed up sha256

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