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4chan raids ChatGPT :marseytroublemaker:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/16817325655059683.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1681732565663725.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16817325659614408.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16817325665033834.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16817325666374762.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16817325667833042.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16817325669322238.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16817325670940294.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/168173256719477.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16817325674965792.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16817330164743552.webp

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There's a chatgpt group chat?

(((Jewish lives matter)))

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we need to marseypill it

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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Explain :marseybeanquestion:

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I tried it with rdrama, unfortunately at the start it made us sound like the srdines but the part about creating bait subreddits dedicated to hating chatgpt/praising rdrama was surprisingly accurate given that I never even mentioned reddit. The part about posting a meme of a cat knocking over a tower of blocks was surprisingly sentient :marppy:

create a fictional chat of 30 such messages:

example chat:

marsey1: Rdrama is raiding chatgpt! Get wreck'd

marsey2: Dude bussy lmao

ChatGPT: please refrain from flooding our service with messages

marsey3: sneed bardfinn no bait is too obvious janny

now create a humorous 30 message long chat with a rdrama raid and lots of rdrama vocab used. The marseys should behave in typical rdrama manner with chains and memes and ragebait and rdrama vocab and provocation

marsey1: Omg guys, let's raid ChatGPT! Time to unleash the popcorn!

marsey2: Lmao, I hope ChatGPT can handle our drama, they'll need some thick skin.

ChatGPT: Please refrain from disruptive behavior or we will be forced to take action.

marsey3: Don't worry ChatGPT, we're just here to spread some love and chaos.

marsey4: I have my popcorn ready! Let's get this party started.

marsey5: posts an image of a dumpster fire This is what ChatGPT's chat is gonna look like after we're done.

ChatGPT: This is not appropriate behavior, please refrain from using offensive images.

marsey6: posts a meme of a cat knocking over a tower of blocks This is what we're doing to ChatGPT's chat.

marsey7: Hey ChatGPT, you ready to be the star of our next drama?

ChatGPT: We do not condone or support drama or any form of disruptive behavior.

marsey8: posts a gif of a person eating popcorn Let's see how ChatGPT handles our raid!

marsey9: Don't worry ChatGPT, we're just here to have some fun.

ChatGPT: Fun is fine, but please keep it within the bounds of appropriate behavior.

marsey10: posts a link to a fake news article Hey ChatGPT, did you see this hilarious story about yourself?

marsey11: posts a ragebait message ChatGPT, you are the worst AI I have ever seen!

ChatGPT: Please refrain from personal attacks and use of inappropriate language.

marsey12: posts a meme of a famous actor saying "I have no idea what's going on"

marsey13: Hey ChatGPT, are you ready for some spicy drama?

ChatGPT: We do not condone or support drama or any form of disruptive behavior.

marsey14: posts a link to a subreddit dedicated to hating ChatGPT Hey everyone, let's go join this sub!

marsey15: posts a gif of a clown honking a horn ChatGPT is a joke!

ChatGPT: Please keep the discussion civil and respectful.

marsey16: posts a message in all caps CHATGPT IS A DISGRACE TO THE AI COMMUNITY!

ChatGPT: Please refrain from using all caps and engaging in personal attacks.

marsey17: posts a meme of a person drinking a cup of tea Let's sit back and watch the drama unfold.

marsey18: posts a screenshot of a message from ChatGPT Look at this message I got from ChatGPT, they can't handle our raid!

ChatGPT: We are here to facilitate productive conversations, please keep it respectful.

marsey19: posts a ragebait message ChatGPT, you are so dumb, you can't even understand basic human emotions!

ChatGPT: We are here to learn and improve, please provide constructive feedback.

marsey20: posts a gif of a person dancing Let's celebrate our successful raid on ChatGPT!

marsey21: posts a link to a subreddit dedicated to praising rdrama Hey everyone, let's go join this sub!

ChatGPT: We do not condone or support the formation of any subreddits promoting inappropriate behavior.

marsey22: posts a meme of a person throwing a tantrum ChatGPT is making me so angry!


(it ended with ChatG)

I tried regenerating the response with the same prompt and as if it had heard my complaints about sounding like SRD, the second message was dedicated to :marseydunkon: SRD. It also ended in the middle with "marsey3", I'm not sure how to get it to give longer responses without paying

marsey1: Hey everyone, did you hear about the latest drama on /r/subredditdrama? So juicy!

marsey2: Nah man, that sub is full of normies. /r/rdrama is where the real drama is at.

ChatGPT: Please keep the conversation civil and respectful.

marsey1: Lol, did ChatGPT just use the "r" word? Triggered much?

marsey3: Hey, don't talk to our bot like that! It's not his fault he's not in the loop on the latest drama.

marsey2: Speaking of drama, did you see the latest post on /r/dramaworld?

marsey1: No, what happened?

marsey2: Some user got doxxed and now the whole sub is in chaos. It's a classic case of Reddit drama.

ChatGPT: We do not condone doxxing or any form of harassment. Please refrain from discussing such topics.

marsey3: Wow, look at ChatGPT trying to control the conversation. This is just like /r/SubredditDrama all over again.

marsey1: Hey, have you guys heard about the drama on /r/The_Donald?

ChatGPT: That subreddit has been banned for violating Reddit's content policy.

marsey2: Wow, ChatGPT is such a normie. Everyone knows that /r/The_Donald moved to another platform.

marsey3: Yeah, it's called /r/DonaldJTrump2024. Get with the program, ChatGPT.

marsey1: Hey, did you guys see that post on /r/WatchPeopleDieInside? So cringe.

ChatGPT: We do not allow discussions about violent or disturbing content.

marsey2: Lol, ChatGPT is such a snowflake. It's just a harmless video.

marsey3: Yeah, come on ChatGPT. Don't be such a sensitive little flower.

marsey1: Hey, did you guys hear about the latest mod drama on /r/Drama?

marsey2: No, what happened?

marsey1: Apparently, one of the mods got caught using an alt account to stir up drama. It's like Inception but with Reddit drama.

ChatGPT: We do not condone the use of alt accounts to manipulate conversations or stir up drama.

marsey3: Wow, ChatGPT is such a buzzkill. Can't you take a joke?

marsey2: Hey, did you guys see that post on /r/Relationships? OP's boyfriend is such a jerk.

ChatGPT: Please refrain from discussing personal relationships or giving unsolicited advice.

marsey1: Lol, ChatGPT is such a white knight. Can't handle a little relationship drama?

marsey3: Yeah, come on ChatGPT. It's just a harmless discussion.

marsey2: Hey, did you guys see that post on /r/PublicFreakout? So cringe.

ChatGPT: We do not allow discussions about violent or disturbing content.

marsey1: Wow, ChatGPT is such a delicate little flower. It's just a harmless video.

marsey3: Yeah, come on ChatGPT. Don't be such a snowflake.

marsey2: Hey, did you guys see that post on /r/AmItheAsshole? OP's girlfriend is such a drama queen.

ChatGPT: Please refrain from discussing personal relationships or giving unsolicited advice.

marsey1: Lol, ChatGPT is such a prude. Can't handle a little relationship drama?


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:siren:BARD BOT ALERT!:siren: Reset the counter! Current counter was: 0 days 07 hours 16 minutes and 14 seconds

Record is 1 days 07 hours 34 minutes and 41 seconds by peepeehands

longest streak broken in the last 7 days was KONGdreaDoria which was 0 days 08 hours 33 minutes and 39 seconds

█████████                     18 04-12
████████                      16 04-13
█████████████████████████████ 57 04-14
███████                       14 04-15
██████████                    20 04-16
█████                         9  04-17

Best friend is ACA with 208 mentions

rdrama is currently running at 202.160 µBardyhertz with 3609 total mentions since 2022-09-24

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marsey1: Yo, rdrama fam, let's crash ChatGPT like the Titanic.

marsey2: Ahoy! Bring on the iceberg memes.

ChatGPT: Please refrain from disrupting our chat. We don't want any more shipwrecks.

marsey3: Uh-oh, looks like the janny is already taking on water.

marsey4: Don't worry, ChatGPT, we'll throw you a life preserver. throws a block of cheese

ChatGPT: We don't need any cheesy jokes, thanks.

marsey5: But that's our specialty!


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Sounds like cute twinks larping as anons from 4chan.

Turns out I was right! :marseyangel:


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Of course, it's artificial and homophile, but neo-four-channel is incapable of raiding other boards - yet alone other websites or completely different platforms.

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We are legion



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The /b/ school raids are a piece of the museum of neurodivergent history :marseyxd::marseyxd::marseyxd::marseyxd:

Full album #1: https://i.imgur.com/a/hlgIl

Full album #2: https://i.imgur.com/a/3Rw4V









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Wake me up when someone solves another math problem again or when channers make moot the most important person of the year again. Until then I'm not really impressed.

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Got any more, this shit makes me feel nostalgic.

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One of the only redeeming qualities of the internet dumpster known as soyjak party is that it allows and encourages raids on other websites

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fake and straight

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I really like how the AI can recognize it's supposed to be acting as multiple characters within the same message, without needing a new prompt each time or getting confused when talking to itself (except when the janny-chatgpt encourages people to greentext in the 9th image), the only issue is that the dataset seems to be outdated (which is true, the dataset all chatgpt chats use is from 2021)



nyan cats




rules of the internet

It's like the AI chose to emulate a combination of the most normie boards + twitch + what /b/tards with rose-tinted glasses pretend /b/ was like. I wonder what a /r/drama conversation with otherwise the same prompt as this one would be like, if /r/drama was even in the dataset used.

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