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>we're making billions off driving westoids to suicide? darn that's crazy


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It's evil but you got to respect the grift.

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Well, at least his body touches grass, in a way now.

Unironically if you feel suicidal, go to a park or sth, greenery calm the mind.

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It's also a good place to find some sturdy trees to hang yourself from, or maybe a small pond to make sure the job is 100% finished when you OD, or some railroad tracks to lie down on.

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That's not nice.

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I know, I don't really like what I let myself do and say the more I use this place.

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How? Every time I see a Reddit comment everything said here feels justified and sometimes not enough.

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I get it.

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Unironically take a sip of beer. Keemstar is right about muh mental health.

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Beer tastes like shit

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Frick them kids

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Nooooo don’t keep yourself safe your biceps are so huge haha

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ohhh nooo the algorithm designed to maximize engagement by showing you things you would be likely to stay on the platform and watch ends up showing you things you'll be emotionally invested in, like imagery of suicide while you're feeling depressed

ohhhhh nooooooo who could have predicted this would happen ah shit

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Normally I'd agree with this kinda position but there is a bit of nefariousness by the people who create these algorithms and deliberately obfuscate it and release it onto impressionable people.

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The nefariousness in my opinion comes from the exploitation of our societal acceptance of dopamine hyper-optimizers like TikTok. We should genuinely, and I say this as a drug user, treat TikTok the same way we treat a drug like codeine or adderall. Parents should take action to prevent their children from using this shit in an unsafe way. People should know the risks and time their daily usage, etc. Therapists and addiction counselors should be equipped to handle addiction to these apps in the same way they treat chemical addicts (or hopefully much better).

Treat it like gambling, porn, or drug addiction instead of just "some dumb teen app" and maybe the demand for this type of thing will lower and thereby the supply.

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dopamine hyper optimizers is hilarious, the shit people believe about dopamine and earnestly explain is just amazing. Just like serotonin imbalances are the cause of all depression, oops, they're not, you'll be amazed to discover that human beings are not horses being led by dopamine carrots or dopamine junkies addicted to the brain's sweet supply of dopamine. In general thinking in terms of neurotransmitters causing action, instead of being the mechanism of action happening, is not useful.

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Oh I 100% agree, I just don't blame people for getting sucked into it because of how good it is at doing its job. I'm upset that people don't want to take the threat seriously and call people luddites or the like for suggesting that social media might not be the healthiest thing for someone's mind. Unfortunately, I think social media might be too ubiquitous with peoples' lives to really be separated anymore unless some real legislation happens.

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Youtube does it as well! Even netflix recently tbh, I don't want to watch gore and murder but it's everywhere. Is it just my ads?

My YouTube recommended is nothing but podcast clips and fishing/hunting videos

I'm split on it, i do think the algorithms can make it easier for you to fall in weird holes, I've had it happen where my recommended gets all wacky for like a day by just watching a couple YouTube vids that get linked here. But at the same time it's pretty easy to overcome by just not clicking them and watching your normal shit again.

So yea, it can absolutely recommend you weird shit but it's also your fault for falling deeper into it. Personal accountability, argggg

I cant say if tiktok's method is functionally different than youtube because i don't use it but at the end of the day be an adult and put your phone down (or your kids phone) if what it's showing you messes with your mood or theirs

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heh yeah I don't use one of the things being talked about here, however,

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Remember when this was at the top of YouTube and no one batted an eye?

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I now never want to kill myself. Because I've seen the devil's face.

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Man, that article was a brutal read. I want us to nuke Beijing.

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none of them keep themselves safe in a cool way though

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  • Get a decent 20ft vertical distance

  • Secure a cheese-wire noose around your neck and anchor to the roof

  • Super glue your hands to each side of your head

  • Yeet yoself

If done correctly, it should look like you ripped your own head off :marseyretardchad:

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conduct unbecoming

i fricking hate janitors :marseybrainlet:

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And that's a good thing! :marseywholesome:

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That annoying Disney shill went down this rabbit hole...

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