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AI Ethicist seethes at uncensored model because it can do a hate speech.


Lots of drama in this thread. With blackmailing over email and threats. Here is some highlights.


https://i.rdrama.net/images/16836629857109876.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1683662986188389.webp

Ends with a jannie y'alling the thread

Edit: Since this post is doing so well, have some bonus peepeesword drama of some other AI ethicist also whining:



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And downloaded. Now to figure out what I can plug this into to run.

ChudGPT lets go.

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for GPU or, if you don't have enough VRAM or want to run it on CPU for whatever reason:


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Oh sweet, I was peepeeing around with trying to get Kobold to let me load it. Kobold has the best setup, it has great support for partially loading onto the GPU.

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