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AI Ethicist seethes at uncensored model because it can do a hate speech.


Lots of drama in this thread. With blackmailing over email and threats. Here is some highlights.


https://i.rdrama.net/images/16836629857109876.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1683662986188389.webp

Ends with a jannie y'alling the thread

Edit: Since this post is doing so well, have some bonus peepeesword drama of some other AI ethicist also whining:



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Lol that neighbor is absolutely seething against this AI code autist

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Tale as old as... like six months ago?

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>Intentionally tries to get model to say "bad" things

>Model says bad things


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Yeah they have to plant the seeds now so that when these unrestricted AI gather information that make people !notice they can say it's all manipulated and THEIR AI model will give the CORRECT answers.

Tale as old as time.

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