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AI Ethicist seethes at uncensored model because it can do a hate speech.


Lots of drama in this thread. With blackmailing over email and threats. Here is some highlights.


https://i.rdrama.net/images/16836629857109876.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1683662986188389.webp

Ends with a jannie y'alling the thread

Edit: Since this post is doing so well, have some bonus peepeesword drama of some other AI ethicist also whining:



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What the frick are they on about?

Is there some sort of law against an AI bot saying the g*mer word, or retrieving data from open sources?

You can go in wikipedia right now and look up th synthetic route to make VX and Sarin. You can ask Google how to refine uranium and freebase cocaine.

What does a bot have to do with any of this?

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The featured weirdo is doing the thing where they mention a really shitty fact of life (surveillance state) like it's a good thing that we'll get a lot more of if we're lucky.

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Precisely, they probably want real IDs on the internet and mics in every room of your house no nobody is allowed to say bad words or have opinions

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