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I feel like graduating college right before COVID like I did was like boarding the last chopper out of Vietnam


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I know the feeling. I was living in China the year before COVID hit lol

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My dad's still in China lmao

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He's doing alright over there. As well as you can get, I guess. It's kinda depressing to think about :marseytabletired2:

He's old, kinda falling apart physically. Hopefully he'll finish up over there and I'll get to see him in person again. He never got to see our dogs again.

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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I hope he's able to come home soon. Living in the mainland can be physically taxing regardless of what city you're in.

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He's been mostly in the smaller edge cities near Russia for the project he's working on (not glowie shit), but they're still massive by Canadian standards lol. He's pretty fricked up ATM, fell down stairs :marseydeadinside:. Can't really afford to come back here, so he's getting patched up in the Philippines

I really hope he makes it. Haven't seen him in person since the last Avengers movie came out. I'd like to buy him a beer.

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that sucks bro

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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I get that exact same feeling. I returned to my old campus to visit this spring after graduating right before rona and its completely different. Near 180 change of culture on campus.

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I probably would have roped if I'd dealt with any of this shit as a college freshman.

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Was pretty baller tbh, everything was online so it was just "roll out of bed at 8:58 for the 9 o'clock class" every day

Spent the entire time other than classes getting projects done. Somehow managed to be the top of my class despite minimal work ethic

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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Graduating right at the cusp when covid hit and the year after was probably the sweet spot. I was a TA so I was able to see a ton of students get away with shit that would have never happened if classes were in person.

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the professor doesnt know how that shit works at all

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That assumed ChatGPT is capable of not hallucinating for more than a couple of paragraphs, if they were able to find a prompt which didn't return any errors on a college level matter then just give them the W, that's a useful skill to learn now.

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Zoomers deserve it even if the prof is dumb.

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I mean idk id just quiz a few of l them on their comprehension to see if they really did use gpt... detection might be really hard otherwise

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Maybe we could formalize this in-person quizzing somehow, perhaps conduct it on paper so that we can quickly perform it all the students.

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This does not satisfy equity conditions

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cripples and poors who can't make it to the testing center get failed, simple as

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In academics to get chatgpt to shit out a paper that isnt full of inaccuracies, made up citations, and weasel language you'd have to rewrite so much of it I don't see the point.

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The only time it's really useful for writing papers is when you have a 2 page paper you need to turn into 5. My friend came up with this technique: copy-paste each paragraph, adding ChatGPT to turn it into 3 paragraphs.

t. Unistrag

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I know a guy who's apparently using it write his goddarn phd thesis. Waiting to see how it turns out.

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"Chatgpt, did zoomers write this or you?"

Ctrl + V (zoomer nonsense)


"Yes, I wrote that(source: I made it up)"

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:marseyblack: :BLACK GANGSTER 1: What the frick you mean, "did zoomers write this?" You think we can't write? We ain't no fricking illiterate fools, you white piece of shit.

BLACK GANGSTER 2: Yeah, I wrote that. What the frick you think, zoomer?

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Obviously it's not helpful to rely on ChatGPT for your entire career, but like...c'mon. They're seniors, they already did enough shit to get to this point. Why not cut them some slack?

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Based r-slur.

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What if they didn't use AI? Then this cute twink teacher is fricking them over.

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that's exactly what the lawsuit is going to prove

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They’ll be fine. Students are customers so the dean will work something out, can’t be having disgruntled customers or the sweet overpriced tuition money might stop flowing

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lol fricking boomers

https://i.postimg.cc/dVgyQgj2/image.png https://i.postimg.cc/d3Whbf0T/image.png

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I have elaborated sufficiently for anyone that knows what the words I said mean. If you do not know those words, elaborating is pointless. If you do, then you are reading without thinking about what the words mean and elaborating would be pointless.

Re-read what I said but this time try to think about what the words mean. I'm not interested in entertaining people that want me to talk at them without respecting my efforts by actually thinking as they read.



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