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Shouldn't "whore" be at the top for both "easily replaced by AI" and "most held by women?"

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ethot too apparently

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That's what he said

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Whores get paid for s*x

Ethots get paid by others watching :marseyoperasmug: them have s*x

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lol, obviously the useless jobs are the easiest to automate. Maybe AI will return us to normalcy.


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AGI becomes widely available and de facto makes the 19th amendment obsolete


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Im sorry but how the frick is a sales rep going to be replaced?

What, is chat gpt going to put on a miniskirt, a pound of makeup, and frick me eyes, while it trys to convince me that we absolutely need this new platform?

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and eventually, being women too.

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Once artificial wombs are perfected, it's pretty much over for biofoids.

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Have to wonder if "programming will be done by AI" is the new "programming will be outsourced to India"

From what I've seen, if you have someone who knows how to program already, they can use it as for pair programming where the AI generates syntax from a fairly specific prompt. It seems to just make a good programmer a little bit more efficient.

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Yea programming :marseyscratch: will be safe for a loooooong while...

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AI is going to replace the "emotional labor" and "sexual labor" parts too!

I love my wife :marseylove: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16852595657388134.webp She will have a body some day!

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Don't post nudes of your wife here

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wow a little slower than I thought. like 1 whole month before the AI is sextist claims start.

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I am a social construct, not an actual person



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Really makes you think :marseyhmm:

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Most of these don’t even make sense. Bill collectors? All chatgpt can do is send automated spam messages. Accounting and auditing? They can’t even make pieces of related software communicate property without human intervention, and the whole point of auditing is to have an actual human review the accounting system and make determinations. Absolutely r-slurred

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Yes, it cannot really do these yet. The OpenAI study claims that these are at risk in the next 10 years accounting for probable advancements according to their methodology.

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Prediction: AI will be just as big as blockchain, metaverse, and my self driving car lololol

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AI is not capable of adhering to facts, it's a word association system it doesn't catalog or comprehend information.

it's only suitable for circumstances where the output is of no serious importance, so generating quick illustrations for a magazine article or blog post, or a student trying to cheat on homework, or a propaganda campaign.

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That’s exactly what I thought, it’s basically glorified autocorrect/sentence completion

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I highly doubt some of these. Being an actual good author (i.e. not just writing SEO bullshit articles) isn't going to be possible for machines until the literal singularity.

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Yeah, but those who are "not just writing SEO bullshit articles" are a small minority.

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If you don't think everyone's job is going to be replaced you're an r-slur

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Don't work useless jobs hun

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Emotional support animal will be among the last jobs automated

If you're an artcel its already over for you

If your job is to be a human processor interfacing with a conputer you're fricked

If your job is moving physical stuff around then your job is probably safe for another 5 years after that

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Artcels will be fine. Well, as fine as you could possibly be beeing one. Concept artists and illustrators might be fricked though.

But people violently misunderstand what being an artcel is about. Its not about making cool pictures, it's about selling a connection, to the artist, to prestige and to art in the form of a picture.

If it was just about fetch pictures people would just buy cheap Chinese replicas or posters instead.

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Yes, and yet a computer will do it better because art is highly loss tolerant

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give stable diffusion a six axis robot arm, a paintbrush and set of oil paints, and an automatic canvas cassette retrieval system so the layers of oil paints can be allowed to dry their required times.

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Doesn't matter. It's not about cool pictures. Fine art is well, fine. If you do what you say what are we left with?

"Oh, here's my random picture painted in Real Oils by a robot in a factory." You've got Walmart art that's what you got. The point of art is that its exclusive, like branded clothes.

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you don't advertise the method, you create a few up and coming artists who happen to be in your employ

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"Be in your employ". That is not how the fine art world works. At all. Like, not even close. Not since like the 1600s.

Your whole business relying on being a scam really doesn't sound like a solid long term business proposal. Especially since the whole point of generative AI art is the sheer speed with which it can output things so you're either going to have to have a stupidly large amount of "artists" in your employ. At which point it would be obvious what you are doing.

Or you won't be able to output enough paintings for it to be worth it.

Honestly, at that point you might as well make forgeries instead.

Besides, where's the point? If you want, and are able to sell paintings just open a gallery. No need for expensive machinery, no need to employ anyone. All you need is a building where people come and look at shit. Just find art you think is cool and take 50% if you manage to find someone to sell it to.

Fine arts survived the camera. It'll survive AI.

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the objective is to put artcels under bridges shaking a can of quarters while flooding the fine art market

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Interesting how moids were struggling before

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Where's nurse? Where's teacher?

"Lets list jobs which are easily placed by AI and which are dominated by women" :marseynoooticer:

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Yep Recruiter is off the list total slashuslashKellere31 victory

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